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40mm launcher/ammo improvements
Frank_Stein Wrote:There definitely needs to be t-shirt shells, that fire shirts promoting various products from the vending machines.
My god, this is genius! Especially for reliving the death of maude flanders (Note: I spent about 15 minutes looking, all of the videos of decent quality depicting her death appear to have been taken down by fox, and I'm too lazy to cut it from that episode myself, but needless to say, it involves a T-Shirt launcher related fatality. (It was The simpsons S 11 E 14)). Anyway, my answer is hell to the yes to this idea!
Six rounds. You'd load it with grenades (any kind, including science grenades), or pipe bombs, then just fire away. However it'd count as a large object just like the red chainsaw and thus you couldn't fit it into things.
There really does need to be more surplus crate only traitor gear and this would be a great place to start.
I don't see a particular advantage to this, especially considering those grenades fit in a box as well. Or considering that you're unlikely to get this with a grenade kit coupled. Or considering that it's basically a massive, obvious thing that you cannot hide efficiently. Or considering that it does what using a grenade or pipe bomb in your active hand does.

Unless it makes the grenade or pipe bomb go off instantly. Hrm. That might be interesting.
Six 40mm grenades going off in rapid-fire succession could be pretty rough on the server. Single shot launchers were an intentional choice to slow down how often people can fire them. I can give it some more testing but a six-shot MGL seems a bit excessive. We're trying to lean more in the direction of stealth and mischief with new gear lately, there are already tons of ways to rampage and blow holes in the station. I have been considering letting pod weapons be mounted on tripods though, so... hrmph.

I'm heading to Iceland today and coming back on the 7th. If I've got some time to waste at airports, I'll see if I can knock out an MGL and let players mess around with it a bit.
Cogwerks Wrote:I have been considering letting pod weapons be mounted on tripods though.
An turrent that (hopefully) slowly recharges? This could be pretty awesome for defense based gimmics.

Now if we could add automated turrents that react slowly to players for automatd defenses. That could be pretty cool too
While you're at it, why not make the single shot riot launcher in Security work like I posted above and just change it's ammo box to normal smoke grenades? That way security can also use it to fire crowd control nades.
Berrik Wrote:While you're at it, why not make the single shot riot launcher in Security work like I posted above and just change it's ammo box to normal smoke grenades? That way security can also use it to fire crowd control nades.

Cogwerks Wrote:Single shot launchers were an intentional choice to slow down how often people can fire them.
I'm not gonna have it throw pipebombs and objects out, that's dumb and would require a weird hybrid version outside of the normal gun/ammo system. If you want that, just use the Rock-it Launcher with tomatoes or something. Any 40mm payloads will go in as shell types at some point.
Cogwerks Wrote:I'm not gonna have it throw pipebombs and objects out, that's dumb and would require a weird hybrid version outside of the normal gun/ammo system. If you want that, just use the Rock-it Launcher with tomatoes or something. Any 40mm payloads will go in as shell types at some point.
Not to derail anything, but I feel these two are slightly connected: Will any of the payload ideas from the big thread of 40mm grenade shells be implemented ever? Might be a nice tag-along with this addition.
Yes. I'll just merge the threads.
pizzatiger Wrote:
Cogwerks Wrote:I have been considering letting pod weapons be mounted on tripods though.
An turrent that (hopefully) slowly recharges? This could be pretty awesome for defense based gimmics.

Now if we could add automated turrents that react slowly to players for automatd defenses. That could be pretty cool too
Mechanics already get turret stuff, though not auto-tracking.
Paineframe Wrote:
pizzatiger Wrote:
Cogwerks Wrote:I have been considering letting pod weapons be mounted on tripods though.
An turrent that (hopefully) slowly recharges? This could be pretty awesome for defense based gimmics.

Now if we could add automated turrents that react slowly to players for automatd defenses. That could be pretty cool too
Mechanics already get turret stuff, though not auto-tracking.
Perhaps a motion sensor mechanics object could help with that? Though, the turret itself only shoots forward, it would have to be changed to be able to shoot the location it's triggered at.

Though that might be a bit much.
Here's a thought: if my idea of just loading throwable grenades won't work, what about a special manufacturer in security or something that you can stuff grenades/pipe bombs/chemnades into and have them turned into 40mm loads of the appropriate type?
Oh god this keeps dying it has to be brought back.

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