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Wizards need some improvement bigtime
Honestly, in my opinion, fireball should stay unnerfed.

It's a spell for people who are bad at being wizards, like soulguard.
Sorry for the double post, but I submitted my previous post a bit too early.

In my opinion, the problem with empower isn't the TK, it's the hulk.
Hulk is pretty much useless at this point. It doesn't provide stun resistance anymore, nor does it actually make you hit all that hard. The only use it has is if someone is already down.
shadowdimentio Wrote:
Sundance Wrote:Empowerer
I despise this spells because it's stupid. Hulk doesn't have much use when you're busting out of places or fighting, and instant TK is very over-powered. Thankfully not many people abuse it anymore, but it still exists. IMO replace this spell with being able to turn into a werewolf for a short period of time. It's the same concept, but better fleshed out.
You're just using it wrong, bro.

Empower is easily the best wizard spell if you know the (not so)secret technique that turns it into a superior version of Shocking Grasp, and that's not even mentioning the stun resistance and TK. Extra bonus points if you also take Shocking Grasp with you and irreparably kill most of the station.

That being said, it's a perfectly balanced wiz spell and shouldn't be changed, at least until the (not so)secret technique is discovered.

aardvarko hulk suplexes gib aardvarko
empower could be a cool and more versatile/fun spell if it gave you random new genetics powers

make it random picks every time, but it's only good genetics powers, no bad mutations as long as you have a staff
Empower does not give Shocking Grasp a bigger range. Shocking Grasp doesn't care if you have or could have a grab on someone or not. It's a one-tile-range special ability.
Wizards are taking that mix of spells because the crew shoots any wizard on sight. It's a self-perpetuating cycle.

Also, please don't be Kubius.
Marquesas Wrote:Wizards are taking that mix of spells because the crew shoots any wizard on sight. It's a self-perpetuating cycle.

Also, please don't be Kubius.
Yeah cause people got tired of "friendly wizards" now people are probably getting grumpy at killer fireball wizards. Eh. This will keep happening as you said. Not much that nerfing that mix of spells will do to it.
KikiMofo Wrote:
Marquesas Wrote:Wizards are taking that mix of spells because the crew shoots any wizard on sight. It's a self-perpetuating cycle.

Also, please don't be Kubius.
Yeah cause people got tired of "friendly wizards" now people are probably getting grumpy at killer fireball wizards. Eh. This will keep happening as you said. Not much that nerfing that mix of spells will do to it.

The cycle will never end....
Sorry for double posting but.....I REALLY think that Necromancy spell needs a buff of some kind

Lets compare two spells that make Npcs that attack people for you

  • Cool down is pretty short
  • All you need is regreants to make it
  • Have an decent health
  • Pretty decent attack
  • Has the fear factor due to the possible regreants its made of
  • If it hits you you get the chemicals its made of inside you AND if it dies it makes a cool last ditch smoke

  • Cool down is long
  • You need a dead body to use it(This also promotes the lame fireball/lasergun wizards)
  • The skeleton has god awful health
  • The attacker is a TINY bit stronger then golem
  • No fear factor to them to keep people from charging at them......who cares if it hits you!
  • The only good thing is it gibs a body for you

Do you see the problem here? Golem and necromancy DO the same thing but Golem spell is 100 times better in almost EVERY FUCKING WAY

Either Necromancy needs a buff or it needs to be replaced with some kind of spell that work like amnia regreant with an area of effect (It wears off after a few seconds though)
Make the skeletons from necromancy rebuild themselves after being defeated ala Mario Dry Bones.

The only way to get of em for good is by spacing them.
I just thing gun wizards are fucking ridiculous. Then again, there's nothing stopping an assistant with a QM bought/Mechanic produced lasergun or a drinking glass full of sarin to ruin your day.
I think what wizards really need are some new objectives.

Now that salt exists, maybe have the wizard need to perform some fancy-schmancy ritual somewhere, and he needs items from around the station to do it. Picks up the pieces, sets them on a big salt circle, says the magic mumbo jumbo, BOOM, station is eaten by some eldritch monstrosity. Game end, wizard 1 station 0.

Something like the Nuke ending, maybe.
The end-round text does talk about the wizard's Dark Ritual. Even though the dark ritual seems to consist solely of fireballing and cluwning everything they see. They really should have some unique objectives involving some magic hocus pocus. Maybe set of individual objectives for mixed rounds and team objectives for proper wizard rounds when there's more oft than not a team of wizards.
Maybe instead of turning the body into a skeleton, the spell could turn the body into one of those NPC zombies? Would be a fair bit more threatening.
Crumplehat Wrote:Now that salt exists, maybe have the wizard need to perform some fancy-schmancy ritual somewhere

Like this hasn't been tried before.
Albert Einstein Wrote:Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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