09-01-2014, 02:32 AM
I got deadchat talking about salt should stop regular ghosts...This is what happened
That isn't that whole converstation because i have to cut bits off to save some space
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) wails, "use salt to stop the wraith"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "put the salt on your fries and in your soup"."
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "dont waste salt like some loonies"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) moans, "lets just shoot the wraith"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) laments, "it would stop ghosts from going through it"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) moans, "easy"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) wails, "your a ghost"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) moans, "lololololol"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "IM NOT A REAL GHOST"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "IM A GAME GHOST"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "A DORK"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) wails, "that would be rubbish for the game mode"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) moans, "salt is super easy"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) wails, "Wow frank....your getting rather worked up about salt stopping ghosts?"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "JUST EAT THE SALT"
DEAD: Ghost (Ulric Owen) laments, "salt really stops ghosts?"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "NO"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) laments, "IT DOESNT"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) moans, "just surround yourself with salt and you win the round"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) laments, "Frank....be careful or the humans will make a salt box around you!"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) moans, "that would stop you!"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) laments, "SALT IS NOT REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) laments, "lolololol"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) wails, "go other way kills"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) moans, "werid frank....i can see some salt right now"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) laments, "pubbie tears.txt"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "hotwiring the engine is a 5 second job"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) moans, "i got to say....salt is pretty real"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "you're not real"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) wails, "no its not"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "yes it is"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) moans, "so...if salt isn't real and i am not real"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) moans, "does that mean i am a salty ghost?""
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) laments, "this is the stupidest argument"
DEAD: Ghost (Ulric Owen) wails, "how can salt be real if game is not real"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) laments, "but hilarious"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) moans, "I going to replace all the walls with salt infused walls next round"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) grumps, "Then frank will be stopped!"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "im going to smash your face in with a brick"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) laments, "it should exist"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "because its realistic"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) wails, "your mom is realistic"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) laments, "I am a ghost...you can't hit me with a brick...unless its a salty brick"
DEAD: Neddy Seagoon laments, "DAYUM"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "zeta i know who u r"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "i will find u"
DEAD: Ghost (Enrique Bowchiew) wails, "salt is love salt is life"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) moans, "needy your missing the pubbie tears"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) wails, "neddy sorry"
DEAD: Ghost (Neddy Seagoon) wails, "For what?"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) laments, "i didnt mean to say sorry whoops"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "WHO INVENTED SS13"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) laments, "your mom did"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "WHO INVENTED VIDEO GAME"
DEAD: Ghost (Nehemiah Ehret) wails, "YOUR MOM"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "WHY INVENTED VIDEO GAME"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) moans, "your mom did"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "WELL YOUR MOM IS DEAD"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) wails, "Jesus is an ghost.....thats why they rubbed salts into his wounds"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) laments, "this rage is from someone saying salt stops ghosts"
DEAD: Ghost (Erasmaus Polovyk) moans, "Damn"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) moans, "I WANT SALT"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) grumps, "SALT DOESNT STOP GHOSTS"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) laments, "ENGINE IS HOTWIRED BILL"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) moans, "pubbie tears.txt"
DEAD: Ghost (Luke Warmbongwater) laments, "Jesus said be salt of the earth"
DEAD: Ghost (Luke Warmbongwater) laments, "Salt everywhere pleas"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) wails, "why you think jesus was hidding ontop of the cross?"
DEAD: Ghost (Nehemiah Ehret) laments, "Holy fuck what happened in telesci?"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "IT JUST EXISTED YOU DORKFUCK"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) laments, "He was hiding from the salt!"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) laments, "IT STILL DOESNT EXIST"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) laments, "them salt piles are powerful!"
DEAD: Ghost (Neddy Seagoon) wails, "Who slipped the bible under the Captain, anyway? That was a masterful murder"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "i killed myself"
DEAD: Ghost (Luke Warmbongwater) laments, "Salt is the new plasma"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) laments, "no idea"
DEAD: Ghost (John Silva) wails, "that was a great bible murder"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) laments, "Salt placed the bible under the captain"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) laments, "shut up"""
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) wails, "that is why he is an salty ghost"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) moans, "what"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) laments, "SALT DOESNT STOP GHOSTS"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) moans, "YOU FARt"
DEAD: Ghost (Urist McMiner) laments, "fuck yo mama and fuck logiiiic"
DEAD: Ghost (Romayne Flickinger) wails, "What is going on?"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) moans, "Frank.....go eat some french fries RIGHT now"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "NO"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) grumps, "but you can't"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "IM WATCHING MY CALORIES"
DEAD: Ghost (Cyborg Zeta-78) moans, "because it has some SALT PILES!"
DEAD: Ghost (Frank Lester) wails, "SHUT UP THATS WHY"
That isn't that whole converstation because i have to cut bits off to save some space