HoS Application Isaac Kirkhope/Weavel
You think I don't do that Clarks? Sucker I invented not giving a fuck about crime, don't wave it around at me.

The point is subtlety. It's become a culture wherein the people who get chosen as hos try their hardest to seem like they care the least, and it's disingenuous. Not only that, but by explaining so flatly that you're gonna do it and how you're gonna do it, you absolutely betray the spirit of fun.

While I agree that it can be boring to have a round with no antagonists, if the antagonist doesn't have anything to fear from its main enemy, the security team, it sort of sucks all the life out of the entire thing. Also, my post was more of a general thing, not simply meant to railroad Isaac. Isaac is a good guy, and obviously isn't the first person to say these kinds of things.
Quote:this is a farty space game and i want to be the cops
I approve of this application.
Sadly I'm going to have to go against the grain. The only time I've dealt with Isaac Kirkhope as security, it's usually him being dead serious about winning. I like Weav as a player but as a security he'll arrest and strip search you on some pretty thing pretense. I'm a small opinion here, and he'll get it, but I figured I'd voice it.
Definitely, Weavel's a top notch guy. Give he!
I think he is pretty chill. I vote yes
RandyArcher Wrote:Sadly I'm going to have to go against the grain. The only time I've dealt with Isaac Kirkhope as security, it's usually him being dead serious about winning. I like Weav as a player but as a security he'll arrest and strip search you on some pretty thing pretense. I'm a small opinion here, and he'll get it, but I figured I'd voice it.

I think I know the round you're talking about yeah, I'm not 100% if it was you, but look you were sending poisons in beaker assemblies to Sec to test if smoke transferred on skin contact. Should have just tested it on yourself!

When I did arrest you, if you are who I remember from that round, you started telling me you'd bring up letter-of-the-law stuff from the Wiki. I just ignored it while you grumped at some other dude in the brig and later in mentorhelp I walked you through the best chem to test your smokes on. I don't see what the issue was; you sent poison bombs to Sec, then you were sitting inside Sec when I stunned you, and I could have sworn that Dick Justice helped me take all your stuff and put it in a locker nearby.

(this is all based on if this dude was you, if not please give me the occasion of me being shit)
Nah that wasn't me, though I have been curious about the smoke thing. There are a few but one that comes to mind is me coming back from space with a gun on my belt and getting a full strip search as a result. To be clear locked phasers and all guns look the same on a belt, and experience oughta tell you "hey they can get guns from space"... your first came after me in podbay, then chased me down. To be clear, as the RD in that match, I had card access to buy a wave gun if I wanted. There are a few others, but again I like you as a player I just figured if you're gonna be HoS I might voice some things that came up that are my protests, more for the hopes that they don't carry over than in the hopes you'll not get it (I'm fine with you as a player)
Other than taking stuff a little too seriously at times, Isaac is a good guy and a fine player. I honestly thought you were already a HoS, it's silly that you're not. Get the hatte and join the lame club. smile
What the actual fuck?! Weavel is probably one of the best players I have met.
APPROVED in this little pubbie's opinion
Better him than me.
why are you not hos yet
All of my yes. YES.
Yes, there's no reason not to jump on the support bandwagon.

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