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Arc Smelter Feedback Thread
Dauntasa Wrote:
Bobbeh Wrote:with most erebite objects it has to be in its loose form to go boom, sadly
this is absolutely not true as evidenced by a round this morning in which most of the station was destroyed by a dangerous erebite jumpsuit fashion trend

they're only slightly more difficult to set off. someone lighting a cigarette while wearing an erebite jumpsuit killed at least 7 people.
Your evidence has nothing to do with the claim. An erebite jumpsuit is in its "loose" form, meaning it's not part of a construction
also some erebite windows and floor tiles which had been bolted down all exploded violently at various points
Dauntasa Wrote:also some erebite windows and floor tiles which had been bolted down all exploded violently at various points

Apparently incendiary grenades arnt enough to make that happen.
they work strangely

the things that set them off seem to be hitting them with a welder or lighter
Turfs don't react the same way to temp changes as objects do, erebite turf behaviors haven't been coded yet.

BYOND IN A NUTSHELL: Basic classes of things are as follows

Datum: data things
Area: definitions for rooms
Turf: walls, floors, space
Object: a physical thing that does stuff, but isn't a turf
Mob: playable characters, people, AI, npcs, but not critters - we have those set as objects, but I hear TG build has critters as mobs.

Interactions that work on objects won't necessarily work on turfs unless/until code is set up for that.
Walls are turfs, windows are objects.
One thing I'm looking forward to if it's ever added is the ability to put add chemical reagants into the metals, similar to how you can infuse seeds in the Plantmaster, so you can strengthen the metal/crystals' properities (higher grade cut, more tensile strength, less slag upon creation) or add a silly reagant just for fun. This would also probably open up a can of worms in coding though.
There's also the idea of using the outdated field generators and emitters as some sort of sci-fi electrodes for the furnace, but that's more pie in the sky.
Now that Keelin's done a ton of work setting up all the infrastructure for this, I'm gonna start filling in more details.
  • Bone
  • Cardboard
  • Beeswax
  • Leather
  • Chitin
  • Asbestos

Gonna also add another thing to critter butchering so you can get skins, bone or chitin from certain things.
Please suggest more basic materials!

Uhhhhh... Ink? Teeth/fangs/tusks? Blubber?
owl beaks

the strongest material useable
John Johnson shoves himself into the arc smelter! Holy shit!

This is a Uqon Uqison-bar.
APARTHEID Wrote:John Johnson shoves himself into the arc smelter! Holy shit!

This is a Uqon Uqison-bar.
This needs to be a thing.
Lavastage Wrote:
APARTHEID Wrote:John Johnson shoves himself into the arc smelter! Holy shit!

This is a Uqon Uqison-bar.
This needs to be a thing.

Assistant alloy, scientist steel, clown carborundum and so much more! It'd be a great excuse to bring back the old living wall sprite if you use that to panel walls, too.

Adding certain chemicals to the arc smelter should be able to modify the properties slightly, like making alloys more transparent or altering the colour. Or perhaps a chemical treatment bath would make the process a little more obvious?

As for basic materials, plastic seems like it should be a thing. Most of the tool sprites have plastic-coated handles, for instance. The generic fabric that you get from fibrilith or cotton should probably be in too, with combinations/'alloys' being referred to as a 'blend'. About the only other resource I can think of that's present in the station but not otherwise represented is wood.
I want a plastic armor painted yellow or red so I can be Iron Clown.
Sque-aking boots of lead
fills his victims full of dread

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