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Medals, and why you want them
Glad y'all clarified for me the most blatantly obvious thing. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Anyway, here's the other medals
Counter Intelligence band
[Image: hDEtbBL.png]
For those who want to go undercover, who like the idea of spying.

Binary Cross
[Image: yqWq828.png]
Once the Logical Cross for good borgs, but Binary Cross sounds better.

Research Service Ribbon
[Image: eUgqkkN.png]
So long, and thanks for all the meth

EOD Badge
[Image: A003Qkh.png]
Kaboom, or lack-there of, this medal is to you

Paranormal Insignia
[Image: yF2DGK5.png]
Agent Scully and Mulder got nothing on you

and one extra..
Patronage Ribbon
[Image: e9meItj.png]
For those who raised a significant amount of money for the station, whether it be through QM, lottery or a space find.
Started on the human mob sprites.
Went with SecID first, because it was a good basis to start off:
Object: SecID[Image: HESdP9G.png]
Mob Example[Image: 5vgIxVF.png][Image: 7o8bZVv.png][Image: eawQd57.png]
Actual Sprite (Tiny!)[[Image: E3Nic75.png]][[Image: KUadhzs.png]][[Image: v69kQaw.png]]
Because this is the medal chest sprite, I wanted to see how it looks like on armor and the detective. I realised it may need to go as an overlay for the bag, as the bag-straps go over the armor. That's fine though.
[Image: MA6zCxc.png]
[Image: ez45FUz.png]

Object Sprite: NT Clearance[Image: VN1pEh5.png]
Mob Example:[Image: VMlnY6W.png][Image: TAaFj7u.png][Image: t7Kjm17.png][Image: YEQsNH4.png]
Actual Sprite (Tiny!)[[Image: LBqCdnV.png]][[Image: 9YQkSrN.png]][[Image: oGMfPW3.png]][[Image: yXbwqlt.png]]
Y'know, instead of having a box of these, why doesn't the HoS have a button punch to snap medals with on the fly?

(And, well, an e-magged button punch producing horrible exploding medals is also pretty fly.)
as a HoS i totally support this idea, now security will have a reason to do his job properly, you know, everyone likes a hero.
I support this for two reasons.
1.)With these medals I would want to have my own moment of getting a medal, just like when Naked Snake becomes Big Boss.
2.) And because of the Metalocalypse banana sticker picture.
In all seriousness, I think this would be pretty cool to have for security to have a reason to want to do stuff. Just like a little kid getting a star for eating his vegetables. That would be kinda sad actually, since we would have to treat them like little kids, but yeah I like this idea.
I think that the HOS should have an application for giving medals, sort of like tickets.
Dwarfe Wrote:I think that the HOS should have an application for giving medals, sort of like tickets.
Does that mean that the PDA would create them on the fly, or would they pop up on a lapel screen after being sent?
A medal stapler would be amazing.
Im surprised I didn't see a medal aimed for the Janitor actually doing their job.
It would be neat if medals awarded could be tied into goonhub.

Round blah blah blah

Medals awarded: purple heart awarded to the clown, Security badge awarded to the clown.

Also a generic: "This person is wearing too many medals" sprite would be funny, so when the clown inevitably breaks into bridge or security to acquire medals and painstakingly places all of them on his uniform, he can show off his ill gotten gains.

That or the medals could be randomly arranged on the sprite so that they all could fit, rather than only one medal.

Oh yeah warning tv tropes link for procrastinating nerds

Something like the picture on this tv tropes page ... stOfMedals

but in tiny sprite form.
Cover me top to bottom in medals, and medal earrings.
[Image: 33BF1D7847D589A221C209A2F855065D2C27136B]
Maybe you can engrave the medals when you give it to someone, sort of like:

This is Constantine Lifeblood:
He has a _____ medal that commends him for "blowing up the clown"


He has a _____ medal that commends him for "being a terrible traitor"

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