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BYOND Username: Kovirii
Sundance Wrote:I'd like to see more work on the brig. I'm a stern believer that sometimes, some jerks really need a time out. That doesn't mean that time out has to be not fun. I wish the gym stuff actually effected you in a way that would make you want to use it, it would mean that security might actually work out in the brig with the prisoners. The toilet should restock those funky drugs every 5-10 minutes, and there should be a beaker in the brig so prisoners can do some thug chemistry. Add a big crockpot with a ladle in the middle of the brig, let the prisoners brew some stew.
Give them a mini-still to hide under the bed and make pruno with!
Possibly even add a tub to the bathroom.
I just had a thought, what if the brig had its own mail chute? (perhaps with some form of screening by security, or not)
Or you know, like an air vent you could pass things through from the hall, which would either be a time consuming process, or have a delay in the delivery.
Sending a mousetrap car through some vents or sewer with a shiv attached to it? Good times!
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Kovirii Wrote:Add a big crockpot with a ladle in the middle of the brig, let the prisoners brew some stew.
Give them a mini-still to hide under the bed and make pruno with!
Possibly even add a tub to the bathroom.
Better yet: allow toilet tanks to function like bathtubs for chemicals, which would have great implications for the non-brig toilets as well. Toilet moonshine ahoy!
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BYOND Username: BlackPhoenix0928
Wydamn Wrote:Kovirii Wrote:Add a big crockpot with a ladle in the middle of the brig, let the prisoners brew some stew.
Give them a mini-still to hide under the bed and make pruno with!
Possibly even add a tub to the bathroom.
Better yet: allow toilet tanks to function like bathtubs for chemicals, which would have great implications for the non-brig toilets as well. Toilet moonshine ahoy! ...Would this or would this not mean that giving somebody a swirly in a chemical toilet would apply that chemical to their skin, or dye their hair if you empty a dye bottle into it?
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Also can we add like shutters to the doors leading to the bar from arrivals which are right beside that security check point? Maybe make them sec access only so that they aren't closed every second. I love to be an arrivals guard checking everyone that comes through, but it's hard to accomplish that without the help of a mechanic (or myself) to rig the doors to remote signalers. If the doors aren't bolted or blocked off then people just waltz right on by. This is a very fun gimmick that needs more attention IMO.
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GorillaMyDreams Wrote:Let's form two security departments.
One which will have weapons, armor, and all the modern weaponry and bullshit.
The other will be styled after the police of the United Kingdom. No weapons, just a dapper hat and a vest.
I want to see how the two would do on the station. Of course this isn't an automatic guarantee that one will automatically be better because shitlords will gravitate toward both roles as well as decent people but it'd be interesting as a social experiment.
Make the UK PO-PO in charge of catching miscreants and near do wells.
Since security pretty much only gets involved if there's a legit traitor threat, it would be funny to see some constables doing some benny hill style chases because someone stole captain's hat.
Not so much making the brit department old donut sec, but bringing back some of the poolordory but not pushing the envelope.
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atomic1fire Wrote:Make the UK PO-PO in charge of catching miscreants and near do wells.
Since security pretty much only gets involved if there's a legit traitor threat, it would be funny to see some constables doing some benny hill style chases because someone stole captain's hat.
Not so much making the brit department old donut sec, but bringing back some of the poolordory but not pushing the envelope.
No, they will both be in charge of catching the same people both serious and minor.
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I think a HUGE HUGE part of the improved sec attitude seems to be that now that job selection is more dependable, you can have Sec set to unwanted so if you don't want to be sec, you can actually not be sec most of the time! This revolutionary concept has allowed people who don't want to be sec to not be sec! So that leaves people who are okay with being sec as sec officers most of the time. And when people actually want to be sec, they're more likely to be somewhat okay about it, and put more effort into it. Any time you've had a full team of sec officers spawned at the start, half of them were so enraged they'd just suicide on the spot.
So yeah, I think that's gone a long way to improve the attitudes of both sec and the crew. It's been nice to see.
That said, yeah, we still suffer from a lack of recruits. Hiring bored assistants isn't a bad idea, as long as you can't tell they're traitors really obviously or anything. Try coming up with fun incentives! Post bounties! Offer rewards! Or better, offer promotions!
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Give the Bobbies a safety-coated version of the police baton that only does non-damaging knockdowns/stuns like the rolling pin, and that mutation that prevents them from using firearms, and we're in business.
e: A vendor in the sec office that only vends coffee and tea.
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If bobbies and security are competing to do the better job, add medals from that one thread in suggestions.
That way HOS has a way to reward competent members of both, and the rest of the crew has a good way to determine which members of the security/bobbies are trustworthy.
A traitor could even convince HOS to give them a higher rank, which the AI might recognize for trust depending on how long the round is going.
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BYOND Username: Kovirii
Wydamn Wrote:Better yet: allow toilet tanks to function like bathtubs for chemicals, which would have great implications for the non-brig toilets as well. Toilet moonshine ahoy! Turn all toilets into stills!
Give the bobbies some pepper spray.
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atomic1fire Wrote:If bobbies and security are competing to do the better job, add medals from that one thread in suggestions.
That way HOS has a way to reward competent members of both, and the rest of the crew has a good way to determine which members of the security/bobbies are trustworthy.
A traitor could even convince HOS to give them a higher rank, which the AI might recognize for trust depending on how long the round is going.
I don't really get the purpose of bobbies tbh, I thought GMD was half joking.
The medals suggestion however is kind of the same idea though. I considered this thread when making it, clarks original point of the two tier system, and the lack of security.
With the medals the there's now a third tier, as security can give out clearance bands (and more) to people who command perceive to be trusted, increasing the number of security, giving your average sec guard more authority, while in turn, the HoS has two more boxes in his locker if he wants to give them to other sec forces so people can perceive what command are to be trusted.
It's hitting several birds with one stone, while making security more open.
Also, it would be totally awesome if sec started with red and grey paint-pots in a crate, so they can paint their clothing/gimmick areas/pods an authoritative red (or dark red if they mix)
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It would also help if tasers weren't useless right now too
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
Firepower Wrote:It would also help if tasers weren't useless right now too Yeah I've been saying the taser nerf was a big F U to people who play sec but they don't seem to want to change the tasers back.
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Crumplehat Wrote:That said, yeah, we still suffer from a lack of recruits. Hiring bored assistants isn't a bad idea, as long as you can't tell they're traitors really obviously or anything. Try coming up with fun incentives! Post bounties! Offer rewards! Or better, offer promotions!
Having tried sec a few times over the last few days, I can understand why there's a lack of security officers - it's squarely landed on my Unwanted list after a few rounds because it's just not fun. You're the number one target for everyone to fuck with, using any of the tools at your disposal will only encourage them to fuck with you more, and you don't really have anything better to do but wander back and forth along the halls and lobbies chatting with people and/or getting nonlethally fucked with. I haven't even had to use the security tools; the Stun Baton's sole purpose seems to be to occupy your belt slot so you can't stick your air tank in it. Sec isn't HORRIBLE, but I found myself being ticked off every time I rolled Sec instead of one of the other jobs on my list, so that meant it was time to take Sec off the list. Being prioritized for death by traitors and singled out for annoyance by anyone who thinks they're funny gets old really fast, but take those away and all Security has to do is getting robusted by C-sword rampagers and roleplaying a mall cop.
Maybe some of this (or even all of it) isn't true, but it's the first impression of a new security officer. It feels like I'm giving up the ability to do interesting things in exchange for a big red "COME HARASS ME" sign, a pile of stun weapons I'll almost never have justification to use, and modestly-effective armor for people to pick off my corpse after the fire dies down.
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I see Security Officers on goonstation to be an altruistic support role rather than the primary station force you'd except a security team to be. Yes, you're going to get fucked with constantly; this is because you're the closest thing traitors have to a direct antagonist, and it's generally popular to be all "fuck the system" anarchist-y, anyway.
If you play Sec, you should be prepared to play exclusively for the other players, rather than for yourself, and strive to improve their fun, i.e. by providing a robust opponent for traitors, and locking up meanies who constantly fuck around with others and make things less fun in general.