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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
All those maintenance tunnels make me nervous.
Also, I noticed that there is now more escape pod exits scattered around the facility, so everyone isn't heading to escape once the round is over. I completely support this.
Cogwerks Wrote:More work on medbay:

I assume that robotics has yet be added into the medbay layout?
MedicInDisquise Wrote:Also, I noticed that there is now more escape pod exits scattered around the facility, so everyone isn't heading to escape once the round is over. I completely support this.
Who says their escape pods? They seem to be more of the normal pod stations.
MedicInDisquise Wrote:Also, I noticed that there is now more escape pod exits scattered around the facility, so everyone isn't heading to escape once the round is over. I completely support this.

Too bad escape pods don't actually work frown

I am in full support of actual escape pods that are in high access areas that are basically small escape shuttles, except their engines can be taken apart or jury rigged to explode by a nefarious traitor. Just imagine the captain escaping in his own private escape shuttle, and a minute before it takes off a small beep starts emitting from the engine, and before he knows whats happening a huge explosion sends his gibs into deep space. unsmigghh
*cough pay bucks to escape safely, so very much nanotrasen *cough viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1862&hilit=+escape+pod
My input on the map: It looks awesome (I love the new walls), but it needs some sort of tram system running though the halls.
If you could, imagine a small automated cart, moving around the station's main halls and stopping at a few points along a track to let four or six passengers on because they are too lazy to walk from place to place. I can think of a crap load of fun things to do with this, like how mechanics would inevitably re-route the track into the crusher, or traitors tying people to the tracks, or syndicates escaping on it with the disk from a hoard of security officers and assistants running behind them, just missing the train.
McDogles Wrote:Train stuff

I think it would look along the lines of something like this: [Image: trolley2.jpg]
I think I've seen something similar on other stations in a big clear glass tube, but it's for transporting materials, not people. but if we can get a pneumatic tube transit system for people I'm sure it would be PERFECTLY SAFE.
poland spring Wrote:I think I've seen something similar on other stations in a big clear glass tube, but it's for transporting materials, not people. but if we can get a pneumatic tube transit system for people I'm sure it would be PERFECTLY SAFE.
Yeah, I think that's where if got the idea from, but on the other station's it's outside in space. Also, we already have a pneumatic tube transit system, but for some reason we call them "disposal chutes".
poland spring Wrote:I think I've seen something similar on other stations in a big clear glass tube, but it's for transporting materials, not people. but if we can get a pneumatic tube transit system for people I'm sure it would be PERFECTLY SAFE.

I've always thought there has been a sever lack of man-cannons in the hallways.
Ehh. We've talked about using the mostly-unused rail system thing for stuff like that, but idk. It could have fun potential, but it's not really a thing we need by any means. I'll keep kicking the idea around though.
McDogles Wrote:Train stuff
I think it would be cool if this was in maintenance, to keep it out of the way in the halls, and so sabotage is easier.
Also, aren't all indoor trains in dark shady areas irl?
the tram thing was something cool about Mars Station (rip in peace) and i've been disappointed ever since that it hasn't made a return

i could see a mix of the tram with the tube pod thinge: a clear pipe going around the outside station with a tram inside to move people, stopping at various departments. would make transport more interesting (especially if those are airbridges i see) and more potential ways to kill people going around the station (break the tube off at a corner and see how the tram riders react on their train-turned-shuttle)
An update to the big overall scrollable map:

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