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Craftable big nasty syringe.
Well the reason it's being discussed is because it sounds fun. I mean sure you can say traitors already have the sleepy pen but then I can say why are there zip guns? Traitors can get revolver boxes. I just think it would be something fun.
It is difficult to get adequate ammo for the zip gun, it has a nifty chance of blowing up in your face and it holds a single bullet. It's a good but risky alternative to fire any kind of ammunition you come across.

This on the other hand is:
  • Overpowered as a craftable item. Remember instant droppers, when MDs were self-entitled shits with sleep toxin the moment you inconvenienced them the slightest bit? That was 5 units. This is up to 120. I can name countless chemicals which are easy to access without ever setting foot in access restricted areas and are lethal or seriously debilitating at this dose. Cue botanists shooting you up with 120 units of superheated Dans because you stole a weed leaf.
  • Underpowered as a traitor item. Apart from the fact that I don't see how an assembly like this could be syndicate-exclusive (jeez it's a syringe, a watering can and an oxygen tank), it's a higher capacity, unstealthy sleepy pen. At ridiculous numbers like 50 or 120, it really doesn't make a difference which we're talking, but why would you want to willingly out yourself when you can do it from the safety of a sleepy pen? Is there a difference between this and stunning someone then making them swallow a pill of death? (Hint: Nope.)
Well I assume if we had this it would fall under the same rules as shooting zip guns. Don't do it if you aren't a traitor or under attack. Also I wouldn't mind it having something to balance it like blowing up in your face. I mean it is a pressured watering can so it could blow up on you. Like I said I just think it would be something fun like the zip gun.
Marq, I agree with you that giving this any way to be an instant injection would make it super-overpowered. But what's wrong with adding in some way for people to inject more than five units of a reagent at a time? As people keep bringing up, you can already stuff 120 units of something down someone's throat with a pill, this is just enhancing that a little, making it more versatile, more fun, and giving it to people who don't have access to pill dispensaries.

If someone wants to kill you, and has the time to sit beside you and do it, they can already just bang you over the head with a fire extinguisher a few times. As long as it's not made too overpowered, (I.E. instant injection) I don't really see the big problem here.
Hey, my whole offense is against the instant injection, as long as it takes as much time as any other injection method I don't care, I'm game.
It should probably take slightly more or some geneticist will be distracted by his computer for a bit and suddenly get utterly obliterated by 120 units of literally anything.
Karakoran Wrote:It should probably take slightly more or some geneticist will be distracted by his computer for a bit and suddenly get utterly obliterated by 120 units of literally anything.

Anything that utterly obliterates a geneticist is a good thing.
(this can already happen with pills)

Although, you underestimate the territorial nature of the geneticist. It is a vicious beast that can sense when something enters its domain by smell alone. Once an intruder is detected it will quickly divert focus from its computer and emit a wail engineered to strike fear into the hearts of its enemies "geet ooouuut!". Sometimes it will emit this in a bellowing tone, or even as a psychic emission, depending on how long the geneticist has been allowed to remain active. This will render any form of injection that takes time to perform ineffective in dealing with the creature.

Shortly afterwards the geneticist will call the intruder names and begin searching for a nearby weapon in order to strike this perceived threat down, however, unless the geneticist has acquired some manner of offensive power, it is not a large threat. Explorers braving their domain should be wary of aged geneticists utilizing telekinesis or invisibility in combat.

If all else fails, remember that mutadone is not considered harmful by the standard-issue hypospray provided to medical personnel, and it facilitates a quick and expedient method of rendering a geneticist harmless. Be aware that this method angers the beast, however, and may cause it to ferociously flail at you using its hands or feet, possibly aided by any nearby heavy objects it can acquire. Explorers are recommended to swiftly leave the area, should a mutadone injection be required.
Spy_Guy Wrote:
Karakoran Wrote:It should probably take slightly more or some geneticist will be distracted by his computer for a bit and suddenly get utterly obliterated by 120 units of literally anything.

Anything that utterly obliterates a geneticist is a good thing.
(this can already happen with pills)

Although, you underestimate the territorial nature of the geneticist. It is a vicious beast that can sense when something enters its domain by smell alone. Once an intruder is detected it will quickly divert focus from its computer and emit a wail engineered to strike fear into the hearts of its enemies "geet ooouuut!". Sometimes it will emit this in a bellowing tone, or even as a psychic emission, depending on how long the geneticist has been allowed to remain active. This will render any form of injection that takes time to perform ineffective in dealing with the creature.

Shortly afterwards the geneticist will call the intruder names and begin searching for a nearby weapon in order to strike this perceived threat down, however, unless the geneticist has acquired some manner of offensive power, it is not a large threat. Explorers braving their domain should be wary of aged geneticists utilizing telekinesis or invisibility in combat.

If all else fails, remember that mutadone is not considered harmful by the standard-issue hypospray provided to medical personnel, and it facilitates a quick and expedient method of rendering a geneticist harmless. Be aware that this method angers the beast, however, and may cause it to ferociously flail at you using its hands or feet, possibly aided by any nearby heavy objects it can acquire. Explorers are recommended to swiftly leave the area, should a mutadone injection be required.
That was one of the best things I've read all day but yeah you can make a geneticist swallow a pill easy most of the time.
honestly if you make it a normal syringe that contains more than 15 units (perhaps 50? 75 units?) I would be perfectly fine with it.

Spy_Guy Wrote:
Although, you underestimate the territorial nature of the geneticist. It is a vicious beast that can sense when something enters its domain by smell alone. Once an intruder is detected it will quickly divert focus from its computer and emit a wail engineered to strike fear into the hearts of its enemies "geet ooouuut!". Sometimes it will emit this in a bellowing tone, or even as a psychic emission, depending on how long the geneticist has been allowed to remain active. This will render any form of injection that takes time to perform ineffective in dealing with the creature.

Shortly afterwards the geneticist will call the intruder names and begin searching for a nearby weapon in order to strike this perceived threat down, however, unless the geneticist has acquired some manner of offensive power, it is not a large threat. Explorers braving their domain should be wary of aged geneticists utilizing telekinesis or invisibility in combat.

If all else fails, remember that mutadone is not considered harmful by the standard-issue hypospray provided to medical personnel, and it facilitates a quick and expedient method of rendering a geneticist harmless. Be aware that this method angers the beast, however, and may cause it to ferociously flail at you using its hands or feet, possibly aided by any nearby heavy objects it can acquire. Explorers are recommended to swiftly leave the area, should a mutadone injection be required.

That deserves to be on the wiki.

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