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Tasers are bad. Stun bullets too.
i like the "give sec weak revolvers and give detective a stronger one" idea

how the sec revolvers could work is that they deal very little damage (enough that if you unloaded all your bullets into a guy he'd be yellow but not enough that if he's hit once or twice he's limping) and instead focus on impeding whatever limb you shoot (making limb targeting more useful for guns)

aiming for the arm/hand has a good chance of making them drop what they're holding in that arm, shooting them in the leg can slow them and shooting at their foot will make them trip for a few seconds (although it'll be harder to hit), aiming for the chest will just damage them a bit/tiny bit of slowing and aiming for the head/groin has a low chance of knocking them down

this could make gun fights or stand offs really cool; do you aim for his feet to trip him up, or focus on damage? do you risk shooting a guy with a hostage's hand on the chance that you could make him drop the hostage?

detective's revolver could work the same but maybe trade higher damage for a lower chance of doing the stuns/special stuff to limbs
I changed the way taser bolts work about eight hours ago. First shot confuses movement, second hit slows you way the fuck down if the first one is still active, third stuns, fourth floors you. Armor is now taken into account too.

One lucky hit across the hall will definitely fuck with your ability to fight, but it's not necessarily a round ender. If you really want to be sure they won't get away, burst stun will be a lot more useful now - at the risk of missing with your whole clip load, of course.

Let me know how this goes in practice, eh?

There's also another little change, but I'll wait to see if anyone notices it.
I like that idea, and have a suggestion back it up: Make pointblanking someone with the taser on burst work like shooting them 4 times.
Sec guns shouldn't knock you down, that would make you drop your weapon. They should slow you down instead.
Please make a thrown stun baton, if turned on, cause a stun on impact. Sec officers still have a ranged good-stun option, with the caveat that if they miss, their target is probably going to turn it back on them.
i like this idea with the guns and the shooting bullet gunfights

please consider adding a surgery table in the brig then to remove boolets so you aren't left to bleed out while incarcerated
Quote:I changed the way taser bolts work about eight hours ago. First shot confuses movement, second hit slows you way the fuck down if the first one is still active, third stuns, fourth floors you. Armor is now taken into account too.

One lucky hit across the hall will definitely fuck with your ability to fight, but it's not necessarily a round ender. If you really want to be sure they won't get away, burst stun will be a lot more useful now - at the risk of missing with your whole clip load, of course.

Let me know how this goes in practice, eh?

There's also another little change, but I'll wait to see if anyone notices it.

I KNEW I was landing my hits. I was wondering why the hell it didn't seem to do anything!

Could security get a bit more help though? I feel the traitors are having too easy a time killing EVERYBODY.

A few more rounds in the taser would be useful.
If nothing seemed to be happening at all, they might have been on stimulants.
PeacekeeperPete Wrote:I KNEW I was landing my hits. I was wondering why the hell it didn't seem to do anything!

Could security get a bit more help though? I feel the traitors are having too easy a time killing EVERYBODY.

A few more rounds in the taser would be useful.

I was going to post before, if tasers are getting fiddled with, there's going to be need balancing so that security aren't totally castrated.
I'd say making the taser have a 7 shot like the egun (I never got why egun got 3 more shots AND a laser function) and decrease the charging time (because lag can make that last forever)

I haven't be able to play, but does this stun change effect all forms of projectile stun or just taser bolt? Has stun rounds, riot shotguns (and the vuvu) been changed too? Because it doesn't make much sense unless all stuns are going the same way, perhaps with different strengths (vuvu>riotshotgun>detective's stun's)
It's pretty funny how people ask for bigger tasers. There's the revolvers too now, with real bullets.
Clarks Wrote:It's pretty funny how people ask for bigger tasers. There's the revolvers too now, with real bullets.
And I was hoping this would cause cops to a) stop wasting taser on every troublemaker. b) use bullets when they have to stop a dangerous traitors. Sometimes holding fire when there's a crowd, so that traitors aren't going to be shot and mobbed at the same time.
Real taser hits normally make you drop what you're holding, this should probably also happen if it doesn't already
Dauntasa Wrote:
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Cue the entire, trigger-happy security force dressing like Dick Tracy and smoking up. Welcome to Noirstation 13.
replace current sec with a Homicide Detective, a Vice Officer(who always has a miscreant objective to be as corrupt as possible), 2 Patrol Officers(who get stun batons and shitty pistols), and the Chief(HoS but starts every round fat).

Yes please.
Clarks Wrote:It's pretty funny how people ask for bigger tasers. There's the revolvers too now, with real bullets.
How to spot a bad officer: they're using lethal force.

Revolvers should be a weapon of last resort, not a replacement taser

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