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Some fun things science would like
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Why does it have to be a Binary choice? Making helmets scannable by mechanics would not in any way impede the ability of coders to add in extra helmets. How about two positives instead of one?
Weavel Wrote:Yeah that'd definitely be awesome Bravo, that's what I'm trying to argue for, should have both positives instead of one
I think we're talking about the same thing. I said add extra helmets in, but also make them scannable.
Lainge Wrote:Ahem.
1. Pathology
Thank you for your time.

Yes please v
It's called Toxins, right?

What if they could mix some toxic, radioactive, glowing green goo to sell (or make glow sticks)? They would sell for a reasonable price in QM. The engineers can use it as fuel, because they ran out of char to burn. The chef could use it as icing for his cake. The traitors can kidnap people and threaten to lower them into a barrel of this shit unless they get enough cash, who knows. Bunch of ideas.

Depending on the mix, it could have good effects? Neutral effects? Oh God Why effects?
It's called Toxins because plasma is classified as a BioToxin. It's basically the gaseous plasma lab.
Plasma research is basically the foundation of the whole dang game, even if that research is basically this:
"How much is it going to blow up today?"

Nobody's gonna get rid of toxlab, although I'm sure it could use some new things to do.
It'd be neat if there were actually research to be done with plasma, I mean thats what the station is for. shrug

It'd be a neat thing if it was handled sorta like KSP research is where you get points for doing research in different ways, and those points could be used to buy some shit that gets shipped to you via the fancy crate transport system we have now. Like you take down data on some sick burn with 33% plasma and 66% O2 and w o w you get 30 research data and now you can buy that cool bomb suit you've always wanted
Add more gasses to toxins.

For instance, medbay has that weird gas that makes you fall alseep? why not give some of that to toxins and figure out how to make it more fun.

Also Argon could leak from destroyed lights maybe.

Maybe Krypton gas could be used for something cool.

Radon gas could cause you to get radium in your system, and maybe screw you up real bad.

Helium could be found in space and Make you talk real tiny Perhaps it could be fed into cryogenics as well, so a leak causes all of medbay to squeek (and asphyxiate)
atomic1fire Wrote:For instance, medbay has that weird gas that makes you fall alseep? why not give some of that to toxins and figure out how to make it more fun.
That is N20. It is supposed to be really rare because of how much of a pain in the ass it is when some nerd releases it, if you want to experiment with it, suck it from the tanks in medbay or the armory.

atomic1fire Wrote:Helium Makes you talk real tiny Perhaps it could be fed into cryogenics as well, so a leak causes all of medbay to squeek (and asphyxiate)

Cogwerks Wrote:Plasma research is basically the foundation of the whole dang game, even if that research is basically this:
"How much is it going to blow up today?"

Nobody's gonna get rid of toxlab, although I'm sure it could use some new things to do.

I like the idea of just moving it to the engineering department, and giving science something new to do, like pathology.
atomic1fire Wrote:Add more gasses to toxins.

For instance, medbay has that weird gas that makes you fall alseep? why not give some of that to toxins and figure out how to make it more fun.

Also Argon could leak from destroyed lights maybe.

Maybe Krypton gas could be used for something cool.

Radon gas could cause you to get radium in your system, and maybe screw you up real bad.

Helium could be found in space and Make you talk real tiny Perhaps it could be fed into cryogenics as well, so a leak causes all of medbay to squeek (and asphyxiate)

We should also be able to inflate balloons with the gas tanks.

Plasma balloons.
Canister bombs!!!

They don't even have to be bigger than tank-transfer bombs. I just want to use them for terrorism & hostage taking.
Would it be possible to code in rudimentary reactions for gasses? Like, Plasma has Nitrogen tanks, and Oxygen tanks, give us some sort of machine we can feed Nitrogen and Oxygen into to get N2O. Remove the Carbon Dioxide, and just give tanks of gaseous carbon so silent gassers have to put in some work beforehand. Maybe a couple more gasses, and some interesting reactions with Plasma too?

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