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SS13 in Sven co-op: Toolboxing co-op fun!
Alright, I'm still working on this. I iust haven't made any progress in a while due to other games. I fixed the bridge and made the windows to be curves, which looks a lot better. I am about 3/4 done with arivals, excluding the shuttle. Also, do you guys think that default shotgun model is okay? I've been experimenting with another model that looks similar to the one inside the armory, but I'm missing a world model for it (it's the team fortress classic small shotgun, if that rings a bell to any of you). Also I need some ideas for the story, or how you play out the map. I was thinking something along the lines of this: Start in the bar having some drinks with your fellow crew WHEN SUDDENLY some stupid scientists open a portal (affecting the entire station) that starts spewing out monsters and zombies and aliens etc. Now the crew has to escape on the shuttle, which in order to achieve you must call it first, draw the airbridge, stop the portal, then survive the shuttle. Many things will have to be completed to actually achieve these tasks. Any other suggestions would be great (nothing is final as of now).
Still not dead, I've just been SO busy the past few weeks I couldn't work on anything. Here's a little teaser:
[Image: KjrdImF.png]
Zadeon Wrote:Still not dead, I've just been SO busy the past few weeks I couldn't work on anything. Here's a little teaser:
[Image: KjrdImF.png]

The perfect HoS
Zadeon Wrote:Still not dead, I've just been SO busy the past few weeks I couldn't work on anything. Here's a little teaser:
[Image: KjrdImF.png]
Why doesn't security have lame pink shirts yet
Chike101 Wrote:Why doesn't security have lame pink shirts yet
They say they used to be pink, but they were washed out to be red due to the blood of every single clown they have beaten.
Ugg I want to show you guys a small teaser video, but youtube is being stupid and won't upload my video. Is it okay if I put a download link to it?
Never mind, youtube decided to work today.

So here it is! The teaser you've all been waiting for!
Kickin' Rad (Oldschool)
Where is our damn edit button?
Whoo hoo! Dance I've finally finished (most) of the first map! (There will be two maps). Have some pictures:
[Image: CB96079F81BBD2884D405C58CFDD1512C265AB1A]
Does the man wait for an arrival, or is he hoping to leave?
[Image: 5C35E2B6F86CD923A51D9EB18277CE804AF76D60]
[Image: FFDC15811929FDD4C988FBBE02E43A815A28CA77]
Inside of EVA. I'll probably remove the suits and stuff unless I can find a way for people to have a hud when they don't have a suit on.
[Image: 60D4CDC9BB1274846084A3E190AF53013BF7CFB6]
Gateway to another land (actually: more death).
[Image: 6437CC08CF1D7F5837EC9A8C29572EA4047E01B6]
This was suppose to be some gag where the player would slip on a wet floor and fly out the airlock. I have no idea why the brush is showing, or why it wasn't making me slide. Will fix this later.
[Image: C8516A0E5407D8E27EDF00E05A0DB88C08553F2F]
The Captain's *ugly* quarters.
[Image: 4FDED1CC25378517B5F8A47531995FEBFDACFE8B]
A better look at the scraped-up skybox.

So there you have it. All I need to do is build the parts I missed (detective, crew quarters, pool, gym, arcade, maint) and then I can get working on actually setting up the gameplay!

I wish modeling for goldsrc wasnt a headache inducing mess or I'd help you with that
Do you think you could make a simple blue toolbox skin for the crowbar? That would be more than nice for me (Because I can't model that good).
Zadeon Wrote:Do you think you could make a simple blue toolbox skin for the crowbar? That would be more than nice for me (Because I can't model that good).

good lord i wish I had any idea how to make weapons, last time, I tried to replace cs's AK and it went awfully wrong
If you end up doing weapons, maybe make the wrench, with its more powerful hits, into a fire extinguisher?
If I maybe find you some tutorials online Splatpope would you be willing to create one for me? Or at least create the model itself (just a bare model, no nodes or anything on it) and I could (hopefully) package it to work?
Zadeon Wrote:If I maybe find you some tutorials online Splatpope would you be willing to create one for me? Or at least create the model itself (just a bare model, no nodes or anything on it) and I could (hopefully) package it to work?

maybe after the exams, in february

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