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[CLOSED PR] Make NTSC a roundstart job
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About the PR
Makes the Nanotrasen Security Consultant a roundstart job
Add counts_as logic to non-latejoin job assigner to account for the security officer slot it takes

_Supervisor job for roundstart to be implemented_

Why's this needed?
QoL so hoses can ready up with NTSC available


(*)Nanotrasen Security Consultant is now a roundstart job

Hard pass on this from me, and this is coming from someone that still to this day has rose tinted glasses for the time when you could join as NTSC (NTSO) without the need of a HoS.

NTSC as a job exists to lift a lot of pressure from the HoS. Having one without the other defeats the purpose of its existence. This was outlined in the original PR that locked NTSC behind a HoS being in the round back in 2021.

And considering that the NTSC has less access than HoS, and does not have the ability to immediately auth the armoury with one ID, I don't see any reason why a team would want an NTSC on over a HoS. It just would not work.
back when ntso was a roundstart available job, the overall vibe was kind of... off. instead of joining as an hos, whitelisted players would roll ntso and act as this sort of mercenary without providing much actual leadership or support to their team. i do like the dynamic ntsc has now with the hos being required for them to join, theyre here as actual backup and support with someone to keep them in check but also lean on them in high chaos rounds.

not super against it, im sure any repeated behavior like this would be handled by admins. we've also had updated hos whitelist guidelines, so it would already be a higher precedent than the past. and heavy agree on what wrench said, ntsc without an hos is basically just an officer with lethals. they dont provide much mechanically outside of bridge access, unlike hos who can handle command situations with a lot more ease
Wasn't this suggested and done before and... well it didn't work. Retrino seems to point i tout.
Will point out that this is not going to be merged without the HoS requirement, just moving to roundstart
oh, yeah. i could see that working for instances of two hos both rolling for it and one getting ntsc. seems fair with the presence of hos still being a requirement
I would be fine with this IF a HOS has already been rolled for roundstart. NTSC kind of needs an HOS at least at one point, and it could potentially make more HOSii roll at roundstart rather then late joining right after roundstart like i sometimes see.
(07-31-2024, 05:32 PM)JORJ949 Wrote: Will point out that this is not going to be merged without the HoS requirement, just moving to roundstart

Just moving it to roundstart is something I'm a big fan of. If a HoS is present and you selected it, congratulations, otherwise it gets ignored.
Na. The reason NTSC is there is just for an extra job if HoS is already taken. Would rather not have HoSes joining up as NTSC if HoS is open. Much better to have an HoS on station. NTSC isnt really suppose to be that important. Its just a fun extra job for HoSes if HoS is already on station.
I'd rather see ntsc removed IMO. I dont personally think sec needs the extra slots on top of the officers, captain, hos, secadd, det, borgs, and sometimrs ai and hop
(08-04-2024, 10:23 AM)Silent Majority Wrote: I'd rather see ntsc removed IMO. I dont personally think sec needs the extra slots on top of the officers, captain, hos, secadd, det, borgs, and sometimrs ai and hop

Two of those can be antagonists and the MOST DANGEROUS of the two.
(08-04-2024, 10:23 AM)Silent Majority Wrote: I'd rather see ntsc removed IMO. I dont personally think sec needs the extra slots on top of the officers, captain, hos, secadd, det, borgs, and sometimrs ai and hop

ntsc takes up an officer slot
I'd definitely be against it being roundstart, NTSC's are meant to be supplemental, and are nice to allow for HOS players to have a special role in case they miss out on HOS, as often happens.

I'd be against it being removed for many of the same reasons.

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