Salevran Marendan- HOS application
Usual character name: Salevran arken Marendan
BYOND username: Michael Warren
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Salevran M (sevatar)
Recommended by (if applicable):N\A
Goon servers you play:3 & 4

Reason for application: The beret is not something worn lightly. I've spent a substantial amount of time in security and with it have learned a great deal both from HOSII and officers alike. the opportunity to lead security has always intrigued me to further my ability to be a good leader in both times of peace and combat. I want to show that officers aren't just a hammer but a well-oiled machine whose greatest strength is their fellow officers by their sides. HOSII hold a great deal of power and the ability to decide life and death to those who oppose them. I hope if approved to help show my fellow men and woman of security both old and new good ways to not just be effective but fun for both sides of the gun.

Security experience (300 word minimum): I started my security career as a detective on goon 3 about roughly under a year ago and was...frankly clueless at first bumbling my way through the motions before being shown how to use my equipment. forensics took a bit to understand but once I got a grip on it there was nothing stopping me from moving to full-fledged officer work with a little assistant on the side. I've solved a number of cases through both forensics and interrogation....some more unorthodox than others using methods of intimidation or bargaining to get what I want out of any dirty crimer who would dare to commit such acts under my watch. that is not to say I have beaten my way through it. I have found that some filthy criminals are more receptive to a shred of kindness and understanding. I've work with a number of HOSII, officers, detectives, and assistants and have trained a number of people under me in the tools of the trade and our operations. I have also processed and coordinated many security teams in the absence of an HOS while also working closely with a few on hard cases with little to go on. I can confidently guide and teach other members of security through hard shifts and dead quiet ones alike. I also know when enough is enough...I used to be afraid and feel bad about performing executions due to just ending someone's fun, but I have over time learned when someone needs to be put down...and when to show mercy. HOSII, when present, are the backbone of any security force and the individual tasked with holding their team together while making sure things flow smoothly and in a way that is fun for everyone involved. with my experience and understanding of what is not just asked but required of me I feel up to the task. even if I do not get approved i hope to regardless keep guiding new officers and even old ones on the path most entertaining to us all.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players? firstly communication. a lone sec is a dead sec. don't leave your officers in the dark and die in some dank dark corner. even a measly traitor will always have better equipment than a lone officer. work with your team and help each're in this together. secondly do not hesitate to ask for help. your fellow officers and detectives out there are happy to teach you everything you want and need to know. we are in this together. and thirdly judge your enemies fairly. if a clown has been making a harmless ruckus smashing people with pies don't go beat the hell out of can deter some individuals. and if a raging traitor or changeling have just killed 3-5 people over the course of the round and you can prove it....perhaps it's time to cut them loose.....and lastly don't hesitate to take breaks from time to time. a refreshed mind is a happy mind....stressing over the job can just be unfun and burn you out harder than if you enjoyed what you are doing.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    OOF this one was a while ago....before argent ward became an HOS I killed him and drug him to cloning. once he was done I locked him in the monkey dome on nadir and brough him some rum. we talked for I think about 15-20 minutes about various things including morals before I gave him his gear and set him loose to continue his hunt. he killed me later.....a fight well struck.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players? Allow detnet to run partials....that's all i got.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer. as a detective on a full team, I usually hang back outside of forensics or really bad fights. and as the only officer I try and be as patient as possible with things while taking them one step at a time. trying not to be overwhelmed and making time to help people who stop me if I can.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13. I close my eyes. the honking like explosions. clowns wash away the mind
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? permits for things is something I wanted to try with help from an HOP. drivers' licenses, culinary licenses ETC. enforced by tickets and the occasional smack in the face with a pair of dirty gloves.....that and more monkey lawyers. you can never have too many monkeys in a suit. 
  • Draw a picture! food minded.png (
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): i don't recall any bans both server and job.
A fantastic player to interact with, while I don't have a lot of experience with them playing security, their antag gameplay is always fun and engaging! From my interactions with them in security that I DO recall, they have a fantastic understanding with the rest of the crew when playing. I would definitely love to see them wear the beret!
Life has pulled me away from Goon as of late, but after spending WELL OVER 500 hours playing alongside Salevran for several months, I cannot speak highly enough for his behavior as both in Security and as a frequent antagonist (when the population was lower this winter). He seeks to inject RP into every situation, even when mechanical things need to happen (example: being arrested). He's always willing to give antagonists a chance to run their bit, but knows when to call a stop to it. On the flip-side, he's proven to be an engaging antagonist, and many of my memorable deep RP rounds have been with him in either the antagonist or security seat.


(07-11-2024, 07:12 PM)thevaliantknife Wrote: Life has pulled me away from Goon as of late, but after spending WELL OVER 500 hours playing alongside Salevran for several months, I cannot speak highly enough for his behavior as both in Security and as a frequent antagonist (when the population was lower this winter). He seeks to inject RP into every situation, even when mechanical things need to happen (example: being arrested). He's always willing to give antagonists a chance to run their bit, but knows when to call a stop to it. On the flip-side, he's proven to be an engaging antagonist, and many of my memorable deep RP rounds have been with him in either the antagonist or security seat.


Additionally~ he engages in the OOC side rather regularly, and I've never seen him cause a fuss in chat about anything happening. Friendly, and always open to conversation. If he wasn't going for HoS, I'd think he'd be trying for mentor. smile
This will is likely to be the only HoS application I actually comment on. Please bear in mind it comes with the caveat that I can't comment on Salevran's specific Security team work which I appreciate is an important part of the role. I would guess it's good going by our interactions over the engineering radio channel but I'd be remiss not to admit that I can't really comment on this. It's one of a few reasons I haven't and wouldn't comment on HoS applications. However, I happen to interact with Michael's characters often enough I feel like I can provide some useful insight to their general roleplay and engagement which I would argue are also pretty important as HoS.

Michael's characters are robust enough I can count a singular experience where I've come out on top, and it was one in which I'd significantly tipped the scales in my favour already. However, I would personally argue that their characters do not in fact get played "To win" and one thing I've observed interacting with them is that there is always a background thought to the drama or engagement of a moment. Some (but not all) examples include:

- Taking time while as a changeling to engage hivemind in an in-character hivemind roleplay that was so good I've stolen it since.
- Using the PDA to bluff, counterbluff, or RP engage with people while being an antagonist with people they aren't currently in front of. This is a useful inclusive routine that comes at the vulnerability of being potentially distracted.
- A good sense of dramatic pace, they'll work hard to build and escalate events. This is a consistent feature of their style and they both do it personally and in a broader fashion. -Everyone- in some fashion tends to end up knowing Salevran's a traitor.
- Inclusive collaborative use of syndicate intelligence (a criminally underutilised aspect) and mindhacks. Even when compelled, they've elected to do it in an engaging fashion that frankly makes it a pleasure to be so cajoled. 
-Intentionally metering their robustness to match a moment. I've observed an example round where their character has been equipped for a far more lethal approach that they've elected not to use in a situation to permit lengthier engagement with a security assistant, then switching to more lethal weaponry as the rest of security arrived on the scene. In the heat of a moment I cannot understate how useful a skill it is to be able to make this assessment and keep cool, essentially for the benefit of good story and pacing. 

Michael's characters are also consistently in character. They are undeniably a solid and reliable injection of roleplay into any situation that does not limit it to whether you know them well or not. They just are. 

I have absolutely no real idea beyond an occasional AI observer's perspective of how they interact with the security team in general, but I would assume the consistency in character elsewhere is the same. Michael is a level-headed, inclusive and RP-focused addition to any round and I can see this being a welcome part of the HoS team. +1
While I've been unable to play on the server as of late, I do have many memories of Sal demonstrating efficiency, competence, and excellence in security. It is always a joy to see Sal on my team whenever I play as HoS, as I know that whatever job I need done will be done. I have witnessed training and leadership on multiple occasions. Sal has my +1 vote of confidence to be a great HoS.
Salevran is always fun to interact with, whether it be as as an ally or an adversary, I have experienced both many times. It's always a treat to see sal in the field. While I personally haven't had much experience with sal on the security side recently I do believe that they'd be a good fit from what i've seen over my time interacting them. They've been a great officer and i'd love to see more of it. I wholeheartedly give my approval +1.
This shall be my first comment in the whole forum.

While I haven't been there to witness most of his security rounds, which, again, as Lefinch put, is important - but I do have lots to say when it comes to his character and roleplay.

In the roleplay department; he is undoubtedly very good at it - as antagonist or otherwise. Every interaction oozes strong, solid characterization. He is always inclusive when meeting new people/characters and he treats them fairly as he did folks he had met before. His antagonist rounds have been improving lots from the first time I see him take upon that role many months ago - he understands the rule of escalation well, as well as actively interacting with the crew... escalating further and further as time pass, keeping the tension strong. He also knows when to make fights fair - I have seen him being lenient towards security or the crew on purpose to make it fun for both parties, while also giving them a fair chance to fight back.
I like that! I think that's what most important in the roleplay department of SS13; knowing when to give a good show, making it fun for everyone and knowing where to draw the lines when it gets too much. Not only in security matters, but in general.

From the rounds where I observed his security rounds (which is not much since at the time I was hiatus, and often we miss each other because of timezone differences), he's very communicative towards his fellow security, and knows when to be serious when the situation has escalated when it comes to dealing with antagonists.

Outside of that, he is fair, friendly and level-headed as a player. That's a +1 from me!
Salevran is a character that I myself have seen plenty in many different roles between server 3 and 4. Any interaction that I have had with them has been a unique and very pleasant experience! I have played a fair deal of hours with this player and can say that they are very inclusive and know how to read a scene and act according to it. Much like Lefinch has mentioned, this player knows how to make roleplay scenes between antagonists and the crew fun-- regardless of the side that they are on.

I have observed this player work both as a member of security and as an antagonist. While I myself have not worked beside them in the security scenes, I have had the pleasure to watch them work as a crewmember to assure the safety the station. Salevran has been observed not just by myself but also by others with their impressive combat skills that they choose not to abuse. They are the type of person who likes to allow antags to create their scenes and have some fun before giving the order and committing to the action of trying to completely stop them.

They allow fun to be had amongst the crew and to allow the antags to, well, cook. That being said, on the opposite side of things as an antag, they are a terrifying foe. A foe who will not use every ounce of their skill unless it makes sense to do so. They seem to enjoy creating a challenge for themself; Salevran rarely using weapons of mass destruction and instead using tools that are smaller and require far more skill and luck for them to come up on top. The win is not their concern even as an antag; it is instead creating a fun scene that can create a challenge for the station but also provides an opportunity for the station to participate as a whole. There is no lack of communication or build-up, and Salevran is not one to hide. As a whole, they seem to strive to create enjoyment for everyone on the station; not just security.

Where I have most often seen this player outside of security, I am most familiar with them being the Chief Engineer. I can not speak on how they have taught new security folk as I am not one to play that department and have not seen it for myself, but I will say that I owe all of my thanks to this player for teaching me engineering. Without them, I wouldn't be able to know what I do now. If you are a person in the engineering department and you have them as the Chief? You can be certain that he will not only teach you if you request the help, but you will be well cared for. Salevran protects their department, regardless of what that may be. I am certain that even in security he is more than happy to assist in teaching where he can if asked, or if he spots someone struggling.

With all of this in mind, I have no doubts that if he were to lead a security team and treat the responsibility with the same amount of care that he gives anything else? He will do an amazing job. That being said, I would love to see what they would do as the HOS one day! +1!
Competent and robust player, good RP. Most of the above comments seem to focus largely on the RP though, and less on Salevran's actual work in security- would like to see Salevran gain more experience and take charge more on sec shifts.

Competent and robust roleplayer, and player in general. Experienced with game mechanics and characterizes his spacemen well. Many of the above comments seem to focus largely on Salevran's ability to RP character relationships though, and are more speculative on his actual work in security- would like to see Salevran gain more experience and take charge more on sec shifts.
very good player, solid choice to be HoS for the most part. I think they have a good grasp of when to go hard and when to give leniency in my interactions with them both as sec and antag. I don't play sec often but my only thing I would note is that when I have been in sec with them I don't know if they take a particularly active role in teaching others. that said overall I'd give a +1 for them to be HoS.
Oh Sale... I can confidently say that I enjoy their presence when I am an officer and HOS. They are competent and excel at officer duties: communication, teamwork, and most of all handling of antags. They are fair with handling of antags and mindful of round flow. What I will say to close this is that they have a good sense of humor which I think is important in security to breakup the stress that the role can have! +1
Having observed Salevran as officer a few times, they seem very personable. I've seen them take time to hang out and roleplay with other people when there are not active cases, which goes a long way towards being more approachable. However, I have some reservations.

My main concern is that of judgement. In most rounds that I see them, Salevran rarely acts on anything that is not an alert or an order from another member of security. While hanging back as security is not necessarily a bad thing, it does mean that usually other people are making the decisions.

To me, a good HoS is not only a great security officer, but one who is able to step up and make the tough calls other people can't. I would recommend you take more initiative in leading and coordinating your team when they need it, as well as being a bit more proactive in security matters.
+1 from me!

Sal is an officer I really like seeing around. I trust their judgement, their teamwork, and their ability to treat antags fairly and to make the tough calls when needed when things have hit that point. Minor reservation from me though is the occasional self doubt when it comes to making said tough calls.
Sal doesn't take the game too seriously which is always a plus in my mind. Remember, a HoS is just a discount clown. Always a fun player to be around, whether AI, security, engineering, antag, whatever.

+1 from me any day.
Salveran knows how to handle antags in a good sense for roleplay and hes active on communications! I havent seen him teach but thats due to the fact I dont play security often anymore. I would like seeing Salveran as a head of security.


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