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New Antag Idea: Wall Demon, the Floor Goblin's big brother.
While the Floor Goblin only wants your shoes, the Wall Demon wants your SOUL!
The way this antag would work, is that it would be incorporeal like a wraith, and its abilities rely on your target standing right next to a wall.

The idea for its main ability is that you'd click on a wall with it, and the wall will make a sound and turn pitch black, and one random person (assuming there's multiple) standing in the 3x3 area around the wall will get sucked in after a couple seconds, and teleported into a dark maze pocket dimension, where the wall demon will then be put control of a big scary monster to find and kill the the player they caught, to take their soul. The victim can only escape if they find the exit and run inside before the demon can kill them, and will then be thrown back out of the wall they were sucked into earlier, and cannot be captured again for 10 minutes, and the wall demon will be put back in control of their incorporeal form back on station.

If the victim is killed in the maze, they are teleported to hell, and have to go through what that entails to escape and become a ghost, and the wall demon is put back in control of their incorporeal form back on station, and gains one soul. If the victim has holy water in their system OR is the chaplain, the wall will spit them back out instead of sending them to the maze. If, by some off chance, a victim is robust enough to KILL the demon in the maze, the wall demon is banished back to hell, and the victim automatically is freed back out from the wall that sucked them in! (In other words, the wall demon player dies, forever. Hooray!)

The demon cannot cheese it by parking the maze version of themself at the exit of the maze, since the maze is reset, including the starting position of the maze demon, after the culmination of every maze chase. But the demon WILL retain any damage they've taken during maze chases, although they do have a relatively large HP pool.

Once the wall demon obtains a certain number of souls (perhaps 15?) it will be able to manifest its maze form on station, and go on a rampage until it's either been killed or kills everyone. Slapping it with a bible would have a 30% chance to deal a rather significant amount of damage to the demon. Or you could just, y'know, shoot it, or run, or do both at the same time.

I think this would make for a fun antag that has a simple counter: take a step away from a wall if you hear a spooky sound and it turns black!

Perhaps it could gain more abilities as it gains more souls, like being able to capture victims through windows?

Hopefully some coder thinks this is a fun idea and adds it to the game.

(And yes, this IS partially inspired by SCP-106.)
I see some similar idea like this before like kind of reverse goblin floor “goblin celling “ and it unpopular thread by the way sound funny
The problem is some stations are either too wide and too narrow.

It's a decent concept, but the execution will fall flat on it's face.
(05-09-2024, 11:16 AM)Kotlol Wrote: The problem is some stations are either too wide and too narrow.

It's a decent concept, but the execution will fall flat on it's face.

Thats probably fine for an adminspawn
Adminspawn is 100% fine then.

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