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Do you think S.W.O.R.D event should come back?
I read on wiki it feel so cool to have big boss to fight in station.but I heard it remove already for long time my question is do you want to has it back?
I believe the mega drone spawns either through Admin Fuckery or....
Traitor Chaplain's rare armegaddon book when they hit 15 souls gathered.
Nah, not in it's current spawning state. Sure it's cool and destructive and I'm sure seeing the wreckage afterwards is a sight.. but spawning it in means sacrificing the rest of the round.

I don't think encouraging someone to go off into the debris field, kill a bunch of drones, and then push a button and call it a job well done should be rewarded with a cool boss fight. The 40 minute timer also seems like it's supposed to signal how long a classic round needs to be, rather than letting people just call the shuttle when they're ready (or bored)
(04-07-2024, 02:00 AM)Dhaidburt Wrote: Nah, not in it's current spawning state. Sure it's cool and destructive and I'm sure seeing the wreckage afterwards is a sight.. but spawning it in means sacrificing the rest of the round.

I don't think encouraging someone to go off into the debris field, kill a bunch of drones, and then push a button and call it a job well done should be rewarded with a cool boss fight. The 40 minute timer also seems like it's supposed to signal how long a classic round needs to be, rather than letting people just call the shuttle when they're ready (or bored)
Yeah I heard about it that S.W.O.R.D can make serious damage to station and potential to end of the it should be great if it available after long shift like 90 min pass.
(04-06-2024, 10:53 PM)meaow589 Wrote: I read on wiki it feel so cool to have big boss to fight in station.but I heard it remove already for long time my question is do you want to has it back?

Traitor chaplain's drone is a variation of the Y-Drone that shoots explosives projectiles, not the SWORD. SWORD looks more like a sci-fi spaceship thingie, while the Y-Drone is that weird box shape
I've seen several sword spawns from admin gimmicks in the past year. I don't think having it in normal round rotation would be a good thing. There are already other large scale boss fights that can be encountered without admin intervention like the Y drone and famine that are more appropriate in power level for a big round end boss IMO. The sword isn't really something that feels fun to engage with in round outside of the trappings of an admin run event, it literally just deletes most of the map and near instantly kills everyone who makes line of sight with it lol. I'd love to see more Y drone or famine nonsense on station though, or even traitors bringing the X drone is fun too for a little boss fight. But I personally would not agree with the SWORD being something introduced without admin intervention
Yeah any time SWORD is spawned in the round is basically destroyed. Which, while it's not always a bad thing, it isn't great to have regularly. HEAVILY destroying the station like SWORD did should be something caused by player action, not a random event, imo.
If the SWORD is ever to return I would expect it to have it's own off-station arena/summon point (Hey, that sounds familiar...) rather than it tearing up the station, not without heavy retuning of it's abilities, health, etc, which I doubt will happen as someone has to take time to do that when they could instead work on something else, new features or some bugfixes.
(04-07-2024, 11:23 AM)Sord213 Wrote: Yeah any time SWORD is spawned in the round is basically destroyed. Which, while it's not always a bad thing, it isn't great to have regularly. HEAVILY destroying the station like SWORD did should be something caused by player action, not a random event, imo.

Partially agree with this. I would to throw in that i believe that serious dedication to an antag goals should also be rewarded by utterly fucking up the station. Like a blob doing their objective starting to rapidly grow or the flock beacon transmitting the signal.

I feel like similar things could be implemented for other antag kits/goals. Like having 20% of the station covered with kudzu causes the kudzu to mutate to the pink, station-consuming variant or throwing an active black hole artifact bomb into the singularity causes a similar effect to throwing a nuke into the singularity. Basically, a bit more of what for example the chaplain 15 souls ability is.

The problem with the sword is an antag staying all round in the debris field and suddenly spawning a round-ending boss on the station.
Considering its destructive properties, maybe a chance to spawn in during shuttle call in a late round when a good percentage of antags are dead? Its bootup time was most the call though so it may need to be adjusted for this to work.
(04-08-2024, 06:12 PM)cheekybrdy Wrote:
Considering its destructive properties, maybe a chance to spawn in during shuttle call in a late round when a good percentage of antags are dead? Its bootup time was most the call though so it may need to be adjusted for this to work.

Shuttle is on the way but a big boss is coming to destroy the station...

I wonder what most players will do...

Bad idea, but.. it would be cool "IF" a shuttle is called due to an "antagonist victory" (Like blob and flock for example)
Would spawn this thing when the shuttle arrives. In theory that is.. in practice I can see it coming right for escape and destroying it before a soul gets on the shuttle where they are safe.

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