Sally MacCaa's HoS application
300% a +1 to Sally!!! I've only ever had positive experiences with her on 3, even when they've been a turncoat antag detective. Always very communicative on the radio and engages frequently with the team outside of security business. Could not agree with this application more.
Very cool and calm in-game. I've personally seen Sally able to be both laid-back as a security officer and able to handle stressful things with great communication and grace. I'd definitely be in approval of Avanth for HoS.
One of the people who you can ask yourself, What have you done that isn't the material of a great HOS? I've played with Sally a lot over the past few months, and they always shown great communication within the team and also great attitude to go with it. +1
Sally is one of the blue haired character that i go "oh shit nice they are on the team" when i join security. Pretty level headed, responsive and communicative. Bring in the berret and cape!
Och nae.

But seriously, Sally is a great officer and a good role model for other officers, even with the funny accent. Having Sally on the team is always a good thing, and would love to see her with the beret. Even if red wouldn't look good on her. +1
Took quite a while for me to run into you as an Officer but you've been playing pretty consistently and know your stuff. I've seen you using your communication to sort of lead Security. Seems like a good fit for HoS to me.
+1 to the silly sally, I love their playstyle! I feel like Avanth works really hard to make the security team feel like a *team* instead of just a department. Their communication is top-notch. I've also seen them put in a lot of effort to training assistants recently, and although they sometimes need a scottish-translation, I think we could have all used a teacher like Sally when we were training. Another thing I like is that they are very approachable, and if I ever had an issue I wouldn't hesitate to reach out.  queen greater domestic space-bee
I have seen Sally do almost perfect captain work and put in some amazing work as an officer. I think they absolutely have the work of a security officer and the leadership skills to lead a security team down pat. Only concern would be you being a bit too partial to friends by letting them get away with stuff that you would not let others do or giving them special positions using ID console access, though I think as long as you're careful and conscious about how your actions seem to others in the future, you'll do just fine. +1 from me for now. It's always a pleasure to see Sally around.
I see Sally quite often while I am on and I usually am in sec or captain during those times. One thing that stands out to me is during the shifts I am on sec with Sally and others, without a HoS or NTSC, and when things get disorganized or chaotic, I have seen Sally take the initiative to organize sec to handle the situation on several occasions. Plus they do a good job listening and remaining active in communications.

I do not believe our time zones meet often, which would explain how infrequently I see you. However, from what I have seen, Sally is quite a competent officer. I have seen her being communicative, responsible, and a great leader within the security team, +1.
You add a lot to the rounds I've seen you in and I think you play a great security officer. Can't see why you wouldn't be a good fit for HoS!
Seen Sally many times playing Security, and I've come to think of her as a dependable part of any sec team. Definite approval.
Yeah, great officer, will be absolutely great as an HoS, can't add anything that hasn't already been said.
After review of community feedback and internal deliberation, we have accepted your application to become a HoS. Congrats! Please familiarize yourself with our HoS Guidelines and reach out anytime if you have any concerns or questions.

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