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[PR] Farts to have 3 second cooldown
Welp here I got with another idea... and recylcing old ones.

1: Eating baked beans will allow you to bypass the cooldown.

2: Have maybe a small fart and a big fart... small farts come out if you are spamming and are just a fixed a low sounding sound, big farts are the farts we know.

3: Keep the cooldown and add a new mutation gene (maybe trait) called "The Goon's Butt" wich allows you to spam it again.

4: Fart Disbelief... yea I am going there.

These are ideas to try and "satisify" both sides, but technically I am so neutral I do not care "AS LONG" as farts with their mechanical use for fart gas can be used propperly or gets replaced.

I still love the occasional fart parties though...
But overall I am still neutral.. the only reason I came back to post is because we are back here again at step 1.
And I only see "YES AND NO" and not trying to find an inbetween cept for a select few.

Though I am surprised some devs came out and said the way they say things and both sides have a point.
But farting is part of the goon community and spamming can be annoying... either way... let's see what we can discuss to get what everyone can agree on.

Edit: Petey tying it to food is a good idea too, reminds me of the beans idea. I only added this since we posted about the same time, but my post made a new page wich ment Petey's post got overshadowed.
(09-30-2023, 09:37 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: I feel like this is a big split between the Old Blood and the New Blood about the farts.

At its core, I think that's more or less what it is. There are people who enjoy the funky gross-out juvenile humor Goon has harbored for a decade, and there are people who want to move on and make the game less of that, and this is a major conflict point.
I've heard someone say on the discord that rooms are actually getting stinkier now after this change, and I think that's true. What would before just be a single greeting or acknowledgement or emphasis or whatever fart, is now 5x the gas volume. This adds up pretty quickly. I agree with Waffeloffle in that it'd be nice to see the room smell messages removed (or perhaps have an increased threshold?)

This is a bit off the topic of this exact PR, but UrsulaMajor has stated before that she didn't like the idea of fart disbelief, since the point of farts is other people hearing them. I can understand; if everyone just took fart disbelief that'd be sorta lame. Maybe it should be -1, -2, or even -3 points, then? That way it'd be disincentivized, but still an option for those who are committed enough
I’m with the others that don’t support this pr. Fart spam isn’t a majorly complained about issue at least anecdotally from my experience. If people are annoyed about farting I feel a trait like fart disbelief would serve much better than adding the cooldown
(09-30-2023, 10:50 AM)Zamujasa Wrote:
(09-30-2023, 09:37 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: I feel like this is a big split between the Old Blood and the New Blood about the farts.

At its core, I think that's more or less what it is. There are people who enjoy the funky gross-out juvenile humor Goon has harbored for a decade, and there are people who want to move on and make the game less of that, and this is a major conflict point.

Don't like this characterization since:
1) I like the funky gross out humor of goon and don't want that to change
2) I am old blood

There are reasons to dislike sound spam other than "farts gross" or "me new". Which isn't to say that people who say "Farts gross" don't have valid points, they're just not the ones who motivated this PR.
(09-30-2023, 08:45 AM)Sord213 Wrote: Don't like this characterization since:
1) I like the funky gross out humor of goon and don't want that to change
2) I am old blood

Same lol. Playing since 2012. Do not like being discredited on the basis I might be "new".
Update: cooldown is now 3 seconds
Does it increase the points gained by farting into peoples faces as ghost too?
While i mostly main #3 (which is right now quite often our #1 server) - over the last few months i can count the number of times i've even heard farting as much as possible on the 1 second cooldown on one hand. possibly even a single finger.

Not only that, i only ever see it break out when chaos is at hand anyway. people are on fire, being beaten, shot, tased. then a staff assistant adds to the chaos farting repeatedly. then 3 other people join in. it still puts a smile on my face.

Oh, 'its only a testmerge' - to test what exactly? that you fart less? or to test that players aren't complaining so much that it's worth doing, even though a good chunk of long-term contributors and players are really against the idea?
All this, even though a lot of the pro-nerf people are people that are just unhappy that fart sfx even exist in this game? they still won't be happy when it's people farting off a whatever second cooldown instead. it's still farting.

What's even more frustrating is that better ideas are already posited.
What I can't believe is this idea - 'Fart disbelief is bad because it's fun that other people hear fart noises, and your farting might go unheard'
But these are people that dont like it anyway! It's fun that people that hate farts are forced to hear the SFX? I bet a good percentage of the people who like this PR would be more than happy to instead have something to mute fart noises, and consequentially not give a fart about this PR. I wonder what the polling would look like if these players got what they wanted.

I don't think it's 'sound spam' if it's requiring several people to do it to compete to something actually loud (gunshots, beatings, screams). Sound spam would be old styptic extinguishers that drowned out the entirety of everything going on for 3 seconds thanks to 1 person. Every fart in a fart-choir has a keypress behind it, and behind each of those keypresses is someone having a good time.
(09-30-2023, 08:45 PM)TDHooligan Wrote: even though a good chunk of long-term contributors and players are really against the idea?

(09-30-2023, 12:54 PM)Cal Wrote: Playing since 2012. Do not like being discredited on the basis I might be "new".

How long someone has been playing or contributing does not mean their opinion should be ignored or given more weight.
(09-30-2023, 08:45 PM)TDHooligan Wrote: I don't think it's 'sound spam' if it's requiring several people

One person can sound spam with farts simply by pressing it on a 1 second cooldown. The sound chains together, such that the next one starts as the previous one is barely ending. With the "meatier" sounds like farts/burps/screams, this is enough to create a disruptive soundscape that's annoying as hell to listen to.

Imagine someone saying "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?" non stop, once per second, every second, for 90 minutes. You'd go mad. I'm going mad. Farts are funny. One fart per second for an hour is not funny.
Okay. So have an audio toggle that turns off the fart noise instead of changing it for everyone. Seems like a good compromise to me.
Fart Disbelief trait has been suggested here more than once, has it been talked about somewhere else? As it seems to be ignored every time someone brings it up in this thread.
(10-01-2023, 11:39 AM)Sbmhawk Wrote: Fart Disbelief trait has been suggested here more than once, has it been talked about somewhere else? As it seems to be ignored every time someone brings it up in this thread.

i looked through the discord. ursula has addressed it once, saying 'part of the fun of farts is that other people hear them' and that it doesnt make everyone happy. I can almost guarantee fart disbelief will pass with thumbs ups from both crowds, as it's not like everyone is turning farts off.

some people hate farts: code fart disbelief 2day. give fart-noise haters what they want. let fart-game lovers have their noise. 

some people hate how often they hear several emotes: toggle-able 'quiet mode' with increased sound cooldowns. i want to hear as much chaos as people are creating, some people don't (and that is ok)

fartmos gives RSI: change fartmos so that *fart does not give much fart. feed air scrubbers farty food to create farts. as it is, it's no longer a rare, funny joke. it is now a nearly-mandated chore, make it require something more interesting.
I would add that if there was a fart disbelief trait how would bible farting be handled?

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