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Judges, a four slot Gimmick Job, should NOT HAVE ALL ACCESS!
I am convinced that this was a mistake, actually. There is no way this was added intentionally, and this will be a job that will be used for nothing but grief, and it needs changing ASAP. Here is a list of what Judges can do...

  • Walk into Sec and take all their Gear.
  • Auth the Armoury
  • Steal from the Captain
  • Tamper Sec Records
  • Break out Prisoners
  • Order Weapons from Cargo
  • Mod IDs
  • Basically EVERYTHING someone with AA can do

So yeah, you get the point. Courtroom's almost never happen, and this is a job that will naturally be gravitated towards by newer players that don't really know any better, or griefers. I'm genuinely surprised that I've not experienced anything bad happen with it yet, but if this isn't changed soon it will surely happen when more and more people catch on.
I think these were enabled by accident when pali fixed a bug with lawyers. Will be removed/fixed soon!!
(08-21-2023, 04:20 PM)aloe Wrote: I think these were enabled by accident when pali fixed a bug with lawyers. Will be removed/fixed soon!!

Rip Judges

2023 - 2023
[Image: i-am-the-law-judge-dredd.gif]
Give them Lawbringers
When I saw Judges, I was like... you know what let's test it out! I had a fun RP... but noticed they had TOO MUCH ACCESS.
I am like: "I shouldn't be able to enter bridge or the HoP's office. Eh... probably a test."

But now i know.. yea I vote okay to this. Also if we bring back judges.. just 1 per station... not 3. XD

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