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Removing farts [CONTROVERSIAL AF]
would be fine with farts being removed personally
(07-31-2023, 06:28 AM)Cal Wrote: would be fine with farts being removed personally

Based Cal as always

I think farts are just a weird leftover. Whenever you ask yourself "would this be added today if it was PR'd?" and the answer is "probably not", I feel like it solves itself. And in my mind, if someone added a PR to add farts and fart atmospherics if it wasn't already in the game, I'm not sure it'd get added.
Arguments about how "gross" they are don't really resonate with me, but i do find any and all sound spam annoying, and farts are a huge source of it.

I wouldn't be upset if farts were removed, but I'm also not going to go through the steps required to remove them.
This suggestion better have some alternatives for pipe burns and the TEG otherwise this is a hard pass from me dawg, the TEG was already nerfed to the ground and farts are pivotal to how advanced setups run, with little to no alternative, this just hurts engineering for the sake of "gross sound bad" especially when there are far worse sounds and graphics in the game
I.e. the Port a Puke
It is silly but farts remind me of the goofyness of this whole game. We're space people stuck in a death-trap of a station, filled with people actively seeking to kill you, running around the place doing various zany shenanigans. Having it bound by default (And on the F key, no less) helps newer players understand quickly that despite the simply incredible complexity of this game, and it's vertical learning curve, you can still get your fun in simple ridiculous things and that the game strives to remain a bit cartoonish at it's core. It's a light-hearted joke, as old as time itself, and i'd really hate to see it go.
(07-31-2023, 09:21 AM)ZodiaDecius Wrote: This suggestion better have some alternatives for pipe burns and the TEG otherwise this is a hard pass from me dawg, the TEG was already nerfed to the ground and farts are pivotal to how advanced setups run, with little to no alternative, this just hurts engineering for the sake of "gross sound bad" especially when there are far worse sounds and graphics in the game
I.e. the Port a Puke

i would consider having an important mechanic tied so much to such a silly and weird feature to be kind of problematic already...
(07-31-2023, 03:02 PM)zjdtmkhzt Wrote:
(07-31-2023, 09:21 AM)ZodiaDecius Wrote: This suggestion better have some alternatives for pipe burns and the TEG otherwise this is a hard pass from me dawg, the TEG was already nerfed to the ground and farts are pivotal to how advanced setups run, with little to no alternative, this just hurts engineering for the sake of "gross sound bad" especially when there are far worse sounds and graphics in the game
I.e. the Port a Puke

i would consider having an important mechanic tied so much to such a silly and weird feature to be kind of problematic already...

Yeah but we're not talking about a TEG rebalance, we're talking about removing farts, and since I didn't see many people bringing this angle up I figured I would  give my $0.02
(07-31-2023, 03:02 PM)zjdtmkhzt Wrote: i would consider having an important mechanic tied so much to such a silly and weird feature to be kind of problematic already...

I would kinda disagree. We are known to be the "fart"-server. It's part of goon's identity. It makes sense that this mechanic is tied into orher mechanics for how central it is to our culture.

Every tutorial for goon explains the importance of the "F"-Key for a reason.

I mean heck, we have a whole a-zone which is heavily fart-themed.
ok honest to god opinion i wouldnt be upset if farts got removed but i also dont care if they stayed

i just have a bad time showing friends this game without someone spamming the F key and they automatically think its a weird thing on SS13 servers, i mean yeah, people who have played this game a decent bit interpret the comedy differently rather than it being a direct fart joke, some people even use it as a means of communication when passing by each other. its just that people who might be curious about this game might interpret it different, and that might drive them away
I certainly would never have stuck around if people were farting their asses off. But, well, people don't do that, at least not from my experience on 4. We could probably do more to deemphasize farting within game mechanics, as most of the annoying and weird uses come from inexperienced players, but I'm not mussed.

I will say that I don't think people comparing it to the port-a-puke or to blood and gore are really getting at the point of this thread. Farts being gross physically isn't the problem, obviously. Farts are gross socially. It's acceptable for things like genetics powers or the like, but the issue stems from its position as an *emote--* it's right up there with waving, nodding, and saluting. A form of communication, a way to connect with fellow spacemen. "Joe Staffie laughs! His breath smells like a fart." There's a huge amount of social discomfort coming from a person being willingly gross in this way. Kind of like a chef choosing to use a bladed weapon to kill a mouse and getting blood on the floor, except instead of the end goal being to kill a mouse, it's interacting with people in a foul manner with little value outside comedy.

Ultimately, that's what it boils down to: not that it's gross, or unnecessary, but that it's foul. It sullies a person's experience playing the game to see farting in excess like the convenient "f to fart" keybind encourages. The videos I've seen from youtubers (the ones that convinced me to play!) barely mention the farts, if at all.
Yeah, exactly, we have so many cooler things that differentiate us from other servers besides constant flatulence bound do one of the most prominent keys in the layout.
And yeah, I am also not a fan of how this ties into everything else, if it were like urination where it's not that trivial and rather rare i wouldn't care as much, but it's just so ubiquitous!
Once every dozen rounds or so maybe you'll run into someone doing something with piss for chemistry or something and you're like ok a bit weird but maybe sort of realistic.

But as soon as you enter the server as a new player it's like, here's the fart button right next to your movement buttons, wonder what the atmosphere is made of on the station? farts. you're constantly breathing everyones farts.
accidentally or intentionally eat an egg or something? involuntary farts.
go to genetics to find your genes? farts.
wow, those people are taking you on a cool expedition, who knows what secrets you'll uncover? oh, you ████████████████████████████████████ with your butt...
oh, that chief engineer wants to show you how to make big power? it's farts.
etc etc etc it just goes on and it's so off-putting

and it's not the same as like gore or vomit or something at all, because blood and stuff is natural as it's a game with deadly combat. vomit makes sense when you include the entire chemistry system with like a billion poisons for murdering people. farts are just unnecessary legacy humor
I'd be upset if farts went. Big supporter of just adding a cooldown or a mechanic that requires you to eat to fart though.
(08-01-2023, 04:17 AM)CalliopeSoups Wrote: I'd be upset if farts went. Big supporter of just adding a cooldown or a mechanic that requires you to eat to fart though.

Essentially the thing we all agreed on last time it was discussed.
Just like peeing requires you to drink.
Honestly, I dont think farts are as intrinsic to goon (in the sense of 'goon is the FART server') as people say so these days.

They're a core introductory element of the light-hearted, "dont think on it too hard" ethos that's always set goon apart from the other stations.

I've introduced at least 12 people, personally, to Goon over the years, and this story has rung true for more than a handful of them:
Quote:You're dropped in an INCREDIBLY complicated game as a new player, loads of people are buzzing around doing their complicated jobs, you don't have the foggiest of what's going on, and you're afraid to ask people, but the guide tells you something both simple & bizarre:

'You can press F to fart'

'Really?' you think, 'What a stupid, silly thing to have.' Then you fart. You might find it funny, or just dumb, but it's such a simple thing to do.
You walk up to someone, then press the fart key. A grizzled veteran of the space game briefly stops doing whatever complex stuff they were doing, and farts back. Almost like a nod. A silly moment shared between two complete strangers. Instantly, a barrier is broken down.

As goon steadily loses all the overpowered silly stuff (admittedly because people regularly run these things into the ground) I've always known farts as universally tethering goon to being silly. There's not many features in goon that are both silly and applicable at literally any time. 

You can take goon super seriously, and a lot of people do. But you're doing that *despite* being a 2d farty spaceman in an incredibly complicated game. More power to them. 

Perhaps I'm just an old fart. I've farted before, I've farted at inopportune times, I've forgotten about egg reagent and eaten a space bee egg while two roleplayers engage in a high-intensity argument adjacent to me.

That said, I also wouldn't mind *excessive* farting requiring more effort than simply spamming F... How about an incredibly complicated fart mechanic, all hidden behind the guise of a single message along the lines of "you've no more gas to give!" It's a win for both teams, really.

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