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big scissor
me (the scisor user)) think thi s g ood iDea.,,

aDD no ow plees!!!
We need BIG one
Ngl this could be a great exclusive traitor item for Barber the only problem is it would have to be unique it can't just be a reskinned katana
(07-17-2023, 05:02 AM)Thebutler Wrote: Ngl this could be a great exclusive traitor item for Barber the only problem is it would have to be unique it can't just be a reskinned katana

Cuts off hair, INSTANTLY

You may not be able to kill the crew but you can kill their morale
(07-17-2023, 07:47 AM)unfunnyperson Wrote:
(07-17-2023, 05:02 AM)Thebutler Wrote: Ngl this could be a great exclusive traitor item for Barber the only problem is it would have to be unique it can't just be a reskinned katana

Cuts off hair, INSTANTLY

You may not be able to kill the crew but you can kill their morale

A gimmick traitor item for a gimmick job very fitting
the fact that big scissr isnt real yet is flabbergasting me
comically large scissor
I think this add this think I add this this I think add ADD
(07-18-2023, 02:51 PM)mintyphresh Wrote: I think this add this think I add this this I think add ADD

I completely agree
But wut happen if run wif big sciZr
bug schissor need add now! Cut cut snip snip! SO BIG SO HUGE! add much to game, biggest update of all time!
If someone seriously wants to code these they oughta be two handed. You could probably give them to the HoP as some kind of ribbon cutting ceremony gimmick
(07-19-2023, 07:26 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: If someone seriously wants to code these they oughta be two handed. You could probably give them to the HoP as some kind of ribbon cutting ceremony gimmick

Give it a special that reaches over tables so the HoP can mangle people trying to greytide.
Big scizr 2 hand. Wrenchable to make 2 1 hand items
Big scizr blades
Then can run wif sizr

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