(06-14-2023, 11:12 AM)dumdumbaki Wrote: (06-14-2023, 04:15 AM)Cal Wrote: why are you asking players? Use f1 and ask us instead, we can give you a direct answer
I just wanted to create a discussion environment and I dont know which chemicals are the cause of griffs. I need a list or something.
Quick flow chart:
Does the chemical damage the station and depressure it? YES > Don't do it!
NO > Next question.
Does the chemical cause direct physical harm to your crew mates? YES > Don't do it!
Maybe? > Ask an admin
No! > Move to next question
Does the chemical indirectly harm crewmates via slipping into bad areas? Yes > Stop lubing you clown!
No! > Move to next question.
Does the chemical disrupt crewmates majorly and give antags an advantage? Yes > Try not to use it but ahelp it just in case.
No! > Move to next question.
Does it give buffs like drugs? Yes > Is it addictive? Yes > Don't... No the addiction > It's safe.
No > Move to next question.
Does the chemical do anything goofy like changing colors or grow plants and such? Yes > It's harmless chem at this point anyway!
No > ...Then it's water and no one cares.
That's the best flow chart I can think of.
Remember your chemical shouldn't cause harm to the station or crewmates or disrupt them too much..
If a chem bomb blows off station or in a testing zone... no one minds as much but INFORM SECURITY for the test.
And when in ANY DOUBT... ask an admin.