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A question about rule 1
Hello, I was going to ask something. 1 rule says all explosions are forbidden for a person with non antag. If I detonate a harmless chem bomb while playing a clown in the game, for example (Cryostylane, liquid black matter...) etc , do I count as griffing the game?
It depends on the chemical. Stuff like cryostylane and liquid black matter IS in fact harmful, cryo will cause a lot of slips over a large area and liquid black matter can insta crit people depending on the amount of stuff nearby.

Go for something gimmicky and truly harmless like fartonium, sakuride etc!
(06-12-2023, 06:41 AM)CalliopeSoups Wrote: It depends on the chemical. Stuff like cryostylane and liquid black matter IS in fact harmful, cryo will cause a lot of slips over a large area and liquid black matter can insta crit people depending on the amount of stuff nearby.

Go for something gimmicky and truly harmless like fartonium, sakuride etc!

They all say fartonium is harmless until you Throw the bibles under people smile. Beware the Fartonium!

Oh yeah on topic, yeah Pretty much non lethal things dont really matter. Go ham. You can test explosions on Space diner tho, As long as you make sure nobody is on there before you do it. Its quite common practice for people to test bombs there actually.
Basicly put the reason we don't want non antags to make bombs of any sort since...

A: You can have it stolen by an antag making it easier for them
B: Anti-grieving
C: Tempt others non antags to blow em up.

BUT are they banned completely? No... you are allowed to make chem bombs that are not harmful or goofy. As long as it doesn't fully disrupt a players gameplay it's safe.
Lube bombing is allowed.

As for liquid black matter and things that can destroy stations... THOSE ARE ILLEGAL, but if you want to make it and detonate it in the debris field.. that is considered "Fine".... BUT make sure EVERYONE is informed of this and only do it as a SCIENTIST for "TESTING REASONS"
Don't just do it cause you can...I have seen many "Non antag bombs" go off with enough guidance and making sure these bombs do 0 damage to anyone on stations.
Also this was on RP... where it's slower and less frantic then on Classic.

Also the reason lube bombing is allowed despite being "disruptive" is because it's effects ain't permanent.
Something like liquid black matter DOES.

If you aren't sure if the chem bomb isn't allowed... you can always ask admins or mentors.
(06-12-2023, 08:31 AM)Frolicsome Flufficorn Wrote: They all say fartonium is harmless until you Throw the bibles under people smile. Beware the Fartonium!

Afaik you need to voluntarily fart on a bible nowadays. Fartonium or eggs don't count.
(06-12-2023, 09:23 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote:
(06-12-2023, 08:31 AM)Frolicsome Flufficorn Wrote: They all say fartonium is harmless until you Throw the bibles under people smile. Beware the Fartonium!

Afaik you need to voluntarily fart on a bible nowadays. Fartonium or eggs don't count.

Must be a RP thing. Can do it on classic, was literally doing it a few days ago
(06-12-2023, 06:41 AM)CalliopeSoups Wrote: It depends on the chemical. Stuff like cryostylane and liquid black matter IS in fact harmful, cryo will cause a lot of slips over a large area and liquid black matter can insta crit people depending on the amount of stuff nearby.

Go for something gimmicky and truly harmless like fartonium, sakuride etc!

so if i do something like a drug chem bomb will i be griffing the game
(06-12-2023, 10:50 AM)Frolicsome Flufficorn Wrote: Must be a RP thing. Can do it on classic, was literally doing it a few days ago

Huh, then it nay very well be me being plainly wrong.
why are you asking players? Use f1 and ask us instead, we can give you a direct answer
(06-14-2023, 04:15 AM)Cal Wrote: why are you asking players? Use f1 and ask us instead, we can give you a direct answer

Thanks Cal, I was gonna suggest it but I wasn't sure if it was an ahelp thing or mhelp thing or from mhelp to ahelp.

So I just gave an answers from what I know happened in the past.
(06-14-2023, 04:15 AM)Cal Wrote: why are you asking players? Use f1 and ask us instead, we can give you a direct answer

I just wanted to create a discussion environment and I dont know which chemicals are the cause of griffs. I need a list or something.
(06-14-2023, 11:12 AM)dumdumbaki Wrote:
(06-14-2023, 04:15 AM)Cal Wrote: why are you asking players? Use f1 and ask us instead, we can give you a direct answer

I just wanted to create a discussion environment and I dont know which chemicals are the cause of griffs. I need a list or something.

Quick flow chart:

Does the chemical damage the station and depressure it? YES > Don't do it!
NO > Next question.
Does the chemical cause direct physical harm to your crew mates? YES > Don't do it!
Maybe? > Ask an admin
No! > Move to next question
Does the chemical indirectly harm crewmates via slipping into bad areas? Yes > Stop lubing you clown!
No! > Move to next question.
Does the chemical disrupt crewmates majorly and give antags an advantage? Yes > Try not to use it but ahelp it just in case.
No! > Move to next question.
Does it give buffs like drugs? Yes > Is it addictive? Yes > Don't... No the addiction > It's safe.
No > Move to next question.
Does the chemical do anything goofy like changing colors or grow plants and such? Yes > It's harmless chem at this point anyway!
No > ...Then it's water and no one cares.

That's the best flow chart I can think of.
Remember your chemical shouldn't cause harm to the station or crewmates or disrupt them too much..
If a chem bomb blows off station or in a testing zone... no one minds as much but INFORM SECURITY for the test.
And when in ANY DOUBT... ask an admin.
(06-14-2023, 12:02 PM)Kotlol Wrote:
(06-14-2023, 11:12 AM)dumdumbaki Wrote:
(06-14-2023, 04:15 AM)cal Wrote: oyunculara neden soruyorsun Bunun yerine f1'i kullanın ve bize sorun, size doğrudan bir cevap verebiliriz

Sadece bir tartışma ortamı yaratmak istedim ve grifflerin sebebinin hangi kimyasallar olduğunu bilmiyorum. Bir listeye falan ihtiyacım var.

Hızlı akış şeması:

Kimyasal istasyona zarar verir ve basıncını düşürür mü? EVET > Yapma!
HAYIR > Sonraki soru.
Kimyasal, mürettebat arkadaşlarınıza doğrudan fiziksel zarar veriyor mu? EVET > Yapma!
Belki? > Bir yöneticiye sorun
Hayır! > Sonraki soruya geçin
Kimyasal, kötü alanlara kayarak ekip arkadaşlarına dolaylı olarak zarar veriyor mu? Evet > Palyaçoyu yağlamayı bırak!
HAYIR! > Sonraki soruya geçin.
Kimyasal, ekip arkadaşlarını büyük ölçüde rahatsız ediyor ve düşmanlara bir avantaj sağlıyor mu? Evet > Kullanmamaya çalışın ama her ihtimale karşı yardım edin.
HAYIR! > Sonraki soruya geçin.
Uyuşturucu gibi buff veriyor mu? Evet > Bağımlılık yapar mı? Evet > Yapmayın... Bağımlılık yok > Güvenli.
Hayır > Sonraki soruya geç.
Kimyasal, renk değiştirmek veya bitki yetiştirmek gibi aptalca bir şey yapar mı? Evet > Bu noktada zararsız bir kimya zaten!
Hayır > ...O zaman konu su ve kimsenin umurunda değil.

Aklıma gelen en iyi akış şeması bu.
Kimyasalınızın istasyona veya ekip arkadaşlarına zarar vermemesi veya onları çok fazla rahatsız etmemesi gerektiğini unutmayın..
İstasyondan veya test bölgesinde bir kimyasal bomba patlarsa... kimse test için GÜVENLİĞİ BİLGİLENDİRMEK kadar umursamıyor.
Ve HERHANGİ BİR ŞÜPHEye düştüğünüzde... bir yöneticiye sorun.
Thanks !!!!

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