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new chngeling power
Shoddy Wrote:it would probably be cool if taking the head spider out had a moderate chance to kill or severely injure the patient, kinda like removal of facehuggers in Alien.

Also, control of the headspider is a must, because your headspider doesn't know how to doge the hysterical captain's laser gun shots. also yes for going through vents, i think this should be a changeling power anyways, liquid form.

also, in " THE THING" you see a lot of different shapes the "thing" takes, like creating a mouth in it's chest when a guy tries to do CPR or something.
He's trying to use defibrillators on the "Dead" man that they don't know is really just the changeling playing dead, but it has the ability to morph it's body a lot. The chest mouth was actually composed of the man's ribs having been fucked with so they looked like sharp plate teeth. However, blowing it up was an effective method of dealing with it because it was entirely unable to reform it's body, but instead could just control it's headspider and scuttle away. For our station's purposes, the Shambling Horror form is it using the chest mouth to consume people and whatnot.
Or maybe change how the headspider works. Right now if it gets in a player they want to rush to surgery to get it out, or just crusher themselves, just to screw over the changeling.
A change that could work is that there would be a chance that when the changeling takes over the body divides in two. with the infected person incharge of a changeling. So there would be a change an infected person might want to wait it out and get to play as changeling too.
ianmacdo Wrote:Or maybe change how the headspider works. Right now if it gets in a player they want to rush to surgery to get it out, or just crusher themselves, just to screw over the changeling.
A change that could work is that there would be a chance that when the changeling takes over the body divides in two. with the infected person incharge of a changeling. So there would be a change an infected person might want to wait it out and get to play as changeling too.
No because then it'll be like in alien where people will scream and charge after the headspider and be assisting the changeling. Instead, make it so the headspider stuns a person for a while so it'll -really- be an effort for them to get there to remove the changeling. Still a chance, and a better chance if there are others there, but if you go lone wolf and manage to kill a changeling, you're going to have to deal with the spider.
Maybe also give the victim a sneaky dose of perfluedodecalin or something to stop them from screaming as well.

I mean, a dude's head just crawled down your throat, how are you screaming to get dragged to medbay?
david2222121 Wrote:Maybe also give the victim a sneaky dose of perfluedodecalin or something to stop them from screaming as well.

I mean, a dude's head just crawled down your throat, how are you screaming to get dragged to medbay?
What about just being unable to breathe? I mean, a dude's head just crawled down your throat.
The self-gib option would quickly lose its trickery potential and you'll just have a mob of people armed with tasers and stun shotguns camping gibs.

So I have an idea about the headspider issue. Maybe we just scrap that. Maybe there can be some sort of embryo or pocket dna that a changeling can stealthily sting and inject someone with (assuming they've eaten enough people and got enough dna points).

Upon the changeling's death, there is a 1 minute delay before the embryo activates. This allows for the crew to wonder who might have been stung, if anyone at all. Was someone stung when the four assistants were beating the ling with fire extinguishers? Was someone stung before the fight ever happened? When it activates, the infected individual loses most of his motor control (so he's stumbling around) and can only gibber or sputter into the radio. It'd be the crew's job to locate him in time and figure out what location the person is at (or the AI can help with that). I'm not sure what the time could be before the embryo takes over. During that time, though, it could be surgically removed. I guess if the infected individual is dead (or rotten) then the body is useless and maybe the ling could receive a message when a host has died.

I realize that this could be a bit lazy for the ling to have such a (possibly) easy chance to take over people. So how about after injecting the embryo, the host will receive gradual toxic damage that gets more intense the longer the inactive embryo remains. Nobody would notice a little bit of toxic damage but once that person is suddenly dropping into orange or borderline crit then it would become obvious. However, that could also cause the changeling to strategize a little on who he is going to sting (and when).

I could just see it now. Four vigilantes standing in disposals watching a mass of bloody material get launched off station. One person accuses another person who then accuses the accuser whereas the other two are just watching everyone, expecting it. Then over the radio a miner splutters something incomprehensible... But the AI is too stupid to switch camera networks... RIP he.

I dunno how this all would be to code or anything. Just thought of it and decided to share. Pick it apart, add/change, or throw it in the "worst ideas ever" bin which is essentially a paper shredder. I don't mind!
BadBlanket Wrote:Idea!
This has been somewhat suggested before in: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1844
And in all honesty although it'd make changlings VERY powerful and very difficult to track/kill this would be so so SO much better as it would add to the paranoia, the whole reason why lings work in ss13 so much is that whole distrust thing going on, and it would be a much better homage to the original "the thing"
If this was going to be the replaced with headspider, then I'd recommend a cap on lings per round, 2 maximum.

Replace headspider with a dormant virus, as suggested in your post. This virus can ONLY be used once, and is stung discreetly. The virus appears and acts as a random lesser virus, like food poisoning or a cold some time after the ling dies. The target then starts twitching violently, sweating profusely, and before long starts vomiting blood. The medical scanner at this point would then read "ABNORMAL TUMOR DETECTED" for which at this point the user could have a chance to be dragged to the test chamber to be secluded. During this point if doctor/security/random assistant knows the target is infected and trys to murder the target, if he hits the person while knocked down the targets body will flay the assailant open. This will encourage people not to murder the ling, but contain it. During that point all hope is lost and the target is doomed to turn.
How about some kind of "spore" function when a ling dies? That being a cloud of spores releases when it dies, making people cough and blind for a bit, while one random person in the spores will get infected with some virus that eventually turns them into the killed ling. So a ling is killed by a group of people, chaos ensues over being sick and who is infected or not. It could also release fake viruses with same symptoms and warnings, but end up just doing nothing or killing the person.
It's been mentioned before, and I'll mention it here. Traitors are the only antagonist roles that get any real versatility in what they get to do and accomplish.

Vampires and changelings are stuck with a powerful, yet limited moveset, whereas traitors can choose to be stealthy, murderous, or anything between the two. The only other role that comes even close to this level of variable playability is wizards, with their choice of spells.

My point is, what if we give the changeling the ability to choose? He can evolve a headspider to break off and infect someone, implant changeling cancer in someone else, or release a cloud of infectious spores. With multiple options to choose from, the unfun jerks wouldn't be able to immediately know how to make sure the changelings round stays ended.
Player controlled head spider is the best idea.

Doesn't make sense that the head spider is controlled by a NPC when a head spider dodging lasers and trying to avoid a cyborg, running around in vents and generally causing a ruckus (maybe not even planning to attack anyone, just scaring people for fun) would be hilarious. I can see someone doing a friendly head spider gimmick only to incite a mob.

I mean from a game-play perspective it doesn't make much sense to take control away from a player only to give it back to them in the middle of the game with whatever thing the head-spider does being their sole game-play option.
If you want gibself you first must gibself yourself irl
Hokie Wrote:If you want gibself you first must gibself yourself irl

I did not find the irl command help confused

I don't like the gibself idea either. Doesn't seem like it would bring much, other than more camping on the corpse of the deceased ling.
I watched the original thing. the remasterd one sucks

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