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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
We all know the good ole Food synth, in the old days you could bring your own with spacebux to a shift and never buy food or drinks ever again.
Bar and Kitchen? A THING OF THE PAST... then it got removed cause let's face it... it was taking activity away from the bar and kitchen.
But now there is still one Cyborg that can poop food and drinks for anyone... no one really wants to play it since it's a joke module but people still worry on it.
So what I recommend is giving it an "Ammo" counter. Similiar to the RCD.
What would that ammo be? CREDITS!
Yep just insert credits into a slot inside the cyborg and they can start producing food again.
Would be a silly thing to do for NT, but totally in charater.
Want the replicators on a cyborg to run at full power? INSERT CREDITS.
And let's be real... we barely use hand credits as it is.
For now I only recommend it for the food synth, but in the could be used for all cyborgs, giving both players and cyborgs another reason to bring cash.
"I am out of materials for this job, please insert credits"
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BYOND Username: Lord_Earthfire
Character Name: Heron Asimov
Honestly, brobocop is a joke module anyway and ypu said that almost noone uses it... So why try to fix an issue when there is none?
The shifts i saw a brobocop they were more an addition to the chef than a detriment. The same way a botany department is that opens a farmers market or a candy selling merchant. They can easily fill different niches.
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BYOND Username: DeepFreezeDefender
Character Name: Kaatje Schippers, Been Had Jack Links
Every round where I've been a chef while a Brobocop is burgering the place up, I've gotten along with them just fine. Cooking burgers can be boring and they really complete a meal
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BYOND Username: DIO Chasek
Character Name: Mops The Floors
Honestly the best thing you can do as chef is have the brobocop actually help you *gasp*. They will appreciate not being shunned by the chef for a change, you save cooking materials for more exotic dishes, and more importantly you have an infinite supply of burgers for burger soup, burger pizza, burger sushi, and burger sushi pizza soup, all of which would require a heck of a lot of effort to prepare otherwise which can now be prepared with minimal effort.
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
Alright fine, It was just an idea to give each borg a reason to ask for "Enter credits here" in the future.
If borgs have a "replenishable" ammo source for some of their things.. like a RCD? It might lead to people paying borgs to build or de-construct something.
Or have another type of borg have more powerfull tool but is limited by humans inserting credits into them.
And also give credits more use as well use to borgs.
Seen too much moments where credits are tossed on the ground for a slot.
So I figured to adress the food replicator issue as a good place to start. PAY FOR YOUR BURGERS!!
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BYOND Username: Sonnzer
Character Name: Nicholas Perry
I like this idea a lot!
I've always wanted to be a walking talking sentient vending machine, this needs added ASAP!
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BYOND Username: BadShot
Character Name: Lydia Aivoras
I do like the idea but yeah not all too necessary, as chef I rarely see brobocop borgs using it, the one I did popped out sodas for my burgers to make authentic fast food diner meals
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
(10-08-2022, 01:55 PM)Sonnzer Wrote: I like this idea a lot!
I've always wanted to be a walking talking sentient vending machine, this needs added ASAP!
That was the original joke and why I gave this concept 1st to BROBOCOP ironicly.
The idea is that you can "recharge" borgs with credits so they buy the "materials" and send them to their internal storage.
Thus continuning to those material like requests.
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I've thought before that it would be nice if more stuff around the station worked like genetics, where there's reclaimers you dump stuff into and it gives you raw materials that new things can be made from. For genetics, that's organic matter like bodies and meat, but I could see the chem machines in science, the bar, and even the cyborgs running off a similar system.
Which isn't to say credits couldn't also be used. Maybe it's made from dense compressed matter, like miraclium. Would explain the color shifts
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BYOND Username: SgtManGuy
Character Name: Shift Norax, Ronny Clunkery, Willits Lotsatons
Maybe giving them credits or certain ingredients unlocks new recipes? This can incentivize giving stuff to the borg without removing it's current burger spawning abilities. If you want to go above and beyond give it some unique items that can be obtained via obscure combinations.
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
Exactly, this would also encourage borg play, but more truely.. BORG HUMAN INTERACTION!
I know it started as simple as "put credits in borg to get more of item requirements"
But now.... you guys are looking futher to small ideas I had in mind..
Wich is why I started with "Vending machine borg" as the starter.