"My name Jeff" And other tales of the consequences of the centralisation of power

Who banned you?: hauntmachine
Byond Key: Amoeba_Bait
Discord Username: Unknown
Date of Ban: 2022-09-04
Specified Reason for Ban: The correct response to being told not to say shit like "Please do not look at my cock and bulbs" is not to be flippant in adminPM's and then write down "my name Jeff" on a note when sent to the admin prison. Take some time off, and actually read the rules if you wish to keep playing on our servers.
When writing bans, Admins should include the rule broken. In the above ban no rule is referenced as being broken and issued ban is in effect only due to the writing of "my name jeff" on a piece of paper. There are no rules in place which outline the writing of "my name jeff" as a bannable offence. The only tangentially related rule states that players "Listen to the admins". This rule does not state that layers must reply to admins, nor replay to admins with a specific phrase, nor in a specific way, other than treating admins with basic respect. Just because an admin can read he contents of a piece of paper, this does not mean any and/or all content is addressed to them,
I was sworn at by the admin in question, which indeed does not align with GoonStation values, as I was not afforded the same level of basic respect [ref. rule 2] that is expected I reciprocate.
Additionally, the locking of appeal threads by the admin who issued the initial ban is incongruent with the very existence of the appeals court. The inability for others to voice their opinion creates a dictatorial system in which power is centralised without checks and balances to ensure GoonStation values are upheld.

Who banned you?: hauntmachine
Byond Key: Amoeba_Bait
Discord Username: Unknown
Date of Ban: 2022-09-04
Specified Reason for Ban: The correct response to being told not to say shit like "Please do not look at my cock and bulbs" is not to be flippant in adminPM's and then write down "my name Jeff" on a note when sent to the admin prison. Take some time off, and actually read the rules if you wish to keep playing on our servers.
When writing bans, Admins should include the rule broken. In the above ban no rule is referenced as being broken and issued ban is in effect only due to the writing of "my name jeff" on a piece of paper. There are no rules in place which outline the writing of "my name jeff" as a bannable offence. The only tangentially related rule states that players "Listen to the admins". This rule does not state that layers must reply to admins, nor replay to admins with a specific phrase, nor in a specific way, other than treating admins with basic respect. Just because an admin can read he contents of a piece of paper, this does not mean any and/or all content is addressed to them,
I was sworn at by the admin in question, which indeed does not align with GoonStation values, as I was not afforded the same level of basic respect [ref. rule 2] that is expected I reciprocate.
Additionally, the locking of appeal threads by the admin who issued the initial ban is incongruent with the very existence of the appeals court. The inability for others to voice their opinion creates a dictatorial system in which power is centralised without checks and balances to ensure GoonStation values are upheld.