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necrovirus zombies need actual stamina regeneration
Right now, they're a complete joke and every time admins try to run a zombie round the zombies get instantly killed and gibbed because they have

They're fucking zombies, they don't feel pain, they don't get tired.  You don't have to give them shambler level stamina regen but they really ought to have enough to not get stunlocked by literally any weapon in the game.
runner zombies am I right fellas.
i mean to actually kill one you need to gib (even tho is still extremely buggy and sometimes doesnt work properly) so having them have a faster stam regen can backfire a lot since when there is actually like 3 zombies it gets a bit outta hand and it starts spreading fast
Zombie outbreaks are supposed to spread fast!  That's the point!

(also every zombie round I've been in the admins ended up respawning one or more zombies or just straight up dumped necrovirus into people - the spread isn't natural)
and you can cuff one armed things now, so they arent cuff immune anymore.
I mean considering zombies can infect you with a scratch (correct me if im wrong), and there being no way to treat the virus i'd say zombies are fine as they are
(05-28-2022, 03:35 AM)MorganFreeman Wrote: I mean considering zombies can infect you with a scratch (correct me if im wrong), and there being no way to treat the virus i'd say zombies are fine as they are

It's only the zombify ability as far as I know. While last zombie round it looked like some people who got scratched turned into zombies they missed the buildup stage of the necrovirus disease so I'm pretty sure it was admins manually making them zombies.
Ah if so a stam regen buff does make sense
I would say make them immune to pain slowdown, and then give them a much much higher stamina pool. Now you can shamble near folks but that simple two hit baton doesn't down you for forever. Maybe like 300 stamina, or slightly more. Sure they COULD burn it all trying to sprint towards you but it'll be hell recharging it all (It already is.)
They've got 250 stamina.  It just isn't enough with 5 regen and a melee attack that consumes a healthy chunk of it.

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