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[CLOSED PR] Security health implants only send out an alert on death.
(04-23-2022, 01:52 PM)MoonJesus Wrote: Default sec should just git gud

I think this is a good compromise. Someone made a good point about Miners needing this when dying in space. But for sec its a little OP when you have a fully crew of gung-ho sec officers ready to respond in force. Also certain antags (Changeling in particular) kill instantly and will be at the scene of the crime.
Default sec cannot just "git gud". This is first a game, a game where new people come, and old people go. Goon, as a server, is especially hit by this: we see a lot of new players really often in comparison to other servers. It takes months of practice to become robust. Not everyone can afford those months. Even basical communication can be hard for new players. 
So, no, default sec cannot just "git gud", and as others said, old people will go soon, new people will come soon, and we shouldn't just punish sec for, at the moment, having a lot of old players. 

As a recap, no, I do not think it is a good change.
I think that even from a resource perspective recovering a living employee seems much more advantageous than a dead one.

Having some form of counterplay to allow for gameplay depth could be interesting (method to squelch the crit alert) but as others have mentioned taking away a key part of team dynamics seems a little extreme.
The thing is there already is technically a counterplay, that is cutting it out, its just that whatever counterplay you have, no one will do it. To put it simply, the reward for the counterplay (assuming it just counterplays the alert) will be too much abstract and dependent on factors outside of ones control to seem like a worthwhile investment. Sure you may have stopped the crit alert, but can you say the same for the other alerts sec can send out? Hell what if they do send out a crit alert but no sec off responds to it, etc etc. A counterplay that exists but never gets used is functionally the same as no counterplay whatsoever.

The big thing this pr is designed to do is to “hurt” experienced sec teams while minimally hurting newer sec teams. I am well aware that experienced security isnt a permanent state of affairs, thats why this pr doesnt target things like weaponry, methods of detainment, etc. it targets not only the thing that most seperates experienced sec from new sec, but also the thing that makes experienced security really good, communication. Newer security isnt going to be the ones responding to death alerts in a timely manner (or at all), its experienced sec who already have the round under control and needs more things to do. While any sec change will effect everyone in sec, the intent is to target experienced sec the most while leaving newer sec teams relatively unscathed.
Traitor item that instantly removes implants maybe? That way you can ambush an officer, knock em down, use the tool and then kill them?
Though that would also make mindslaving the HoS easier and I know people don't want that.
Actually we already do have a traitor item that blocks crit alerts, in fact it blocks even more then alerts, it blocks all outgoing communication. Its called the signal jammer. The thing is, its pretty unusual to see it used. Sure, its not as rare as items like trick cigs, however its far from a common traitor item. This item is an investment, and not only that, a very abstract one too. Its completely passive and in the background, unlike most items, and its effectiveness depends very little on your personal skill and much more on the skill of the person youre going against. Despite its versatility and strength, ultimately its hard to make an investment like that worth it for players to use. Be it an item or chem or any other investment to counter sec alerts, its going to be very hard to justify usage of such an item to players, especially if it only targets one of the many ways that sec can communicate, and even if they theoretically could do x and y to go against it, if no one uses it at that point it doesn't matter because it doesn't effect the rounds whatsoever.
I dont use signal jammers because the range is too weird for me. I dont like tile range that I cant see. It would be better if it was screen wide signal jammer so then I know EXACTLY how far out the signal will be jammed.
sig jammers block PDA crisis alerts, PDA implant alerts, radio communication, SBR and intercom communication, computer/terminal packets, probably morse code

if sec is communicating in a way besides those, let me know, because I definitely need to catch up then, dang.
Honestly surprised the signal jammer isn't a meta gear choice. It costs 3 tc which locks you out of only 4 item choices, or if the rng gods favor you can be bought from CARL for 6000 credits for the as long as you have an agent card(another fantastic item which sees more use though). Its insane value for its cost.
idea: instead of an implant, take a cue from other server's suit sensors and tie it to sec/secass/hos jumpsuits, so you can stop alerts from going out by stripping them first.
Id rather not promote stripping people nude even more then it already is, also seems to be a change that benefits experienced players far more then those who are new to the game and dont know that taking off clothes does that, and new players are the ones who need the most help when it comes to sec.

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