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BYOND Username: Recusor
I find it hard to stay active with Discord personally and often lurk on the forums.
I have been entertained by the ban appeals forum for quite a while and I just wanted to drop an F for the occasional entertainment it provided.
With that said I know it's a good change and will overall lead to a more constructive ban appeal process.
Goodbye public ban appeals. You are changing to something better but I will miss what you gave me.
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BYOND Username: Lucky Cobra
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03-18-2022, 08:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-18-2022, 08:27 AM by Lucky.Cobra.)
tbh i dont see why they changed the ban appeals, i think the old one worked just fine
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BYOND Username: DIO Chasek
Character Name: Mops The Floors
While the train wrecks could be fun to see play out, some things are better left private.
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BYOND Username: Swargy
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Damn, I felt exactly the same way. Very little reason to visit here anymore
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I agree with the overall sentiment. Some history was made on the Ban Appeals forum with some bad people digging themselves a bigger hole with every post they made.
But it's better off this way. No one should feel afraid to appeal a ban, and public shaming is one of the things that could scare people.
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If you only came here to suck up drama from the appeals, see ya.
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BYOND Username: luminousaether
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(03-20-2022, 04:29 PM)Cal Wrote: If you only came here to suck up drama from the appeals, see ya.
It's a gateway drug. Come for the schadenfreude, stay for the community.
Anyway, I'll certainly miss it. As will most people.
But I get why it was done. And I can't argue against it, realistically.
But from a non-spectator-sport point of view, I'm sad to see it go, vis a vis the relationship of normal players and the admin team.
Transparency and seeing the crap they have to go through breeds trust and respect. Everything being hidden behind a curtain creates distance and suspicion. Especially since, like, 99% of the work admins do is not anything we can see already.
From now on, our only view into what our admins are doing, outside of pressing funny-buttons on the admin console will be... complaints about admins.
Just crossing fingers that it doesn't help create an atmosphere of distrust of the admins that other codebases suffer under.
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
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Since the only official documentation for it was a ban appeal that is now private, I feel like I should ask: are antagonists who manage to reach centcom early allowed to use things in centcom for the purposes of terrorizing the station, or is that considered exploiting and bannable? A year or two ago someone was banned for that but there is no mention of centcom anywhere in the rules(or any consensus on what is considered an exploit in general), and with all ban appeals private the only documentation of this being against the rules is now lost to time.
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BYOND Username: DIO Chasek
Character Name: Mops The Floors
I would hazard to guess that the ruling on that would be when it becomes a consistent round after round problem then it’s going to be a possible exploit ban candidate. A one off that happens once every few months? Talking to the offender post game most likely and a stop poking around things you aren’t supposed to be messing with. But that is just what I would be doing if I were an admin. HONK
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BYOND Username: Recusor
Again I think k this is a good and positive change, I would perhaps suggest or perhaps ask is a better word that Admins keep an eye on trends in the now private ban appeals so that the community as a whole can be updated on a semi regular basis if the same bannable issues come up more frequently.
For me personally I amended some of my own behavior when seeing people were being banned for something similar to what I had been doing.
Hate to add to their already full volunteer plate but just wanted to mention.
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(03-21-2022, 05:35 AM)Recusor Wrote: Again I think k this is a good and positive change, I would perhaps suggest or perhaps ask is a better word that Admins keep an eye on trends in the now private ban appeals so that the community as a whole can be updated on a semi regular basis if the same bannable issues come up more frequently.
For me personally I amended some of my own behavior when seeing people were being banned for something similar to what I had been doing.
Hate to add to their already full volunteer plate but just wanted to mention.
Good insight here.
This is a fairly valid concern about making the appeals private that I don’t think was ever raised during our internal discussions about the change.
I’ll try and put out a gentle news post reminder about any particular ban infection that’s starting to come up strangely common (and isn’t related to you nerds just beating each other to death at the drop of a hat).
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
Yeah I usually came here to see the new bans every day and check the suggestions too but one of the pluses for public ban appeals was seeing what people did and what was considered wrong so I could check myself on how I act in the servers because the admins have almost all changed from who they use to be and how they enforce stuff so it helps me figure out where the line is now(in regards to just fucking around on the station not like racism and shit that was always enforced).
I pretty much know how the feel of the servers are right now at least on Classic Goon but I worry when I disappear again for a year or two I'll come back and not have a bunch of ban appeals to check and get the NEW feel of the servers. Since that shit changes year to year.
I suppose its not THAT big of a deal but I will miss reading them even if they were mostly boring.
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(03-20-2022, 09:16 PM)Lady Birb Wrote: Since the only official documentation for it was a ban appeal that is now private, I feel like I should ask: are antagonists who manage to reach centcom early allowed to use things in centcom for the purposes of terrorizing the station, or is that considered exploiting and bannable? A year or two ago someone was banned for that but there is no mention of centcom anywhere in the rules(or any consensus on what is considered an exploit in general), and with all ban appeals private the only documentation of this being against the rules is now lost to time.
I would think most of those incidents would just fall under Rule 13: This is not an exhaustive list. Essentially, don't grief the playerbase for multiple rounds killing them or whatever.
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BYOND Username: Oremir
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It's too bad, the "NO" subforum and ban-apeals were often fun and at times interesting to read. But ultimately i can't fault this decission as i'l admit i usually visited the forum more for entertainement then annything else.
I suppose any concerns i have were already adressed by Recusor, some of the apeals were a good lesson and helped adjust my own playstyle, some of that is lost now.
Another one is, if a ban pertains/involved certain people they were typically allowed to share their end of the story in the apeal as long as it directly pertained to the ban at hand, i imagine most of the time it had no added value with the logs and at times were equivelant to peanut posting so i understand this not being available more but it's still a bit eh.
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BYOND Username: Lvice
Character Name: Elward Edric
As i see there were public appeals, I will post my appeal that wasnt really ment to be taken as cry for appeal more of a "Is this really the state of the game?"
(all on RP servers)
Hi, I was banned for Injecting multiple people with reinforced mutagenic field as nonantag in 80+ minutes, while being a miscreant whose goal was to make a detective agency, make cases then solve them while blaming security.
Admittedly I had prior warnings which could result in ban, but for some reason this one did it.
Exact ban:"Injecting multiple people with reinforced mutagenic field as nonantag. Multiple notes and warnings. Here's your break."
I did several minor things which were talked thru with an admin, which i tried not to repeat even when i thought they were ridiculous. But now i feel like being scolded for everything while having a RP reasons do them. And it doesnt feel good to secondguess everything you do in character.
I still think that its not good RP to pretend i dont know anything about lets say changelings, whilist being a scientist, but everybody yells "rajajja" the moment it takes effect in somebody, janitor runs like insane to security when injected by ling when seeing white screen even tho he has no RP reason to. I think that background should matter, I think there are situations when its securities job to get the bad guys and the miscreants and not be afraid of an admin all the time. I wouldnt be mad if they borged somebody when their actions led to someones death, hell i was incenirated and thrown away as an spy when cought "stealing" somebodies limb, but being scolded by an admin for spreading space drugs, in an empty bar, for like 10 sec, whilist havign an RP reason, doesnt feel right.
I enjoy the game, I enjoy being an antagonist and explore different ways to disrupt peoples work, because i know it gets boring if the same thing is done over and over again. I even feel fulfilled when people cooperate to catch me and they succede and rip me to shreads or have an court hearing.
I like it when there is somebody trying to break into science f.e. and you defend your station. Its a situation you cant get in a different genre and playing rounds when the antagonist is so good and quiet that everything goes "according to plan" are boring. Maybe i got the wrong impression but i took this game as the station trying withstand enemy forces whilist everybody doing its job. But nearly every RP round, as a "good worker" is doing your job for 96 minutes, then going to shuttle to find out what interesting happened this shift.
I get that non-RP servers are shit show because they lack the RP rules, but I think, that nearly everyone of my "admin talks" should have been dealt with by security, which, for me, has terribly set what to do with crime. Ive been immolated for tiniest thing, i was brigged for many minutes for trying free stirsir by teleporter, but got 30 sec for being a convinced spy and let go with all my stuff or being let as a vampire several times, cause i "didnt killed anybody". Which is ridiculous. Pretending that vampires arent dangerous, that werewolfs running thru halls are just pets and being brigged for assulting one when it approaches me is ridiculous and worse for security RP than a crazy scientist that made people see different colors.
I believe i was banned yesterday, for three days.
I guess you can say "well if you dont agree dont come to our servers", which is, i guess, valid but its not that i dont agree with the rules, its in the tracks of i dont think that spreading space drugs is inconvenience to others on a level that admin needs to jump in to save them, rather give tip to sec to make arrest.
More than an appealing the ban I would like to hear your opinions.
I was scolded for things i think were RP worthy, but on the other hand its very hard to play antagonist, because most of the games people still group jump me or doesnt listen to or talk or know exactly how to react and what to do despite RP. Which i would never report (If people do, i feel bad for how many messages you must get).
I cant really say what rules broke, i try RP and try for others to have fun and unique round.
(Besides the sexual one, i didnt realise i coudlnt call out a nurse striping down someone as her wanna have "fun" with him, that was my bad and i get that one)
I like the game, i dont like the interpretation of the rules.
"As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than 10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule - dont grief ".
"We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
"Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal activity is permitted."[/font]
PS: I think my name is Lvice, dont know where it is but my chars are Mac Andy Cheese and Elward Edric, Looking forward to your responds
The reaction i got:
"ZeWaka Online
Follow the template. Denied. "