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Pirate Market
(01-02-2022, 08:55 PM)DimWhat Wrote: Then why is trivializing low amounts of cash a good thing.

SS13 cash is trivial by default. If you want it to be more valuable, you need to make spending it more attractive. I really doubt that 10,000 insulated gloves and 80,000 spy sticker boxes will trivialise cash more than 500 credit stabilised x-ray vision, 1000 credit thermal resistance and 60 credit styptic patches.
I don't think putting a whole bunch of zeroes on the end of a price tag for a large beaker of glowing slurry makes spending money more attractive. if anything it just makes me wanna never engage with whatever crime against game balance is going on over there
Anyway more wrestle junk items fire extinguishers, serving trays, bandanas, security boots good for kicking.
If people are poor why don't they just print more money? 🤑
(01-03-2022, 12:53 AM)Waffleloffle Wrote: I don't think putting a whole bunch of zeroes on the end of a price tag for a large beaker of glowing slurry makes spending money more attractive. if anything it just makes me wanna never engage with whatever crime against game balance is going on over there

For what it's worth I don't expect this feature to be very popular. Not everyone's going to haul ass to the diner to get expensive black market loot locked behind a strict timegate, just like they don't for the overpriced robot upgrades or drugs that random merchants arrive with. This is an upmarket experience and if it's used in 5-10% of rounds I'd consider that a massive success. Telesci expeditions get less traffic than that and they're a fun part of the game.

Some people will want to spend absurd amounts of cash on shitty items, and to a relatively new player that's found a big stack of useful items in the debris field and now has more cash than they know what to do with, slurrypod or triplepiss bottles are an attractive alternative to learning how to make them. Triplepiss has a powerful use, and the creation of it is technically spoiler-locked even though it's incredibly simple. Plasma and radium are literally free on station, but difficult to grab off-station without making a chem dispensor.

(01-03-2022, 12:53 AM)DioChasek Wrote: Anyway more wrestle junk items fire extinguishers, serving trays, bandanas, security boots good for kicking.

All good additions to the list. Security boots I'm going to keep with the surplus dealer so all the armor is together, wrestler merchant shouldn't sell anything too useful. Just fun stuff. It pays out the most, you shouldn't be able to turn that money into stuff you actually want.

Does anyone have a big list of wrestling outfits? Can the wrestling bell be sold as a mechanics blueprint?
(01-03-2022, 06:53 PM)Deadvickyart Wrote: For what it's worth I don't expect this feature to be very popular. Not everyone's going to haul ass to the diner to get expensive black market loot locked behind a strict timegate, just like they don't for the overpriced robot upgrades or drugs that random merchants arrive with.
Absolutely nothing about what I've seen on Goon Main assures me that this will be the case
(01-03-2022, 07:45 PM)Zonespace Wrote: Absolutely nothing about what I've seen on Goon Main assures me that this will be the case

I don't see the constant grief that some people on the forums (especially people who exclusively play security, and are thus the first to see every single breach of space ettiquiette) see every round. I've looked into this a lot, and it just doesn't happen. If your opinion of the game and its playerbase is this bad, I'd reccomend either taking a break or playing on non-peak hours.

My experience with players on the server has been overwhelmingly positive especially in the last couple of years, for what it's worth. I reguarly go through 10-15 rounds without seeing a breach of server rules, and when I do they're often fairly small and almost always stopped by the admin just telling them to knock it off.
Nothing against the server rules of getting AA and ordering gamer loot from QM.
Really any job gimmick clothing can work pro wrestling has had wrestling cops, plumbers, convicts, morticians, cowboys, and hockey players to name a few.
Okay, art's finished and the features are all complete, all that's left to do is learn the code and write the patch. Now's a good time to bring up balance concerns, but personally I'd rather see if it causes any problems before worrying about that too much. Going to final draft the buy/sell lists soon.

[Image: akcfHSH.gif]              [Image: ccCn6w9.gif]
Max Lawman's              Subject 11's
             Surplus Outlet             Vault of Value            
 XX:00  -  XX:14                   XX:15  -  XX:29

[Image: AQmEfSx.gif]             [Image: eaILYv2.gif]
          Shady Jane's               Mad Dealin' Maddy's
      Back-Alley Deals          Ringside Antiques
XX:30  -  XX:44                XX:45  -  XX:59
you have been given approximately 5 pages worth of potential balance and mechanical abuse concerns already
(01-07-2022, 12:13 PM)Waffleloffle Wrote: you have been given approximately 5 pages worth of potential balance and mechanical abuse concerns already

I've been taking them on board, current OP is the updated list.
Okay, full rundown:
anything with -- prefixed is my comment.
Max Lawman's Surplus Outlet
"I always stock the best in security and ex-security gear."
Avaliable:    XX:00  -  XX:14


5,000,000 Credits - Syndicate Revolver
-- Way too much cash for a piece of easily-rushable azone gear, shouldn't be buying this at all IMO
90,000 Credits - Laser Gun
-- too much cash.
50,000 Credits - Phaser
-- Abso-fucking-lutely not, you know how absolutely trivial it is to mass produce phasers
10 Credits per kW - Power Cells
"We always need some of these. Any size will do."

450,000 Credits - Airlock Breaching Hammer
-- ironically enough, it could do with a price decrease, maybe to 300-400k area
200,000 Credits - Stun Baton
"Batteries not included."
50,000 Credits - Capsaicin Smoke Grenade
46,000 Credits - Security Backpack
9,000 Credits - Armor Vest
"Part of the security team uniform in Space Quebec."
7,000 Credits - Helmet
"Part of the security team uniform in Space Quebec."
4,500 Credits - SWAT Gloves
-- Ehhh about giving out swat gloves
4,500 Credits - SWAT Gas Mask
2,800 Credits - Military Boots
2,000 Credits - Tactical Turtleneck
900 Credits - Handcuffs
600 Credits - Whistle

Subject 11's Vault of Value
Avaliable:    XX:15  -  XX:29

1,600,000 Credits - Heisenbee (Cargo Only)
-- haha definitely not, heisenbee is criminally easy to get for 1.6 million
360,000 Credits - [name]'s Heart
360,000 Credits - [name]'s Liver
260,000 Credits - [name]'s Spleen
200,000 Credits - [name]'s Lung
200,000 Credits - [name]'s Kidney
100,000 Credits - Human Body (Cargo Only)
-- too easily farmable for way too much cash
30,000 Credits - Monkey Body (Cargo Only)
-- see above
15,000 Credits - Chicken Nugget
--- you uh, know how trivial these are to get, right?
10,000 Credits - Bee (Cargo Only)
-- you can order a crate of fuckin' 6 for a few thousand at most
10,000 Credits - Chicken (Cargo Only)
-- you can get so, so many of these so easily
10 Credits per Unit - Blood

80,000 Credits - Poison Bottle (50u)
Valued at 80k per Telecrystal
-- I'd prefer this not be in at all, it's uh, really fucking dangerous when you can just continually buy them until you get heartworms or bacon grease
10,000 Credits - Bottle of Triplepiss (100u)
-- nah
10,000 Credits - Bottle of Glowing Slurry (100u)
900 Credits - Bottle of Synthetic Flesh (100u)
900 Credits - Bottle of Charcoal (100u)
900 Credits - Bottle of Epinephrine (100u)
900 Credits - Bottle of Miasma (100u)
450 Credits - Bottle of Plasma (100u)
450 Credits - Bottle of Radium (100u)
400 Credits - Chunk of Blob
[Image: AQmEfSx.gif]
[Image: F4x2X9C.gif]
Shady Jane's Back-Alley Deals
Avaliable:    XX:30  -  XX:44
2,000,000 Credits - Head of Security's Beret
"There's a bunch of rich teenagers out there on Space Ferry 08, think it's cool to buy these berets and pretend to be syndicate super agents. Get me a legit one and I'll sell it on to them, split the profits with you."
-- Too much money, by a lot
220,000 Credits - [name]'s Butt
"Long story short, there's a price on that butt's head. Presumably it's attached to [name]. Please remove it before delivery."
200,000 Credits - Barrier
"The use of these minature holoprojectors is banned across most of space because of their potential as weapons. Some of my contacts are smugglers, and they'll pay huge amounts for them."
-- knock off at least 2 zeroes, ideally 3, for this to be remotely balanced
150,000 Credits - [random trinket]
"There's an estranged relative out there who will pay big bucks for this."
150,000 Credits - [random trinket]
"The space mafia wants to send a message. To someone."
80,000 Credits - Taser
"I need all the nonlethal weaponry I can get. Tasers, taser shotguns, taser SMGs or even wave guns. It's all for a friend, honest."
-- generally against suggesting that you rob sec for gear, especially for this much cash, and when it's vital sec gear
60,000 Credits - Hypospray
"There's a market for these. I can strip the ones I don't sell for parts."
-- ...these are uh, fucking simple to get, it would be *maybe* reasonable at a couple hundred credits, not 100x that.
10,000 Credits - Pipe Bomb
"Always useful, and always a top seller."
-- the only reason this isn't as bad is because everything else on this list is batshit insane
XXX,XXX Credits - [random item]
High Value Pool*
XXX,XXX Credits - [random item]
Mid Value Pool*
XXX,XXX Credits - [random item]
Mid Value Pool*
-- haha absolutely not, giving people the ability to access this tier of traitor gear is unbalanced as fuck
400,000 Credits - Agent Card
-- Ehh, kinda okay with this, sorta? Agent card's still pretty strong
120,000 Credits - Modified Hypospray
"There's a chip on these hyposprays that make them accept only pre-approved medicines. Lot of people don't like that, so I short out the chip so it doesn't flush out 'alternative medicine'. Accepts all liquids, guaranteed."
-- Meh on selling this, it's still 30u instant injection
99,900 Credits - Modified Cyberliver
"This one has its prototype functions installed, and can heal you as it purges ethanol."
80,000 Credits - Modified Cyberappendix
"Jailbroken. Has a healing protocol installed, and a port to charge PDAs."
60,000 Credits - Modified Cyberspleen
"This spleen has its safety mechanisms disabled and a supercharged blood production gland. If you get this implanted, your blood pressure will spike and you will die. A surprising amount of people buy these."
80,000 Credits - Gamergy® Branded Cyberheart
"Bunch of these fell off the back of a space-van a while back on their way to a promotional event on Earth. Apparently they have extra ram, upgraded microcapillaries and rainbow LED lights."
85,000 Credits - Trick Cigarettes
-- Make it more expensive
80,000 Credits - Syndicate Mailman Suit
-- make it more expensive
30,000 Credits - Floor Closet
-- make it more expensive
9,900 Credits - Insulated Gloves
-- this has literally no purpose
900 Credits - Mechanical Toolbox
300 Credits - Fire Extinguisher
200 Credits - Multitool
180 Credits - Gas Mask
140 Credits - Oil Can
60 Credits - [random colour] Jumpsuit
60 Credits - Balaclava
*High Value Pool:

500,000 - Old Hunting Riftle, Cursed Clown Mask
-- This category can go completely

300,000 - Syndicate Device Analyzer, Stimulants, Rad Poison Crossbow
-- So can this, for that matter

*Mid Value Pool:

240,000 Credits - Laser Rifle, Trick Revolver
180,000 Credits - Holographic Disguiser
-- kinda fine? sorta?

120,000 Credits - Slip and Sign, Syndicate Omnitool
-- ehh on the slip and sign

60,000 Credits - Voice Changer, Stealth Storage, Miniature Bible, Spy Sticker Kit
-- up the prices

Mad Dealin' Maddy
Avaliable:    XX:45  -  XX:59


10,000,000 Credits - Handmade Katana
-- wow uh, reduce this by at least 2 zeroes if not more
1,600,000 Credits - Rusty Knife
-- encouraging people to rush a-zones for 1.6 mil is bad.
1,600,000 Credits - Atomic Yo-Yo
-- read above, this is literal azone gear
900,000 Credits - Discount Dan's Golden Tickets
-- these are waaaay too common for 900k, make it maybe a few thousand at mot
360,000 Credits - [name]'s [trinket]
360,000 Credits - [name]'s [trinket]
260,000 Credits - Bone Key
-- Do. Not. Buy. Azone. Gear.
200,000 Credits - Authentic Moon Rocks
-- read above

5,000,000 Credits - Picture of a Monkey
Monkey comes with a random name and number.
-- This will age poorly
2,000,000 Credits - Discount Dan's Golden Tickets
-- you buy them for 900k, and sell them for 2 mil? way too much on both ends
I am not a fan of any of the [name]'s [trinket] or the [name]'s organ ones.
one, we are ready have antag who does it in the form of the spy thief, spy thief already has a ton of problems and i think that will just make them worse.
two, its encouraging people to mug people for at best, there trinket and at worse a vial organ that may kill someone,
three, there is already a merchant who buys organs, but it does not have anyone's names attached to it to encourage to ether sell the organs you get from surgery or to cut up monkeys where there is no harm.
only antags will be able to make use of them most of the time anyways, so why have it so any crew can do these "bounties"?
(01-08-2022, 01:34 AM)Mrprogamer96 Wrote: I am not a fan of any of the [name]'s [trinket] or the [name]'s organ ones.
one, we are ready have antag who does it in the form of the spy thief, spy thief already has a ton of problems and i think that will just make them worse.
two, its encouraging people to mug people for at best, there trinket and at worse a vial organ that may kill someone,
three, there is already a merchant who buys organs, but it does not have anyone's names attached to it to encourage to ether sell the organs you get from surgery or to cut up monkeys where there is no harm.
only antags will be able to make use of them most of the time anyways, so why have it so any crew can do these "bounties"?

Voluntarily selling your trinket, or donating it to a department that can use it more, happens often and I think it's a healthy way of getting players to interact. Random organs being worth high amounts on the black market incentivises voluntary surgery. Gives doctors in low-chaos rounds something to do, an easier way into the economy than mass-farming organs. Like apendecitis, but with an optional reward instead of a punishment.

And opportunities for practicing antag playstyles as a non-antag are fine. Half of the adventure zones are just training for committing space crime.

(01-08-2022, 12:32 AM)Zonespace Wrote: -- Do. Not. Buy. Azone. Gear.

I don't get this attitude. Why not?

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