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General Suggestions Thread! V2.0
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:If we were ever going to add another head with little to no responsibility I think it would be better to say that our Current head Surgeon had been promoted out of the station for distinguished service, and we would need to give a member of the crew the job.

Hey, the RD does his job just as well as he ever could, even before becoming a cardboard box.
Make the game announce lunch break at 20 minute mark, and then announce it over at 30 minute mark.

Chef would get a clear objective and timelimit for it, and bar would hopefully see more crowd.
Sitoutumaton Wrote:Make the game announce lunch break at 20 minute mark, and then announce it over at 30 minute mark.

Chef would get a clear objective and timelimit for it, and bar would hopefully see more crowd.

Synch this up with the Guardbuddies' auto-break script for best effect, extend the cafe area slightly to the left to give them their own smaller metal counter to hang out at during this.
A pistol shoulder holster for the detective. Fits tasers, energy guns and revolvers.
A new traitor item; bag of holding. It's a backpack that can be put in pockets, and if used on someone you're aggressively grabbing, can store THEM, at the cost of dumping everything else out.
Weavel Wrote:A new traitor item; bag of holding. It's a backpack that can be put in pockets, and if used on someone you're aggressively grabbing, can store THEM, at the cost of dumping everything else out.
I fully support this idea, if i can put the AI into a bagpack and carry it around erry day.
Nitrous Wrote:
Weavel Wrote:A new traitor item; bag of holding. It's a backpack that can be put in pockets, and if used on someone you're aggressively grabbing, can store THEM, at the cost of dumping everything else out.
I fully support this idea, if i can put the AI into a bagpack and carry it around erry day.
Attention crew! I have the AI hostage! I demand all the weed on the shuttle, or I shall deep fry the AI, and make him nice and crispy!
If this actually happens, make the inside of the backpack instead send to a room with a toggleable teleporter on a separate level, such as the one that has the virtual room on it. Also have a radio that you can toggle on and off using the backpack, so that the AI may scream for help inside of the backpack.
attn: folks who were talking about allergies earlier-

I coded some groundwork for allergy reactions today and added some stuff for that, I'll keep working on that over the next couple days to get more allergic reactions in game.

p.s. fuck allergies, my hay fever's all grumblin' up irl
Cogwerks Wrote:attn: folks who were talking about allergies earlier-

I coded some groundwork for allergy reactions today and added some stuff for that, I'll keep working on that over the next couple days to get more allergic reactions in game.

p.s. fuck allergies, my hay fever's all grumblin' up irl

Nothing would be better than getting the captain fucked up and drunk due to his intolerance of alchohol.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:
Cogwerks Wrote:attn: folks who were talking about allergies earlier-

I coded some groundwork for allergy reactions today and added some stuff for that, I'll keep working on that over the next couple days to get more allergic reactions in game.

p.s. fuck allergies, my hay fever's all grumblin' up irl

Nothing would be better than getting the captain fucked up and drunk due to his intolerance of alchohol.
Attention crew: the captain's body has now engulfed all of the vip room. All personnel in the bar should evacuate, for the captain still has a few bottles of wine with him, which he is st-ohgodthewallshavebeendemolished. Crew, evacuate the south-west wing of the station immediately!
Furbeh Wrote:ohgodthewallshavebeendemolished. Crew, evacuate the south-west wing of the station immediately!

The mode is now: captain blob
Quote:Captain Blob

Oh god all that reminds me of is that one time that pillar of agony showed up on the station while it got mutilated by the void. It was hideous and awful and awesome as fuck.
Could we talk about a few oxygen canisters on the Syndicate shuttle in nuke mode? With how fast the Syndies have to move, it's pretty common for them to start running out of oxygen by the 15 minute mark.

Granted, most nuke games are over by that time, but if they're not it's a really obnoxious problem to have. Either you have to expend a thermite charge breaking into Toxins just for their air, or you break in to the secret power monitoring room and use the one canister there - very dangerous unless you've knocked out the station space suit defenders already.
I was thinking for a while there about a thread I made about a job-related traitor item and it occurred to me that Head's should have a special gimmicky traitor item that have as much as a disadvantage as an advantage.
Very similar to the Bowling suit in that regard.
Here's a few ideas I had in my head.

-RD's "lizard" injector
Turns the RD into a manic lizardman (think spiderman supervillan). I can see this being popular. Because the beserker hurts you aswell as others, it might cancel the regeneration, the RD might need a concoction of drugs to surpress the beserker, so for added fun a random addiction might fuck this up.
Pro's: Hulk powers, Slow Regeneration, heat resistance, stimpak effect.
Cons: Obviously a lizard, crippling migraines, retardation, beserker, random addiction.

-HoP's "Grey-tide" injector-gun
A injector-gun similar to medic, but injects implants into people instead. Only works on people who spawned as assistants or assistant related, otherwise they resist it.
Pro's: Has 10 shots, you can make your own "angry mob", very discreet: fires a silent shot.
Con's: Subjects are not loyal at all, just insane, so chance of it backfiring is quite high. Gives subjects space madness and beserker, so they would probably end up killing themselves in the end.

- Captain's "ghost in a machine"
Not entirely sure how this would work but seen as the captain always corrupts the AI, a sleeper which allows him to be the AI would be neat if implemented right.
Pro's: Remote control like port-a-med, captain can climb in and be the AI, start fucking with things like toxin's and e-buddy consoles, shocking doors etc. ALSO ANNOY THE CREW WITH VOX
Con's: Resets the AI and forces it into his shell. Super obvious as the AI will start yelling, and the captain is extremely vulnerable when in the sleeper.

-CE's "dimensional" RCD
The final blueprint of the RCD from the void, never runs out, but at a deadly cost.
Pro's: Unlimited RCD, woah, the possibilities!
Con's: Binds to your hand as your are unable to take it off. Spawns dimensional scientists nearby (yes those assholes) every once and a while, who like to touch you in all the wrong ways.

Sundance Wrote:Thoughts?

Lizard sounds pure fun.

Grey Tide sounds a tad under-powered, they're not going to be of much use seeing as you 1. have to hit them 2. they have to be an assistant and 3. they will probably kill you for your gear immediately because you're HoP
If it worked on non-assistant jobs but less frequently it might be of more use.

Dimensional RCD sounds fun, but it should leave a square of void wherever it's used, alerting the crew to the fact that the CE is running around with something very evil indeed. Maybe it does damage like the crown, only very very slowly? Who knows.

Cap's AI sounds very fun; fuck off to somewhere remote like the Syndie teleporter pod or Hemera, sit in the sleeper, fuck with the crew at long range and laugh in a robot voice.

One thing I thought up a while ago in a similar vein for the HoP was this:

Exploding ID cards
Looks like a completely normal "Captain's spare ID", however, when armed like a grenade, it explodes the next time someone tries to pick it up! And, if the HoP arms it then wears it, anyone trying to remove it from him detonates it as a final fuck-you! However, it only has Maintenance access.

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