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GorillaMyDreams maybe
AngriestIBM Wrote:[18:43:55] OOC: GorillaMyDreams/GorillaMyDreams : I'm going to annoy everyone this round
Tripping chairs is kinda bothersome, but it's a far cry from a wizard rampage.

I know, I'm not complaining about the chairs. I'm complaining about the admin-wizard rampage.
The supposed admin wizard rampage that you claim to have seen yourself that I do
uhoh. The only time I remember gorilla as an admin wizard annoying everyone, he only used magic missile/magical ice.
That's not quite "OMFG, murdering everyone!" More a funny thing than annoying admin grief.

Xantippus is a scrubmin allright, but not gorilla. Keep in mind that when an admin jumps somewhere Space is the very first destination on the list iirc.
I'm not sure how robust (ha) your log-searching abilities are, but try this, admins: search for OOC messages from GorillaMyDreams, instead of all players, with the string "I am going to kill everyone this round" and similar permutations eg. "I'm going to kill everyone this round"/"I am going to murder everyone this round"/etc from some months ago until now. This should consume few server resources and will probably find the message, and thus the round in question.

Clarks Wrote:Xantippus is a scrubmin allright, but not gorilla. Keep in mind that when an admin jumps somewhere Space is the very first destination on the list iirc.

No, he didn't teleport to space. He was playing the round normally up until this point. Basically he accidentally wormholed himself to the Cargo pod beacon. He asked the AI to open the cargo pod hatches since he had no space suit and was dying slowly, but the AI was dead or preoccupied. I saw him admin-teleport himself inside the station then, and he continued playing as normal.
mucubed Wrote:No, he didn't teleport to space. He was playing the round normally up until this point. Basically he accidentally wormholed himself to the Cargo pod beacon. He asked the AI to open the cargo pod hatches since he had no space suit and was dying slowly, but the AI was dead or preoccupied. I saw him admin-teleport himself inside the station then, and he continued playing as normal.

Ok that's great, but that's him and not me. On top of this, a server coder has just provided you with the answer about what I say and I don't use admin abilities in a traitor round.
GorillaMyDreams Wrote:
mucubed Wrote:No, he didn't teleport to space. He was playing the round normally up until this point. Basically he accidentally wormholed himself to the Cargo pod beacon. He asked the AI to open the cargo pod hatches since he had no space suit and was dying slowly, but the AI was dead or preoccupied. I saw him admin-teleport himself inside the station then, and he continued playing as normal.

Ok that's great, but that's him and not me. On top of this, a server coder has just provided you with the answer about what I say and I don't use admin abilities in a traitor round.

>Ok that's great, but that's him and not me.

I never claimed otherwise. I just dropped that here because it's not worthy of another thread.

>On top of this, a server coder has just provided you with the answer about what I say and I don't use admin abilities in a traitor round.

He only searched 3 days ago. It definitely was not 3 days ago - it was from one or more months ago, when I last played. I don't remember exactly. It could even be half a year ago but is definitely not more. I'm very bad at remembering exact dates of events, I don't understand how people do it.
Wonkmin Wrote:But your byond account is only a few days old? So how do you know what happened months ago? There's more to this; please provide us with your previous byond account keys so that we can continue to look into this.

As I said, this isn't my first time playing SS13 ever, I did play before, both way back when Android Data servers existed and more around 6 months to a year ago. Don't know my previous BYOND account name. I don't have a stellar memory and I basically make my internet user names whatever comes to mind, instead of something significant to me, so I can't remember them unless I made them recently.

However, if you find the round in question, it's possible you could send me the list of connected players (if this is logged) and I could point mine out, as I'd definitely know it if I see it.
Wonkmin Wrote:That is awfully convenient. I'm afraid if you're not going to be able to provide us with more information, I can't see any point in combing through very old logs (months at a time, seriously?).

I have checked the logs of this round and no admin message went to the geneticist. I presume, therefore, that he was lying to you and just fancied griefing, and his account will be punished as a result.

There was no admin involvement. Twice in two days now you have got very cross with admins, who have been nothing but polite to you. Firstly you claimed there was some bias towards Luis Smith and that we were reviving him (which didn't happen) and now this.

If you wish to remain on these servers, you need to calm down and relax about admins. We are not here to persecute you, we are not sad, petty little jerks. We just want to create a nice environment for everybody.

Hopefully this can now end.

>I have checked the logs of this round and no admin message went to the geneticist. I presume, therefore, that he was lying to you and just fancied griefing, and his account will be punished as a result.

I somehow doubt this, and don't be offended by this, but it almost sounds like you are covering for the admin in question. Again, don't be offended, but it's just a thing people who are friends do sometimes. They cover up each other's mistakes because they believe it was a 'fluke' or something when it really wasn't. I'll ask the player if he got banned or not.

>There was no admin involvement. Twice in two days now you have got very cross with admins, who have been nothing but polite to you. Firstly you claimed there was some bias towards Luis Smith and that we were reviving him (which didn't happen) and now this.

If you say so. There was surely an admin on the server given the game mode changes though, and him being told to target me sounds too plausible to be an excuse for murder.

>If you wish to remain on these servers, you need to calm down and relax about admins. We are not here to persecute you, we are not sad, petty little jerks. We just want to create a nice environment for everybody.

I don't have anything about admins conceptually, like you're saying. I'm pointing out very specific mistakes administrators seem to have made. I cannot be absolutely sure or accurate as I don't have the tools or authority necessary, but from my perspective, an administrator saying in OOC that he "will kill everyone this round" then a wizard with every spell killing everyone looks very much like admin abuse.

Don't mistakenly think it's because I have something against you or GorillaMyDreams personally that I point these things out. It's just because I want the server's quality to be good and when administrators abuse their power in such a way, it's counter-intuitive to that goal.
Wonkmin Wrote:Agreed, I thoroughly dislike power abuse. I see no point on covering for someone; if I screw up I admit to it, and I like to think we've built a decent team here who will hold their hands up. However, people do make mistakes, get cross, overreact and this is not majorly detrimental to the server/worth a complaint unless it is consistent and over a prolonged series of rounds.

I missed the gang mode change; yes this was an admin's actions and was childish, and I will be speaking to them.

I will state for the record that Gorilla is not of an admin level high enough to give himself "all wizard" powers. He could certainly make himself a wizard, but he'd have no more spells than anyone else. I cannot see any of our higher admins who could do this encouraging such abuse particularly as this is one of the major things that sets us apart from other servers.

>I will state for the record that Gorilla is not of an admin level high enough to give himself "all wizard" powers.

I saw one time he gave someone a spellbook and they had every wizard power after they used it. Believe it or not. I'm not calling you a liar - perhaps he used some ability to 'add charges' to the spellbook, essentially giving the person all spells through an indirect means, rather than directly giving the person (and, by inductive reasoning, himself, in the earlier incident) every power with an admin function. I absolutely did see this happen, and it's not even a matter of sureness or unsureness, by the way.
Wonkmin Wrote:I'm not entirely sure what the end of goal of all this is; he will not be being removed as an admin for giving someone a spellbook, even if what you did claim happen happened. I'm not 100% on whether he was able to edit variables or if he is now, which is the only way this would be possible. I am not saying this didn't happen. I must say I cannot see the harm in admin doing this occasionally to provide spice to a round.

If you are unable to provide me with specific times or indeed usernames then this is a futile goose chase. I am not combing through months of very detailed logs.

I would appreciate it if you would now either leave this be, or reply with concrete dates, times or account names. If you have not made a note of these, the incident was obviously not as serious or noteworthy as you claim.

>I'm not entirely sure what the end of goal of all this is; he will not be being removed as an admin for giving someone a spellbook, even if what you did claim happen happened. I'm not 100% on whether he was able to edit variables or if he is now, which is the only way this would be possible. I am not saying this didn't happen. I must say I cannot see the harm in admin doing this occasionally to provide spice to a round.

This is entirely up to your judgement. I'm only submitting the complaint so that administrators can view them and act as they see fit. What I may think is a gross abuse of power may just be round-spicing to someone else, and that could very well be why they're an administrator and I'm not. Perhaps they have better judgement.

>If you are unable to provide me with specific times or indeed usernames then this is a futile goose chase. I am not combing through months of very detailed logs.

Yep. Apologies, but I can't.

>I would appreciate it if you would now either leave this be, or reply with concrete dates, times or account names. If you have not made a note of these, the incident was obviously not as serious or noteworthy as you claim.

I haven't lied about anything I've said. I did not mark down the times because I didn't think at the time that complaining about these things would produce change.

You can lock the topic if you want since I cannot provide these things you need. I'll say this as my last words, though: it's concerning that GorillaMyDreams would deny what I've said flatly when I know that I saw it happen. I don't blame him because it's possibly what I would do in his situation too. In the future I'll watch for other abuses and mark the time down if they happen.
mucubed Wrote:No, he didn't teleport to space. He was playing the round normally up until this point. Basically he accidentally wormholed himself to the Cargo pod beacon. He asked the AI to open the cargo pod hatches since he had no space suit and was dying slowly, but the AI was dead or preoccupied. I saw him admin-teleport himself inside the station then, and he continued playing as normal.

oh I wasn't playing the round normally I was just experimenting with warp portals to see how many fun mutations I could rack up before it killed me.

I think I remember my plan was to get mutations and let the geneticists scan me except everything was going wrong- got locked out, my pod stolen, and the geneticists were being really defensive and uncooperative. anyway I got tired of hobbling around space near frozen so I started just TPing. I think at one point I teleported to genetics to say "hey check out these cool mutations I got!!!" then noticed the geneticists were in the middle of being horribly murdered? didnt want to interfere with the traitor so I just said "uhh don't mind me" and left the way I came

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