10-13-2021, 04:35 AM
Usual character name: Dew Kelpo,Dew Tempo, Gesia Sieag
BYOND username:
Discord username (if you are on our discord): kelpo
Recommended by (if applicable): no one would have me
Goon servers you play: Rp 3 and rp4 ,very very very very rare on the others
Reason for application: with the population quite high someone needs to strike fear confidence in the crewmembers hearts with all the memories of bad sec players (I was also one when I first started playing years ago, granted I am not saying I am the best sec player humans do mistakes and we should learn from them) you call also this application my redemption or my punishment,I think I am ready to be a hos(yo this guy sucks he has no confidence- SHUT like doctors shouldnt self medicate, I am asking for the readers input on this one, carry on continue that line of thought starting NOW)
Security experience (300 word minimum):
In the beginning I was young and stupid, I harmbatoned and got harmbatoned lived by the baton died by the baton, but these mistakes shaped me for who I am today learning from them taught me how to be "human" something something philosophy
I have dealt with a plethora of things ranging from station genociders with or without syndicate weaponry.
space lubers
that one new player figuring out how to play and breaking the law in the meantime(which you should try to teach and guide upon the path or righteousness, You are one of THE station line of defence your actions will change history as you know it. another one is the janitor he cleans your crime scenes, incriminating evidence and all that could get you in trouble with NT "the more a station looks like shit the more people are going to treat it like one")
silent stinging changelings,
Murderous and non murderous chaplain cults that break the rules where I am frequantly the middle man trying to deescalate the situation between both parties as peacefully as posible
rogue AI
And my favorite incompetent sec
Answer two or more of the following:
BYOND username:

Discord username (if you are on our discord): kelpo
Recommended by (if applicable): no one would have me
Goon servers you play: Rp 3 and rp4 ,very very very very rare on the others
Reason for application: with the population quite high someone needs to strike fear confidence in the crewmembers hearts with all the memories of bad sec players (I was also one when I first started playing years ago, granted I am not saying I am the best sec player humans do mistakes and we should learn from them) you call also this application my redemption or my punishment,I think I am ready to be a hos(yo this guy sucks he has no confidence- SHUT like doctors shouldnt self medicate, I am asking for the readers input on this one, carry on continue that line of thought starting NOW)
Security experience (300 word minimum):
In the beginning I was young and stupid, I harmbatoned and got harmbatoned lived by the baton died by the baton, but these mistakes shaped me for who I am today learning from them taught me how to be "human" something something philosophy
I have dealt with a plethora of things ranging from station genociders with or without syndicate weaponry.
space lubers
that one new player figuring out how to play and breaking the law in the meantime(which you should try to teach and guide upon the path or righteousness, You are one of THE station line of defence your actions will change history as you know it. another one is the janitor he cleans your crime scenes, incriminating evidence and all that could get you in trouble with NT "the more a station looks like shit the more people are going to treat it like one")
silent stinging changelings,
Murderous and non murderous chaplain cults that break the rules where I am frequantly the middle man trying to deescalate the situation between both parties as peacefully as posible
rogue AI
And my favorite incompetent sec
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?:
We dont need heros, we need survivors, granted this situation doesnt pop up a lot but if there is no other way its up to your choice, every situation should be dealt with in its own way
YOOO bro you see that face farting shoes stealing clown?, thats your joker your arch nemesis there is no sec without one, sec team and the clown are like the batman and joker, ying and yang pineapple and pizza you get the idea, every station needs a clown
Talk first space later conduct arrest later,
You are one of NT finest you are like the Dungeon master in dnd, your station fate rests in your hands, antags generate the flow of the round so be kind to them, on the one hand you have to juggle the power struggle between departments the antags wanting to seize control over the station and on the other hand you have to keep the round fun, how you are you going to achive it its up to you, humans are sentient and different from one another each one has its own way either by being a no fun lad or very chill guy or inbetween
I cannot stress this enough the sec barrier is god tier, under used and very usefull, its energy barrier reflects energy weapons, ai turrets which I did not test but I think you can kill the turret if its on lethals please correct me if I am wrong
Hey listen! sechuds make you immune to flashes, so why are you using the baton?
flashes>stunbaton>ranged weaponry
Dont have your weapon out unless you are planning to use it or the clown will organise a russian roulette tournament with your revolver detective!
Give a spaceman a finger, he will take your whole hand, give him a kick in the arse and he will be looking for revenge(most of the time)
Briging procedure tends to take a lot longer so you should take that in account if you should give the suspect brig time after interogating and stripping
leave your pinpointer and your disk on the table, if we have a hand labler, label your pinpointer
TEAMWORK GOES A LONG WAY, being friendly and communicating will dictate if people will help you in dire times, you might have heard this quote "trust noone not even yourself" this might be true somewhat but you must work together with your sec buddies, organization, task spreading, communications
This following opinionated tip is for inspectors, they have a ticket master I dont care I am putting this here anyway
If the station doesnt hate your guts, you are doing your job wrong, I always saw inspector like a nit picky asshole who wants the station to work perfectly or GYMNICK He berates crew if they are doing a fine job saying that the general consensus is that you all should be incompetent, NT hired you afterall.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

"I showed you mercy and you mistook it for weakness, now I will show you strenght and you may mistake it for brutality"(I love this quote it explains how sec is being merciful to some specific cases EG new player assistant playing as an rule breaking insane maniac and when the chess pieces align and the conditions for execution[he was breaking rules so he would still do it as a borg] we do a public execution of that criminal giving crew a show on how NT finest are hard at work keeping the station safe it ends up giving them a bad impresion anyway)
I didnt participate in a round but the clown had managed to waste all of cargo budget and the crew was PISSED, they demanded that they sell the clown, based sec sold the clown.
I didnt participate in a round but the clown had managed to waste all of cargo budget and the crew was PISSED, they demanded that they sell the clown, based sec sold the clown.
so I finally gave goonstation a try and wanted to familiarize myself with how sec works(each server has its own way) long story short I was taught the ropes by Viridis a fine gentleman
Fast forward to another round where I was a sec officer on oshan Viridis was an arcfield and was wreaking havoc all around the station I and the other sec member had cornered him near art lab, toxins there are only 2 ways out this Viridis, in cuffs or a bodybag, he subverted a monkey army, he was waiting for us, we tried to talk it out but obviosly it didnt work the other sec officer attacked a monkey by accident and I couldnt save him from the horde I had my priorities ,get Viridis to serve for his crimes ALIVE emphasizes on the "alive", throughout the fight my non lethals were getting discharged and stolen by monkeys and his abilities to emit energy kept him out of cuffs, I had enough and in a last ditch attempt, blood driping from my forehead the best way to deal with him was to kill him KILL HIM, I harmbatoned for a second being reminded of my old days but that was short I kept bashing his head in, he kept getting back up tried to run, colapsed and tried to choke him, "you still have some fight in you have you boy" I smashed his head against the table, I smashed his head against the table, I smashed... barely alive I killed someone my previous mentor... without authorisation, I called the port a brig barely on my legs and put his lifeless body in the port a brig and grabbed the other sec guy mauled by monkeys, we had to go, some officer came with a sub better late than never took the other guy and signaled me to get in, I couldnt get inside the sub, I fell down the chute taking me to science, I crawled from there all the way to medbay, I found out later that he was already authorised for execution but I didnt catch that. I rode back the shuttle forever changed.this is how I felt after viridis was killed (Archam City SPOILERS IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED THAT GAME YOU SHOULD)
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War. this qoute love it describes how no sec and full sec should operate
Anyway this might appear to some people weird but you must start to trust some of the sec team if you havent already done that, the competent ones at least, you know when the sec is full that you can at least count to come to your aid when dat fukken ling silent stings you, in continuation depending on the flow of the shift and if you are the only sec you might ignore minor crimes to focus on those shockers and shapeshifters,
Now that I am rereading this this, the FULL SEC and RAMBO is like the virgin vs chad meme template but altered slightly
Teamwork is power I am sticking together to my colleagues if the situation calls for it
Spread tasks
*radio chater*
most if not all crimes are punished accordingly
RAMBO -no sec
this can range from tucking yourself in bed tighter than disky or hell on earth
There is no backup you are on your own, you must decide which crimes you should focus upon
you normaly dont use lethals on full sec but now you might change your playstyle if the stars are aligned
you come upon an ling silent stinging as always, if theres ai you can ask him for help and bolt it to somewhere the ling doesnt have acess, his identity is compromised he is being tracked,
arcfield shocking left and right, might consider using some insulated because nobody can really back you up unless you setup an squad of trigger happy meatshields assitants to take the bullets for you
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
the battle is won
all hope is lost
this statement is false
grudges cloud my judgement
corporate wants me fired
Escape not in sight
only time shall bring me answers
Clown stole my shoes
staffies start to drool
Stations full of water
Sec is baking donuts 
Cold here in space
life withering away
Betrayed by the ones I swore to protect
I shall have my revenge
Eyelids are heavy
heartbeat is slowing
my only consolation
It shall strike fear and depression
eyelinds are closed
exhale has no cost
he always just knew
this is how it would end
with the last of his power
he moves them frozen lips
I like them goose
I like them donuts
I like them pizza with pineapples
so I finally gave goonstation a try and wanted to familiarize myself with how sec works(each server has its own way) long story short I was taught the ropes by Viridis a fine gentleman
Fast forward to another round where I was a sec officer on oshan Viridis was an arcfield and was wreaking havoc all around the station I and the other sec member had cornered him near art lab, toxins there are only 2 ways out this Viridis, in cuffs or a bodybag, he subverted a monkey army, he was waiting for us, we tried to talk it out but obviosly it didnt work the other sec officer attacked a monkey by accident and I couldnt save him from the horde I had my priorities ,get Viridis to serve for his crimes ALIVE emphasizes on the "alive", throughout the fight my non lethals were getting discharged and stolen by monkeys and his abilities to emit energy kept him out of cuffs, I had enough and in a last ditch attempt, blood driping from my forehead the best way to deal with him was to kill him KILL HIM, I harmbatoned for a second being reminded of my old days but that was short I kept bashing his head in, he kept getting back up tried to run, colapsed and tried to choke him, "you still have some fight in you have you boy" I smashed his head against the table, I smashed his head against the table, I smashed... barely alive I killed someone my previous mentor... without authorisation, I called the port a brig barely on my legs and put his lifeless body in the port a brig and grabbed the other sec guy mauled by monkeys, we had to go, some officer came with a sub better late than never took the other guy and signaled me to get in, I couldnt get inside the sub, I fell down the chute taking me to science, I crawled from there all the way to medbay, I found out later that he was already authorised for execution but I didnt catch that. I rode back the shuttle forever changed.this is how I felt after viridis was killed (Archam City SPOILERS IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED THAT GAME YOU SHOULD)
- What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?:
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.:
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War. this qoute love it describes how no sec and full sec should operate
Anyway this might appear to some people weird but you must start to trust some of the sec team if you havent already done that, the competent ones at least, you know when the sec is full that you can at least count to come to your aid when dat fukken ling silent stings you, in continuation depending on the flow of the shift and if you are the only sec you might ignore minor crimes to focus on those shockers and shapeshifters,
Now that I am rereading this this, the FULL SEC and RAMBO is like the virgin vs chad meme template but altered slightly
Teamwork is power I am sticking together to my colleagues if the situation calls for it
Spread tasks
*radio chater*

most if not all crimes are punished accordingly
RAMBO -no sec
this can range from tucking yourself in bed tighter than disky or hell on earth
There is no backup you are on your own, you must decide which crimes you should focus upon
you normaly dont use lethals on full sec but now you might change your playstyle if the stars are aligned
you come upon an ling silent stinging as always, if theres ai you can ask him for help and bolt it to somewhere the ling doesnt have acess, his identity is compromised he is being tracked,
arcfield shocking left and right, might consider using some insulated because nobody can really back you up unless you setup an squad of trigger happy meatshields assitants to take the bullets for you
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.:
the battle is won
all hope is lost
this statement is false
grudges cloud my judgement
corporate wants me fired
Escape not in sight
only time shall bring me answers
Clown stole my shoes
staffies start to drool
Stations full of water

Cold here in space
life withering away
Betrayed by the ones I swore to protect
I shall have my revenge
Eyelids are heavy
heartbeat is slowing
my only consolation
It shall strike fear and depression
eyelinds are closed
exhale has no cost
he always just knew
this is how it would end
with the last of his power
he moves them frozen lips
I like them goose

I like them donuts
I like them pizza with pineapples
last words he ever said
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
the only recent ban I remember is the one where I killed someone with the shuttle as an antag,the timing was so perfect if I did it like 1 second earlier I would have died as well, this was accident my brother did it and I explained it in the ban appeal
the only recent ban I remember is the one where I killed someone with the shuttle as an antag,the timing was so perfect if I did it like 1 second earlier I would have died as well, this was accident my brother did it and I explained it in the ban appeal