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Clown Application
Usual character name: Anna Conda
BYOND username: Skegal
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Skegal#2914
Recommended by (if applicable): Nobody would want it
Goon servers you play: Goon 1 Heisenbee, Goon 2 Bombini, sometimes rp but rarely

Reason for application: I am applying for clown for two reasons:
 I often played as a janitor and such has gained slippery knowledge and all its safety hasards that make me able to handle the important role of clown.
 Secondly, i dont play mime that much, its not that i dont like being one to entertain the crew, but i think the mime is far more limited than the clown in its job of entertainment provider.

Answer two or more of the following:

    What advice would you give to other clown players? I would say learn how to get out of a grab and dodge the stun batons, as even without doing anything people will tend to molest to near death or death at the round start just for existing.
    What was one of your favorite slippery moments? It was also the easiest slippery, using a banana and pull, pulling a sec officier and placing a banana, retake the banana replace it pull it again in circle. it was truly wonderful to see the pain in his eyes while people around had a smile on their face brighter than my future.
    Also when i was a god like clown with a lot of stuff running the station with the radical records in a super long round on goon2 and they tried to stop me from playing more records with all their fire power and even threaten to call the ntso.
    What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit clown players? i think if the pie would stay on people face when throwned, it would be funnier to throw pie.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

    Write a poem to convey your thoughts on clowns/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
    Space cleaner? i dont give a fuck
    Honky Tonic? thats where the gimmick kick.

    What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    An entire med department filled with clowns, not just a mask but literally all the traits, like dropping the organs you want to implant, slicing yourself with the surgery tools etc.
  Draw a picture!


  Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I totally didnt got banned the 28/04 from extensive lubing  at escape with doors opens, it is security propaganda, what are your doubting about me?
+1 hjonk
You don't seem to grasp the idea of Clown being a role that makes others laugh, not yourself. Stating you know about slippery hazards and regaling us with a story of how you harassed a single security officer makes me believe you are not out to make anyone but yourself laugh.

While putting down the mime, a role that has to entertain people without even speaking and saying it's more "limited" in fact makes me think that the only limit is yourself.

(05-02-2021, 11:50 AM)Cal Wrote: You don't seem to grasp the idea of Clown being a role that makes others laugh, not yourself. Stating you know about slippery hazards and regaling us with a story of how you harassed a single security officer makes me believe you are not out to make anyone but yourself laugh.

While putting down the mime, a role that has to entertain people without even speaking and saying it's more "limited" in fact makes me think that the only limit is yourself.


True, also im quite lying about the stories as i think its not a serious applications. i could do gimmicks like setting a mc donalds as clown, a clown school etc to make the life of other res more entertained without forcing them into slippery

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