About the PR
Removes the floor melting functionality from chemicals by specifying that only simulated walls can be melted in fireflash.dm
Why's this needed?
In it's current state, it's way too easy to remove huge chunks of floors with chemicals.
The time it takes for someone in chemistry to disable a department is under 1 minutes with just one chem smoke,
The time it takes to repair and repressurise that department can take over 10 minutes, and thats being very generous. The ratio between the two isn't fair and its one of the many things that makes chemistry a frankly overpowered and annoying mechanic to deal with. Making an area completely inhabitable should require more effort a chem group button. bombs and RCDs are balanced in that regard.
About the PR
Removes the floor melting functionality from chemicals by specifying that only simulated walls can be melted in fireflash.dm
Why's this needed?
In it's current state, it's way too easy to remove huge chunks of floors with chemicals.
The time it takes for someone in chemistry to disable a department is under 1 minutes with just one chem smoke,
The time it takes to repair and repressurise that department can take over 10 minutes, and thats being very generous. The ratio between the two isn't fair and its one of the many things that makes chemistry a frankly overpowered and annoying mechanic to deal with. Making an area completely inhabitable should require more effort a chem group button. bombs and RCDs are balanced in that regard.
(*)Combustible chemicals no longer melt floor tiles like butter. They only have an effect on walls now