Jacob Philips for HoS 2016 Give teh beret!
I think this guy's main problem is that he is trying too hard for this application. I've seen him around long enough to know that he does have some experience.

You guys might just be being a wee bit harsh. From what I've seen in game, he's definitely not this dumb.

Unfortunately, I'm going to say that I don't believe him ready for the beret. I've never seen him as security and he doesn't strike enough of a "toughness" chord. He seems intelligent enough in game but always seems to be bumbling about trying to be serious.

I'd rather have a competent HoS who's serious enough to not take bullshit, but you're trying to say you're serious but at the same time you're a pushover. Doesn't really work.

Also, your opinion of shrek sucks.
No on the basis of his shrek reason and overuse of memes.

It is not even supposed to be shrek.
Ok, obviously I'm not popular enough to achieve this, I will try again after a few months. But alot of your comments were pure shite on a monkey burger, really, a no for triple posting? I was responding to other comments, and as for the memes, I only Put two in there, not overdoing it, so calm down. I'm just going to take the oppurtunity and tell myself "no" and stop my application. But I really don't like the shitty posts, So you better believe I am coming back. Actually, this sounds like the admins were kinda suspicious of me so all of you said no, so I applaud those of you who actually gave me real reasons for a no, and reasons for a yes. Thank you, and I will be back.
Morphing_Dwarf Wrote:Ok, obviously I'm not popular enough to achieve this, I will try again after a few months. But alot of your comments were pure shite on a monkey burger, really, a no for triple posting? I was responding to other comments, and as for the memes, I only Put two in there, not overdoing it, so calm down. I'm just going to take the oppurtunity and tell myself "no" and stop my application. But I really don't like the shitty posts, So you better believe I am coming back. Actually, this sounds like the admins were kinda suspicious of me so all of you said no, so I applaud those of you who actually gave me real reasons for a no, and reasons for a yes. Thank you, and I will be back.
Telling the people who are giving you yeas or nays that you think their comments and reasons are shit and saying that you think they're just bandwagoning really won't help you out dude. Again, maybe show that you're good in game instead.

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