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making the engineers start the engine
I still think grabbing the engineers and burning them for energy would be funnier but the toy is probably more feasible. Give engineers a vox console.
I am actually a fan of boxes that only open when engineers generate enough power. Maybe with some pod parts or blueprints for that machine east of engineering? Heck i would even be fine with limiting their access to insulated gloves and multitools until they power up the engine.
why are the engineers at fault and not the boring engine anyway
Good question

Personally I think the engine should be powered by kidnapping assistants and hooking them up to the powergrid, matrix style.
If Engineers are able to control how much power each part of the station gets, I know I would be more interested in playing one...
I'll update the engineering guide.

I think the real issue lately is that everyone who likes running the engine is now busy trying to find the new chemistry stuff instead, leaving most of the engineering slots to people who were just randomly assigned - so they look at the engine, think 'fuck this' and just leave to do... what, I have no idea. I've observed the engineers quite a few rounds and they often just go completely missing or fall out airlocks by accident or something.

As far as forcing people to set the engine up goes with some hardcoded thing... why bother? I mean, by all means, feel free to arrest and fire the engineers if they're off dicking around and don't bother even making a weak effort at setting the thing up, find some assistants to do it instead. Just don't see any need to make that an official game mechanic.

The switchgear and enhanced control of the electrical grid is still planned for a future update.
I really like the idea of adding some toys to Engineering as an incentive for people to not only set the engine up, but for them to pick Engineer in the first place. Right now, sure, they get easy access to gloves/tools and one of the most fun traitor items in the game. But when you compare it to the sorts of toys other jobs like scientist or roboticists get to mess with, it just feels less desirable for the people who are actually experienced with the game.
What if 5 or 10 minutes after the engine warning goes off, the ID locks on engineering switch to allow anyone, not just engineers, in?

That way, if the engies are shit, then they lose their special access to engineer and someone else (assistants) can do their job for them.

A great shame on them indeed.
Why I don't set the engine up: This weekend I tried to set it up with a plasma/O2 hot loop combo with a cooling/venting combination to hopefully ensure the pipes don't rupture but still maintain the high heat to power ratio.

I was murdered by an engineer who thought I was making bombs. Engine was never set up.
I still think the upcoming switch room should have detachable SMES units that a trader could buy, and the money would go towards the station. QM don't make money for themselves, but for the station, and yet it's still pretty fun.
Add more engineering locked crates, stuff like RCD's and Blueprints for cool rooms that can be stuck in the ABC-U's, and cool pod stuff too.
If that's not an incentive, I don't know what is.
The engine is already pretty fun to set up, but I can understand it is difficult to newcomers, an updated guide + an advanced guide would be a good idea.

Also, do you know what's a REALLY good idea?
Seriously, there has been two threads about it, and all it would require is one small tool that'd be unique to the engineering borg that turns pipes. That's it.
Sundance Wrote:Also, do you know what's a REALLY good idea?
Seriously, there has been two threads about it, and all it would require is one small tool that'd be unique to the engineering borg that turns pipes. That's it.

Good god, this. The only reason to pick engineer borg at the moment is to snag a plasma canister and hope that you get a Kill Everything law.
Give the Engineering Borgs a tool that allows them to GRASP objects like a normal human.
Quote:Why I don't set the engine up: This weekend I tried to set it up with a plasma/O2 hot loop combo with a cooling/venting combination to hopefully ensure the pipes don't rupture but still maintain the high heat to power ratio.

I was murdered by an engineer who thought I was making bombs. Engine was never set up.

People are too eager to kill each other these days, and I say that full well knowing that my method was to beat someone up if they attack me or steal my ID. I would just stop short of killing them because that's scummy and unfair if you aren't traitor or have a good enough reason.

Anyway I think if they want to take the ultra RP route, they could have papers posted about "Inter Departmental Collaboration" including asking scientists to make you super engine gas.

I think the Switches room (and buying batteries/however you want to phrase it) would be the best method.

For instance a really smart engineer/smart scientist could get the engine ultra cranked up and sell the juiced up switches via QM. Making themselves some money.
Guide to scientist:

1. Prepare Engine/bomb mix of O2 and Plasma for fun and reward.
2. Realize that you have spares, so push one out to engineering to be friendly.
3. Call for engineers, wait 7 minutes, get frustrated and leave the tank sitting in front of the escape arm unsupervised.
(If Explosion=True goto 7, Else goto 4)
4. Get call from CE that the engine has fucked away all it's gas, and needs more.
5. Bitch endlessly about how fucking terrible the engineers are, while you hand your last spare tank off to the CE in front of engineering.
6. "Oh shit, who put plasma in this O2 tank!? FUUUUCK!"
7. Revel in destruction.
8. v
Instead of pushing one out to Engineering, send it into Engineering through the conveyor system. Much safer and somewhat faster, unless the idea is to be unsafe (which is fair enough).

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