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AI-Controlled sprinkler system
Captain_Bravo Wrote:What if we create a new job? Damage-Control. We're already kind of having issues with engineers having too broad responsibilities, and not doing everything they're supposed to. What if we split those responsibilities from them, and create a new Engineering job devoted to just handling that, then give them control of the sprinklers?

If you want better engineers start playing engineer more often. Damage control should really stay inside the engineering job, and hell, construction cyborgs handle that pretty often too. I don't see any need to split that responsibility off into a third thing.
I actually play engineer quite a bit, and I'm one of the knobs who fucks off and does stupid shit with metal foam grenades instead of running the engine. v

Battle not with shitlordes, lest ye become a shitlorde yeself.
I think the sprinkler system is a good idea. The only problem is whether or not it would lag out the server.

It would be cool if each room (or only important areas) had a fire supression system that could also double as a traitor death trap.

Maybe have one "Feed" in engineering or someplace else where a enterprising crewmen could fill a pipe with a beaker of something nasty. E.g turn every sprinkler into a wall melter.

Sprinklers would probably be tied into the fire alarms, and only initially release fire stopping foam like from fire extinguishers (to keep the floors from getting slippy)
I think the AI in general needs to regain that "oh shit" factor when it goes rogue. If a centralised atmos system is never coming back then I guess this is an acceptable compromise.

To people who say "it is too easy to subvert the AI so it must be kept useless", I think the problem is the AI is too easy to subvert. Make subverting the AI much harder and increase the amount of fun things the AI has control over.
I also recently thought to myself that if this is implemented, instead of one global reserve tank each area of sprinklers should have an individual one somewhere, like how you can use air injectors to fill an area with plasma but not the whole goddamn station at once.
That could be pretty brilliant.

I think the sprinkler system should probably have a emaggable safety though, (or at least one that has to be manually removed with tools before junk can be added to the pipes)
(07-30-2013, 03:32 AM)Readster Wrote: I also recently thought to myself that if this is implemented, instead of one global reserve tank each area of sprinklers should have an individual one somewhere, like how you can use air injectors to fill an area with plasma but not the whole goddamn station at once.

I know this is a really old idea, but I really like the idea of having fire sprinkler systems with a customizable reagent payload.
This is a great idea. Especially with having a reserve tank for each area. It seems like it would be a lot to implement though.

Solution: MechComp tool?
On the concept of making damage-control a separate job, there WAS a thread awhile back about bring back the atmos tech as a kinda space fireman/hull breach repair man with a whole load of tools to repressurise rooms and put out fires. As the engineers are usually too busy setting the station on fire to fix it, I'd really like to see a similar job.
(08-10-2016, 10:52 AM)ferriswheel1 Wrote: On the concept of making damage-control a separate job, there WAS a thread awhile back about bring back the atmos tech as a kinda space fireman/hull breach repair man with a whole load of tools to repressurise rooms and put out fires. As the engineers are usually too busy setting the station on fire to fix it, I'd really like to see a similar job.

I'd like that too, actually. Atmos/"hull technician"/"integrity engineer" that focuses on the station's overall hull integrity, fixes breaches, pressurizes, puts out fires, repairs bombings, etc. A dedicated role would be good for when the engineers just want MORE POWER!!!.
Hellchem showers are pretty bad. You'd have to be careful how it was implemented.

[Image: 448a3f5492.jpg]

Otherwise it sounds nifty.
(08-10-2016, 10:52 AM)ferriswheel1 Wrote: On the concept of making damage-control a separate job, there WAS a thread awhile back about bring back the atmos tech as a kinda space fireman/hull breach repair man with a whole load of tools to repressurise rooms and put out fires. As the engineers are usually too busy setting the station on fire to fix it, I'd really like to see a similar job.

I think the ghost drones have this more or less covered nowadays, really.
Repairing things by hand is a pain in the ass. It's slow, usually requires a janky suit, leaves you open for surprise robusting, hardly ever ends up as a complete job (or anything other than a cold, dark hallway that needs a crowbar to pass through), and tends to end up more effort than its worth since it's just easier to rob EVA and call the shuttle than it is to spend half a round fixing and repressurizing medbay.

Ghost drones get around that by being robots that zip through bombed out rooms, able to RCD entire wings of the station back together in no time, protected by the same magic that spares bees from retribution. And, they have nothing better to do, since they can't do anything other than be constructive!

Ditto with construction borgs, when they aren't murdering or being murdered by the crew. These are the new atmos tech guys!
In Noah's borg patch, engineering and construction borgs are getting hopefully merged, which means the latter will become partly the former and be able to repair the hideously complex powernet
I would say that repressurisation is still an issue, but I don't think this is the thread to deal with that.

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