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[PR] Different-colored medibots get different chems

About the PR

Medibots get a slight rework. Depending on the base medkit a medibot is constructed from, the medibot gets a different base healing chem, a new ailment to treat, and a new chemical to use when emagged.

medkit  - base chem        - condition          - emagged chem
vanilla - n/a              - n/a                - n/a
brute   - salicylic acid   - hypo/hypertension  - ants
burn    - menthol          - ear/eye            - acetaldehyde
tox     - smelling salts   - radiation          - atrazine
oxy     - perfluorodecalin - anaphylaxis        - cyanide
neuro   - robustussin      - brain              - neurotoxin
crit    - n/a              - crit               - formaldehyde
head    - all of the above - n/a                - sarin

To make this work, the procs that govern medibot behavior were slightly refactored.

Why's this needed?

This PR gives the active roboticist the ability to enhance medbay significantly. This PR also buffs medibots (which I find are currently underused) significantly for both normal and traitor uses. I chose the new conditions to be treated carefully, to make sure that doctors were still required for a functioning medbay:

1. A patient just barely in crit might be fully healed by a series of medibots, but deep crit requires atropine or electric shock.
2. Synaptizine is not a very efficient chem for dealing with brain damage, and even a stack of saline and salicylic acid is a slow treatment for brute damage. A human or borg can treat patients much faster than even a stack of medibots.
3. Surgery and bleed damage are completely untouched by medibots
4. Most of the high-tier healing chems are not synthesized by medibots (other than perfluorodecalin, which was already synthesized by the Head Surgeon). Additionally, any chemicals that heal on `TOUCH` can't be applied by medibots.

With the exception of the head surgeon, the emagged chemicals are all easy to acquire or produce, and a chemist could synthesize a cocktail of the other new chemicals with little effort in only a few minutes.

Finally, the distribution of conditions and base chemicals was chosen for balance. The crit (or berserker, dusty medkit, etc.) medibot can heal patients in crit by itself, but only gets base chemicals to do it. The oxygen medibot has a strong base chemical, but anaphylaxis is quite rare. The tox medibot treats radiation (which is very helpful!) but its new base chem is smelling salts, which works only against a handful of knockout chems.


(*) Medibots constructed from different medkits have different chemicals and treat different ailments.

FYI this PR has changed slightly:

medkit  - base chem         - condition          - emagged chem
vanilla - n/a               - n/a                - n/a
brute   - salicylic acid    - hypo/hypertension  - ants
burn    - menthol           - ear/eye            - acetaldehyde
tox     - charcoal          - radiation          - atrazine
oxy     - salbutamol        - anaphylaxis        - cyanide
neuro   - robustussin       - brain              - neurotoxin
crit    - n/a               - crit               - formaldehyde
head    - all of the above* - n/a                - sarin

The base medibot has had its TOX and OXY chems downgraded to two new chems, healing crystals and dexamethasone. Both heal the same damage as charcoal and salbutamol per unit of chem, but they do it twice as slowly (with half the depletion rate). They also don't heal organs, increase depletion of other chems, or allow overdoses. These two chems can also be made as bookmarks in the chem dispenser fairly easily, unlike salbutamol and charcoal.

The head surgeon uses all of the upgraded base chems, except its current perfluorodecalin upgrade for oxy damage is retained.
Healing crystals you say?

Also, synaptizine is fantastic at preventing braindeath, and thus death from extended crit and bloodloss. Would fit in the critbot nicely!

Also with how rare the critkits are, I'd feel they could use a buff to their chems. Something like both synaptizine and atropine, since it helps prevent critdeath.
Glad to see charcoal get changed to the kits. So do the vanilla medbots now do nothing till loaded with a chem?
(10-10-2020, 07:37 AM)Superlagg Wrote: Healing crystals you say?

Also, synaptizine is fantastic at preventing braindeath, and thus death from extended crit and bloodloss. Would fit in the critbot nicely!

Also with how rare the critkits are, I'd feel they could use a buff to their chems. Something like both synaptizine and atropine, since it helps prevent critdeath.

As the PR stands, the brain medibots inject synaptizine. Crit, to me, seems like a condition that should require a doctor's intervention, and I'm hesitant to make the crit medibot more powerful for that reason. Additionally, spreading out synaptizine/salbutamol/epinephrine to different bots incentivizes producing many different kinds of medibots- 3 crit bots is worse at helping someone in crit that a crit bot, a brain bot, and an oxy bot.

(10-10-2020, 09:31 AM)Brixx79 Wrote: Glad to see charcoal get changed to the kits.  So do the vanilla medbots now do nothing till loaded with a chem?

No, they would inject Saline for brute/burn, healing crystals for tox, dexamethasone for oxy, and spaceacillin for virus.
Healing crystals is a very silly name for a chem, and not really in line with most other basic (and even many advanced) medicines.
I would suggest these be "in addition to" rather than replacing the base chem
What about the Old Medkit?
It should work like a medibot before the PR.
(10-12-2020, 08:53 AM)Mouse Wrote: Healing crystals is a very silly name for a chem, and not really in line with most other basic (and even many advanced) medicines.

I'd love to hear another suggestion for the name then. I couldn't come up with a real-life medicine that made sense with about 20 minutes of trawling through wikipedia.
(10-12-2020, 09:27 AM)gleb09 Wrote: What about the Old Medkit?

The Old Medkit (I assume you're referring to the black-colored "Dusty old medkit") would be the same as the crit medkit.
(10-18-2020, 03:20 PM)Jawns Wrote:
(10-12-2020, 08:53 AM)Mouse Wrote: Healing crystals is a very silly name for a chem, and not really in line with most other basic (and even many advanced) medicines.

I'd love to hear another suggestion for the name then. I couldn't come up with a real-life medicine that made sense with about 20 minutes of trawling through wikipedia.

Silibinin? It's a plant extract from milk thistles that helps treat liver toxicity.
(10-18-2020, 04:21 PM)fosstar Wrote:
(10-18-2020, 03:20 PM)Jawns Wrote:
(10-12-2020, 08:53 AM)Mouse Wrote: Healing crystals is a very silly name for a chem, and not really in line with most other basic (and even many advanced) medicines.

I'd love to hear another suggestion for the name then. I couldn't come up with a real-life medicine that made sense with about 20 minutes of trawling through wikipedia.

Silibinin? It's a plant extract from milk thistles that helps treat liver toxicity.

Good call! I've made that change.

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