Triage Application - ThePotato97
Github username: ThePotato97
BYOND username: thepotato97
Discord username/tag (if you are on our discord): ThePotato#0462
Recommended by (if applicable): pali
If accepted, do you agree to the Triage Guidelines?(Y/N): Y
knows their stuff, seems cool enough, id trust em
very active in development and communicates well with other devs/contributors, easy +1
Yeah, good communicator, active. +1
Good person, good c*der, the Lord of TGUI. +1
They've shared their progress on several projects with me (mostly UIs, such as the new cloning UI and door UI) and as such I can tell that ThePotato is a very communicative individual, and is well aware of the need for outside opinions and feedback, even if negative. They have also written very snazzy UIs and have I wholly appreciate many of their contributions. I'd be happy to see them be more able to contribute to the game!
Yes! Got to see all their work on the interactive papers and stamping. 100% I trust them to keep making cool things and to manage edits to the code! +1
Thanks for all the positive comments, I'm triage now. smile

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