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Triage Application - ThePotato97 - Printable Version

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Triage Application - ThePotato97 - ThePotato - 10-01-2020

Github username: ThePotato97
BYOND username: thepotato97
Discord username/tag (if you are on our discord): ThePotato#0462
Recommended by (if applicable): pali
If accepted, do you agree to the Triage Guidelines?(Y/N): Y

RE: Triage Application - ThePotato97 - Adhara In Space - 10-01-2020

knows their stuff, seems cool enough, id trust em

RE: Triage Application - ThePotato97 - RichardGere - 10-01-2020

very active in development and communicates well with other devs/contributors, easy +1

RE: Triage Application - ThePotato97 - MarkNstein - 10-01-2020

Yeah, good communicator, active. +1

RE: Triage Application - ThePotato97 - Nebulacrity - 10-01-2020

Good person, good c*der, the Lord of TGUI. +1

RE: Triage Application - ThePotato97 - aft2001 - 10-11-2020

They've shared their progress on several projects with me (mostly UIs, such as the new cloning UI and door UI) and as such I can tell that ThePotato is a very communicative individual, and is well aware of the need for outside opinions and feedback, even if negative. They have also written very snazzy UIs and have I wholly appreciate many of their contributions. I'd be happy to see them be more able to contribute to the game!

RE: Triage Application - ThePotato97 - nefarious6th - 10-11-2020

Yes! Got to see all their work on the interactive papers and stamping. 100% I trust them to keep making cool things and to manage edits to the code! +1

RE: Triage Application - ThePotato97 - Carbadox - 10-11-2020


RE: Triage Application - ThePotato97 - ThePotato - 10-12-2020

Thanks for all the positive comments, I'm triage now. smile