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Wizard Spells that need to be more FUN
1. Golems cooldown needs to be shorter, golems are too weak and die too easily for it to be effective

2. Bull's charge needs to do more brute or have a longer stun for the effort it takes to actually hit people (pretty much running directly into harms way)

3. No more hat requirement to cast spells, make spells weaker if it isn't equipped like the staff.

It's just too easy for someone to whip up some fluoro acid, pour it into a pitcher or glass, and throw it in your face and then you're crippled unless you put extras in your backpack. 

4. STICKS TO SNAKES god i LOVE this spell but for fucks sake can we change the primitive click-targeting to something better?

Click the tile they're on and it automatically does it or something or make it like Rathen's where it does everyone nearby. The snakes are weak as fuck as funny as this spell is it just isn't effective enough.

Other than those things, Wizard is still a blast.
Idea: Staff, hat and robes are all +1 magic point

If you have one magic point, you can't cast at all, if you have two, you can cast weakly, if you have all three you get the full empowered spells. Meaning you could cast without a hat but only if you were holding a wizard staff
Add a loud, lengthy, everquest-style casting time to the spells. Completing the cast while standing still and fully equipped gives a stronger, more bombastic version of the spell, moving at any point lets off the spell as usual, and being interrupted by the crew causes it to cast a weaker, more chaotic version that might actually be more useful in some situations.

Mana costs instead of cooldowns. Magic gear increases the mana cap and regen rate, having electronics in your bag reduces the cap and regen, with things like tazers and stunrods only allowing your basic spells as feasible to use.

Mana potions and wizard drugs to fill up your inventory with performance enhancing bullshit.

Optional magic relics that occupy your backpack and/or belt slots. Be more magical in exchange for not loading yourself with guns, nerd. Might even chance how certain spells work, or hold lots of reagents for goleming, cool shit.
(06-20-2020, 06:14 AM)Flaborized Wrote: Idea: Staff, hat and robes are all +1 magic point

If you have one magic point, you can't cast at all, if you have two, you can cast weakly, if you have all three you get the full empowered spells. Meaning you could cast without a hat but only if you were holding a wizard staff

yes please
the magic point system sounds solid and would be way better than the current system we have.
make pandemonium more chaotic with many more effects, some devastating to better account for the increased amount of possible effects to heighten the likelihood for some crazy shit to happen

Spawn random critters, paint the surrounding area with random colors, lube the floors, trigger a random event (including ion storms), cast a random spell for free, heal everyone in the area by a good amount, summon a small amount of artifacts, emag random items nearby, summon a new wizard staff, summon a fake wizard staff, give nearby people a random mutation, generate a disease reagent in a nearby person, get everyone on the station mildly drunk, summon sexy owls, change the colors of nearby lights, cause items nearby to change orientation

There are too many things that could happen with this spell and I want them all. MAKE PANDEMONIUM MORE CHAOTIC. Not good, not evil, neutral - it can go either way. But it needs to be MORE Chaotic Neutral. It 100% needs to be.
Pandemonium should rarely summon a panda, at which point it plays a rimshot.
Teleport away needs to be resistable with magboots, as it recharges fairly quickly and can sometimes just kill someone instantly - the teleport spells in general should make the wizard have to stand still and fill a bar before they actually perform the action, so it can't be used as a get out of jail free card. Except for blink, because that can't be controlled.
(06-23-2020, 01:04 PM)sartorius Wrote: Teleport away needs to be resistable with magboots, as it recharges fairly quickly and can sometimes just kill someone instantly - the teleport spells in general should make the wizard have to stand still and fill a bar before they actually perform the action, so it can't be used as a get out of jail free card. Except for blink, because that can't be controlled.

I do not think that such a change is necessary.

You know how people can instantly kill a wizard? Throw one glass of acid at him, stun him with taser, finish wih laser. Boom - wizard dead in less than 20 seconds and neither of the three tools used had any sort of bar that was necessary to be filled up.

Wizards are glass cannons already - please do not change them to glass peashooters.

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