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Goonstation Monthly Contest: February Edition!
(02-04-2020, 03:10 PM)Studenterhue Wrote: Reward name (as displayed in the purchase menu): Uniform - Shorts Version
Reward cost: 1000
Reward: Spawn wearing an alternate version of your job's associated jumpsuit that has shorter pant legs. Gannets has sprited these

If this gets added can we get one for skirt versions too?
Reward name: Extra Vote
Reward cost: 20,000
Reward: Your choice for that rounds map vote is worth two votes.
Reward name: Alt Backpack
Reward cost: 500
Reward: Outfits you with the slick and stylish black NTSO backpack instead of the standard dull grey one. Can also be turned into a black satchel with the Fish Medal!
(This could even be opened up down the road, like say even more variants sort of like the Alt Jumpsuit. IF that ever happens, split this up into NTSO backpack and Alt backpack.)

Reward Name: MESS (Multi-situational Expanded Storage Solution)
Reward Cost: 5000 (Admins adjust this as needed)
Reward: You a regular ordinary spaceman sick of all items you gotta bring with you on the job? Find that your jumpsuit just don't got the storage capacity it should? Don't fret! Just clean up that MESS! TODAY! The M.E.S.S. is a specially designed system that comes in a neat little package. Al; you gotta do is just hold it in your hand, click the interface, select what fits your needs and viola! A specially designed pouch for the job that fits right into your POCKET!. That's right! Expand that useless pocket space today!
Pretty much as the advert says. It's meant to be a box (We can use the mechanics deployables sprite as a placeholder) that when you click on it, gives you a list of options that transform that box into a specialty pocket that fits into your pocket slot but expands it for that item type (Only has 1 use. can't be changed to another type). Some ideas include:
Standard pocket pouch (2 or 3 small slots): A simple pouch with a weighted clip added to your pocket that can hold (x) of small items (Can blacklist some items from this if needed)

Tool Rig (4 Slots): A specialty rig setup that can only fit tools. (Screwdrivers, welders, wrenches, mutli-tools, etc. Maybe can secretly hold some other items. like the voltron as an example)

Mechanics pouch (4 Slots for just for deployables and +1 for the soldering iron if possible. if not, 5 slots): A specialty pouch for the mechanic who needs that extra space on the go. 4 Slots are dedicated to either mechcomp items, blueprints, or reverse fab deployables. and a single slot for your soldering iron

Sterilized medical patch storage (4 or 5 slots): This storage option lets you hold either multiple mini healing patch boxes. or large healing patches in one spot. Perfect for the paramedic on the go.
Medkit Clamp (1 Slot): Gives up your pocket so you can carry an entire medkit on your side.
(Possible ideas if emaggable)
Expanded Weapons Storage Pouch (5 to 6 slots): With the safety systems disengaged. The MESS system designed this combat ready storage solution that can hold grenades and most ammo types (Small only, can't fit 40mm)

Kinetic Powercell Recharge System (2 Slots): A unique pocket that, when energy weapon power cells are stored within it, will slowly recharge as you take a step (Appox. 1 - 2 Pu's per tile)
These are just SOME ideas to get across what I am looking at with this kind of item. And willing to brainstorm more to help expand this system if it gets picked as a winner.

Flour edit: The second idea requires significant code work. Code will be required for this to be voted on.
Reward name (as displayed in the purchase menu): Fugitive
Reward cost: 10,000
Reward: If applicable, ensures the buyer is the assassination target of an antag. Survival rewards the buyer with 2,000 spacebux.

Reward name (as displayed in the purchase menu): Bodyguard
Reward cost: 15,000
Reward: If applicable, ensures the buyer is the protection target of an antag.

Flour edit: This idea seems a bit too meta-y. Would appreciate player input + thoughts.

Fire edit: I don't think we can do this because it wont work on rounds like blob. And if we refund you we just revealed the round type.
Reward Name: Mutated
Cost: 3000
Reward: Start with a random mutation

Reward Name: New Threads
Cost: 1500
Reward: Start with a random jumpsuit at the start of the round
Reward Name: Costume Box
Cost: 5000
Reward: Start with a random costume box (like changeling - spiderman - cluwne - alternative clown - werewolf - vampire - ...)
Reward Name: Pride-o-Matic Jumpsuit
Cost: 1500
Reward: Start with a Pride-o-Matic jumpsuit, a special Pride jumpsuit that can transform between all the various Pride jumpsuit color schemes.

Requires the code for the new item, which I have submitted to the Goonstation 2020 repo. It's basically a reskinned Chameleon jumpsuit with the suit-scanning function removed so that it can't be as easily used for shenanigans. It seems like a nice way to start the round with the player's choice of Pride jumpsuit without having to run all the way to Crew Quarters. It might make a good replacement for all the Pride jumpsuits in general just to reduce general clutter in the cabinet.
Reward name: More alien races? Shelter frog/frog/blob/martian?
Reward cost: 2000-5000
Reward: You start the round as a alien species, similar to that of diplomat- Just with your rolled occupation, and maybe even antag? Figure it wouldn't be advantageous as it would (hopefully) come with the language barrier/movement/etc. or just be purely cosmetic- it could lead to issues with Ai, but I rarely see diplomats; so I assume they fall under the same rule as skeletons and the reptillians.

It made trying to get some guy to lay down and not attack me for appendicitis surgery pretty funny, so I figure it could be purchased to make some roles more interesting to play, or even interact with.

Fire edit: This is pretty vague. Do you just mean a random race? Please clarify this and then we will add it to the vote.
Reward name: Mysterious Mask
Reward cost: 5000
Reward: You start the round with a random mask stapled to your face.
Thank you everyone for suggesting such good ideas! I've made a pass over the submissions and added any necessary edits. I'll probably close this thread and start the voting one tomorrow (so please tell your friends to participate, if they haven't already!). If you made multiple suggestions, please make it clear which one you'd like to go towards voting. Additionally, if your post was noted by either me or Fire as requiring significant code or what have you, please reach out and let us know your thoughts + willingness.
Reward Name: Good Vibes
Cost: 5000 (Feelin' good ain't cheap!)
Reward: You vibe

Fire edit: This is too vague
Reward Name: Announcer
Cost: 3,000
Reward: Your starting PDA comes with a program (perhap replacing Robustris if PDA memory is a factor), which allows you to make station-wide announcements like the Heads do on the proper announcement computers. Might be useful if you have a particular gimmick in mind / want to draw customers to your synth-butt stall, etc. If it has the same cooldown as the proper announcement computers, hopefully wouldn't be too spammy.
(^ voting submission)

Reward Name: VOX Circuitry
Cost: 25,000 (AI's get paid a lot, and this should probably be rare)
Reward: If you start as AI this round, you can use VOX. If not, it gets refunded.

(also had an idea for a Breakdancer trait that give you different dancing options, but haven't had time to properly look at the dance code and see what could be added, so perhaps something for the future)
Reward Name: Grey shirt
Cost: 100
Reward: You start with a grey jumpsuit already on. Maybe also unsulated gloves for the looks.

That one is for me
Reward Name: Meatboy
Cost: 5000
Reward: You spawn as a LDM meatcube. Cute.
last minute entry

Reward Name: Roach
Cost: 9,000
Reward: You have the roach mutantrace

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