12-05-2019, 10:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2019, 10:58 AM by Flourish. Edited 2 times in total.)
![[Image: v0foPUX.png]](https://i.imgur.com/v0foPUX.png)
Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere)
12-05-2019, 10:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2019, 10:58 AM by Flourish. Edited 2 times in total.)
12-14-2019, 10:58 AM
Quote:Edgar Palmer [145.9] says, "Honk"
01-03-2020, 11:15 PM
01-09-2020, 02:56 PM
Pointer Ulery [145.9] says, "THE ELDRITCH GODS HAVE BLESSED ME"
Pointer Ulery [145.9] says, "With uh" Pointer Ulery [145.9] says, "Salmonella" Couldn't be bothered to upload the image online to post a link, so I just copy pasted the text. Oh and he was wearing the obsidian crown.
01-09-2020, 03:06 PM
01-10-2020, 02:48 AM
01-14-2020, 07:04 PM
![]() Margaret Wyatt has been stunned with the stun baton by Sundance Feely! Sundance Feely handcuffs Margaret Wyatt! Margaret Wyatt [144.7] says, "HOS IS TWATOW" Margaret Wyatt [144.7] says, "HOS IS TWATOW owo" Sundance Feely grabs hold of Margaret Wyatt! Margaret Wyatt [144.7] says, "rawr x3 HOS IS TWATOR HEWP owo" Margaret Wyatt says, "whats this? HACKING" Sundance Feely says, "i wont stand for this" Sundance Feely screams! Margaret Wyatt says, "HOS IS A TWATOW" Sundance Feely [135.9] says, "detective" Jeff Tao [135.9] asks, "Uh?" Sundance Feely [135.9] says, "the rd is a bad man" Margaret Wyatt says, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME" Sundance Feely [135.9] says, "please interview him" This is Margaret Wyatt. *---------* Margaret Wyatt is wearing a research director's uniform. Margaret Wyatt is handcuffed! Margaret Wyatt has a labcoat on. Margaret Wyatt has Command Headset by her mouth. Margaret Wyatt has a golden cigar on her face. Margaret Wyatt has a spectroscopic scanner goggles on her face. Margaret Wyatt has PDA-Margaret Wyatt on her belt. Margaret Wyatt has brown shoes on her feet. Margaret Wyatt has a backpack on her back. *---------* Sundance Feely [135.9] says, "or her" Jeff Tao [135.9] says, "I'm on the case." You buckle in Margaret Wyatt. Sundance Feely says, "the detective will speak with you." Sundance Feely says, "are you ready for the detective" Jeff Tao [135.9] says, "AI, locate the RD." Margaret Wyatt says, "yes :3c owo" Sundance Feely groans Sundance Feely [135.9] says, "she's is interrogation" Margaret Wyatt says, "uwu what did you do to me" Jeff Tao [135.9] says, "Oh man, my job just got easier." Sundance Feely [135.9] says, "i mean" Sundance Feely [135.9] says, "i arrested her" Jeff Tao punches Margaret Wyatt! Jeff Tao exclaims, "TELL ME THE CODES!!!" Jeff Tao punches Margaret Wyatt! Sundance Feely says, "you're a bad person" Jeff Tao exclaims, "I CAN DO THIS ALL NIGHT!!" Jeff Tao punches Margaret Wyatt! Jeff Tao blows smoke right into Margaret Wyatt's face! Jeff Tao puts the cigarette out on Margaret Wyatt. Margaret Wyatt screams! Margaret Wyatt says, "THE HOS IS A TWATOW" Jeff Tao drops the cigarette butt. Guess they've had enough for the day. Margaret Wyatt says, "uwu HE DID SOMETHING TO ME~" Jeff Tao asks, "What is with that accent?" Sundance Feely says, "see what i mean" Margaret Wyatt says, "I WANT THE CAPTAIN uwu" Jeff Tao says, "Oh my god. It's an anime." Jeff Tao says, "I don't think I have an interrogation method for this..." Sundance Feely says, "they're hiding something detective" Margaret Wyatt says, "rawr x3 IM NOT TYPING THAT" Jeff Tao punches Margaret Wyatt! Sundance Feely punches Margaret Wyatt! Jeff Tao exclaims, "WHAT ARE YOU HIDING, ANIME?!" Margaret Wyatt says, "HOS IS A FUCKING TWATOW" Sundance Feely punches Margaret Wyatt! Jeff Tao says, "HE'S NOT A POTATO HE'S A MAN" Margaret Wyatt says, "BWING THE CAPTAIN" Jeff Tao grabs hold of Margaret Wyatt! Jeff Tao has grabbed Margaret Wyatt aggressively (now hands)! Margaret Wyatt is unbuckled by Jeff Tao. Sundance Feely says, "She's like a pinata full of uguu" Jeff Tao slams Margaret Wyatt onto the reinforced table! Jeff Tao exclaims, "WHERE IS THE MISSILES?!" Jeff Tao exclaims, "YOU FUCKING ANIME?!" Jeff Tao punches Margaret Wyatt! Margaret Wyatt says, "rawr x3 I DONY KNOW :3c" Jeff Tao grabs hold of Margaret Wyatt! Jeff Tao has grabbed Margaret Wyatt aggressively (now hands)! Jeff Tao throws Margaret Wyatt. Jeff Tao says, "STOP IT WITH THAT ANIME TALK" Sundance Feely says, "disgusting" Margaret Wyatt says, "HE DID SOMETHING TO ME" Sundance Feely punches Margaret Wyatt! Margaret Wyatt says, "IM NOT DOING THAT" Margaret Wyatt says, "whats this? AI HEWP ME" Jeff Tao says, "Hm." Jeff Tao says, "Tough nut, HoS." Margaret Wyatt says, "rawr x3 whats this? UNHAND CUFF ME SO I CAN TUWN ON MY HEADSET" Sundance Feely says, "my god" Jeff Tao asks, "Maybe we dangle her off the rear of the submarine until she talks?" Margaret Wyatt says, "AI HEWP ME~" Jeff Tao exclaims, "Don't make me do it!" Jeff Tao exclaims, "Knock off your anime!" Sundance Feely exclaims, "i wont stand for this RD!" Margaret Wyatt says, "WHAT DID I DO" Jeff Tao sighs. Margaret Wyatt says, "YOU NEED A WEASON AWWEST ME" Jeff Tao says, "That's it." Jeff Tao fires .38 revolver at the steel floor! Margaret Wyatt is hit by the stun bullet! Margaret Wyatt twitches violently. Jeff Tao has added .38 revolver to the shoulder holster! Sundance Feely grabs hold of Margaret Wyatt! Sundance Feely has grabbed Margaret Wyatt aggressively (now hands)! Margaret Wyatt says, "HEWP ME owo" Sundance Feely throws Margaret Wyatt. The steel grille was hit by Margaret Wyatt. Margaret Wyatt says, "whats this? SOMEONE HEWP ME" Jeff Tao exclaims, "Oh god, it won't stop!" Jeff Tao punches Margaret Wyatt and lands a devastating hit! Sundance Feely screams! Sundance Feely punches Margaret Wyatt! Margaret Wyatt says, "rawr x3 YOU NEED A WEASON TO AWWEST ME" Jeff Tao says, "Jesus..." Sundance Feely cries. Jeff Tao asks, "What... what if this isn't on purpose? What if it's sick?" Margaret Wyatt says, "SEND ME TO MEDBAY I NEED HELP" Sundance Feely places the energy gun against his head! Sundance Feely shoots himself point-blank with the energy gun! Sundance Feely twitches violently. Sundance Feely hangs their head in shame because they chose such a weak gun. [Announcement from Medbay that got cut off from the logs: requesting unethical medical test subjects] Sundance Feely stammers, "waaiittt" Sundance Feely stammers, "tttheeereesss oouuurrrr aaannnssswweerr" Jeff Tao asks, "What?" Sundance Feely stammers, "nnnoooo wwaaiiittt" Jeff Tao has added the cigarette packet to the backpack! Without even breaking stride, Jeff Tao flips open and lights Jeff Tao's 'prize winning' golden zippo lighter in one smooth movement. With a single flick of their wrist, Jeff Tao smoothly lights the cigarette with Jeff Tao's 'prize winning' golden zippo lighter. Damn they're cool. You hear a quiet click, as Jeff Tao shuts off Jeff Tao's 'prize winning' golden zippo lighter without even looking what they're doing. Wow. Jeff Tao has added Jeff Tao's 'prize winning' golden zippo lighter to the backpack! Sundance Feely stammers, "tthhhaatss aaa biit uunnnnetthhiiiicccaaaal.." Jeff Tao asks, "Wait, what?" Sundance Feely stammers, "nnoo noo" Jeff Tao puffs out a smoke cloud! Sundance Feely stammers, "hhmmm" Jeff Tao asks, "What're you thinking, HoS?" Sundance Feely says, "we could bring IT to medbay" Margaret Wyatt says, "for what reason was i arrested" Sundance Feely says, "hm" Margaret Wyatt says, "im female" Sundance Feely says, "it seems to be talking normally now" Jeff Tao says, "Yeah." Jeff Tao asks, "Have you stopped being anime?" Jeff Tao shakes Margaret Wyatt, trying to grab their attention! Margaret Wyatt says, "im trying" Jeff Tao says, "Hm." Margaret Wyatt says, "i think so" Sundance Feely says, "ok" Jeff Tao says, "Looks like it stopped." Jeff Tao asks, "Maybe it was like a seizure?" Sundance Feely says, "what ship are we on margaret" Margaret Wyatt says, "NSS Manta" Jeff Tao nods. Sundance Feely says, "Say" Sundance Feely says, "Big Bobby Bee" Margaret Wyatt says, "Big Bobby Bee" Sundance Feely says, "I think this is a shut case detective" Jeff Tao says, "A job well done, I think."
01-16-2020, 05:13 PM
That was some expert police work. I was disappointed that it didn't end in a summary execution for her crimes against humanity though.
01-16-2020, 05:22 PM
Quote:"Oh my god. It's an anime." my sides
01-17-2020, 05:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-17-2020, 05:59 AM by Sundance. Edited 1 time in total.)
01-18-2020, 11:37 PM
01-31-2020, 07:44 PM
DEAD: Ghost (THE GHOST PUNCHER) moans, "it turns out punching ghosts is harder than it looks"
02-20-2020, 03:37 PM
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