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Let Health Scanners Show Motives
Given that you can die or get incredibly sick by failing to meet motives, and incapacitated people can't tell you they're dying of thirst, it would be very helpful if health scanners could show you the information needed to make that determination without their saying so.

Could maybe be rolled into the organ health analyzer upgrade?
Good idea.

Alternative idea, as it's something that would actually be used in a IRL scenario - the light pen which you can shine in peoples eyes can tell the status of the players motives. This would give the medical light pen a little more use, where it would be used to detect blindness.

Sleep - Description of darkness around eyes, which worsen in the latter stages
Thirst - Description of dryness around eyes and mouth, which worsen.. " " "
Hunger - Description of showing signs of fatigue in eyes and atrophy around the face, which worsen " " "

Hygene doesn't really require a check - afaik it's pretty obvious is a player stinks and it's not life threatening. But it might be humorous to use the pen and it be interrupted by "OH GOD THE SMELL"
Same goes for Bladder. Not life threatening, you pee irregardless. Again, might be humorous to give a message "this man/woman seems bloated by piss"

I support the idea of linking it to the penlight.
(10-16-2019, 09:42 AM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: Bunp.

I support the idea of linking it to the penlight.

As do I, because, good gods do I want more excuses to use that thing.

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