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Most of this is from Discord, but I thought it would be a good idea to make a forum thread.
Discord discussion archived:
Name and function was inspired by Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.

Autodoc: a surgical device that would work autonomously on patients.
-It would work by placing the patient into a sleeping pod-like structure, which would have a console next to it, and a locking mechanism built in.
-Before placing the patient, you could queue up tasks on the console, including injecting a chemical from the machine's internal synthetizer or from beaker, surgical procedures, and automatic tasks, like injecting epinephrine if the patient has 0% or less health. The default state of the machine is to automatically do helpful operations, like healing the patient, replacing limbs, and removing bullets.
-It would supply itself with robotic limbs, given the raw materials to do so, the default setting would be using light robotic arms and light robotic legs, but threads when both legs are missing. You could also add other limbs, and the machine would prioritize human limbs over robotic limbs. You could also supply the machine with special eyes, cyber hearts, cyber butts, and so on.
-It could be emagged, with 50% chace of making a random operation, 20% chance of overdosing the patient on otherwise helpful drugs, 20% change of botching surgery, resulting in injuries, and 10% chance of forcefully throwing the patient out of the machine, in a way similarly to how players slip on space lube.
-It would allow brains to be exchanged between people without killing them both, admins can do this, so the implementation is just copypasting code.

Limitations, mainly to balance:
-It would require power to funtion, cessation of power during surgeries would render them botched, heavily injuring the patient.
-It would be stationary, and impossible to be constructed.
-It wouldn't work on monkeys, or deceased humans unless supplied with SR.
-It would work slowly, each operation having a progress bar, instead of the instantaneous manual surgery.
-Reagents inside would take their effect more slowly.
-It would have only 2 patient slots.
-It would always use N2O for major surgeries (removal of bullets would be considered minor), making the patients wait at least 30 seconds after surgery.
-Only people with medbay access could use the console (like how the port-a-medbay works).
-It would randomly scream duck sounds made by an adult male.

Why I think this should be added:
-It could replace the rarely used cryo tubes.
-It would tremendously help new doctors, while not replacing the old surgery system, so veterans could continue to do what they are doing.
-It would remove the need of the current method of self surgery, which involves abusing lag and the pick up menu.
-It wouldn't require much spriting, just the recoloring of a cryo tube/sleeping pod, and even if we used new sprites, it's just a console and a body storage unit, which are just 2 pictures.
-The interface could be a block based programming system, which doesnt require much coding, and could be easily used. Or the interface could be a targeting system, where you would target each body part, and tell the machine what it should do with that part.
-I would appreciate seeing my idea in the game.

Thanks for reading my stupid idea!
I'm confused by the statement of cryo being useless; it's currently one of the fastest ways to do healing.
cryo is rarely used, but that's not because they're bad. cryo cells are, in fact, very good. their only issue is that they require somebody to sit still in a tube for a short time and most patients won't put up with that and keep jumping out of the tube.

that said, the auto doc.might be interesting as an upgrade available to be bought from D.O.C. in debris
(08-12-2019, 02:24 PM)Zamujasa Wrote: I'm confused by the statement of cryo being useless; it's currently one of the fastest ways to do healing.

It's rarely used, requires setting up, eats oxygen at a pretty fast rate, you need to pretty much strip the patient, and are just wonky to use. Automenders are superior in almost every way, except speed when set up, and you have cryopills, which are easily portable. Cryo has uses, but a lot of things just outperform it.

(08-12-2019, 02:32 PM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: cryo is rarely used, but that's not because they're bad. cryo cells are, in fact, very good. their only issue is that they require somebody to sit still in a tube for a short time and most patients won't put up with that and keep jumping out of the tube.

that said, the auto doc.might be interesting as an upgrade available to be bought from D.O.C. in debris

It's supposed to be available from the start of the game, since everyone does self surgery early. And being it available from the debris field would make it more rarely used than the cryo tubes.
I feel like you should try experimenting a bit more with cryo tubes; they're better than you seem to think.

1) you can put custom chem mixes in them
2) they don't stop if you walk away from the patient
3) they have a built in health scanner
4) you can attach a defibrillator to them
5) they heal a lot more, a lot faster than cryoheal pills and aren't single use
6) they auto strip the patient of mask and suit if the patient is on help intent
7) you can keep the patient stable while calmly gathering other chems you need to heal them, or even heal 2 or 3 patients at once

I like to mix 90u cryox, 10u pfd. it is so strong and can manage 10-20 or so patients from crit to full before needing a refill.

I also think you're overestimating the oxygen drain, as I didn't even know that was a thing and I regularly leave the tubes on all round after setting them up at round start.

another thing, cryopods don't have a white list if I recall correctly, so you can get "creative" with your healmixes without an emag. try mixing in 5u of bath salts, never lost a patient after giving them a bath salts pill wink
I'd like to see an Autodoc.

But not in the same format as stated in the OP. My issues with what's suggested is that it sounds like a complete replacement (albeit anchored) for a doctor, its free and sounds like it works too well (not like NT at all).

I'd rather replace the medi-vending machines (the ones that cost money) that are scattered around the station (maybe not replace entirely, replace 1-3, depending on map size) with a janky looking mildly threatening machine with various implements.

The only difference between the two (they both retain options to buy medicine) is that the Autodoc can install light cyborg limbs for an inflated price, without anesthetic. It won't heal you either, literally will slam an arm/leg into you and staple it. Want bandages? Costs extra.

Effectively, this makes the Autodoc machine an emergency limb replacer which works suboptimally. Might be good to also to have an option for medical implants too.

As per your points on Cryo I can sympathize. 

Cryo is rarely used on Cog 1 and 2 as it's situated behind a few doors, which is a bad place to put it, whereas in Destiny, there's a decent footfall. 

Cryo doesn't see much use on Goon 2 as a whole either, nobody wants to be dragged to a tube where they may potentially be saved, and many would resist as if it's an incompetent doctor, they're going to put you in a tube where if you die, nobody will recover your body. On Goon 1, as it's slower paced, Cryo is used more often, but not as much. 

This is a complete tangent to the thread, but I'd like to see a Cryo changed to function more like Cryo storage. Cryo storage, it would appear, locks all health into place, so if you go in with a heart ailment, you'll come out with one. 

I'd like to see Cryo work in a similar manner. It works essentially the same (oxytank, insert beakers, cold temp, insert patient) but locks all ailments (shock, heart attack,etc) into place. This is offset by the fact that the cryox need to administered via a button on the console rather than automatically. Maybe 2 more buttons to administer blood (if you inserted a blood pack) and an option to secrete Teporone (used at the end, but could be used at the start nefariously if you DONT want the patient to be healed) 

This would make cryo basically a powerhouse for those in deep crit and could be extremely useful in future updates where more organs are involved and you need time. 
The automatic patient scanner and defibbing stuff the cryotubes do are nice and all, but bringing a patient out of deep crit isn't exactly difficult. Epi / atropine, salb, patch patch patch, and once they're less fricked give em saline, mannitol, and charcoal. Or just give em a sip of cryoheal and fix whatever conditions are left over.

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