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Ideas of questionable quality
do sufficiently rad skateboarders start to emit radiation at any point

if the answer is no, they should

edit: as for the wooden cyborg parts, i could have sworn a code nerd was working on material-variable cyborg parts at some point
Skateboarding at sufficiently high levels should produce the "He's heating up!" and "He's on fire!" sound effects from NBA Jam, complete with (purely decorative) black smoke and fire trails
(05-31-2019, 09:10 AM)Zamujasa Wrote: Skateboarding at sufficiently high levels should produce the "He's heating up!" and "He's on fire!" sound effects from NBA Jam, complete with (purely decorative) black smoke and fire trails

10/10 nostalgic QOL idea
two skate nirvana skaters colliding head-on should produce awesome results (awesome in the biblical sense - so, catastrophic), like stunning everyone in a large radius with a deafening sonic boom, or causing the two to skate off of one another and gain even more momentum, or something

if 3 skaters collide with each other at once, a singularity should form, of course
two skaters colliding produce radiation that can be collected for energy generation

skater engine, multiple skaters cells containing 2 skaters each
please do not remove the security tables separating the skater cells lest the engine start getting out of control and dramatically explode in a chain reaction releasing the skateboarding energy contained within everything
(06-07-2019, 06:13 AM)aft2001 Wrote: two skate nirvana skaters colliding head-on should produce awesome results (awesome in the biblical sense - so, catastrophic), like stunning everyone in a large radius with a deafening sonic boom, or causing the two to skate off of one another and gain even more momentum, or something

if 3 skaters collide with each other at once, a singularity should form, of course

(06-07-2019, 03:27 PM)Haprenti Wrote: two skaters colliding produce radiation that can be collected for energy generation

skater engine, multiple skaters cells containing 2 skaters each
please do not remove the security tables separating the skater cells lest the engine start getting out of control and dramatically explode in a chain reaction releasing the skateboarding energy contained within everything

Boy do I have a suggestion for you.
lord birb, you are a literal fucking genius, holy shit
New proposal for telescience:

Instead of inputting three numbers into the computer, you now input four:
You can input horizontal direction (in degrees), power (in m/s) and vertical direction (in degrees) into the telescience computer, and where a theoretical "projectile" that would be affected only by gravitational acceleration which would be launched with those parameters you input would land, that would be the teleportation coordinate, with the launch base being a random coordinate ( subject to change ). Fourth number is Z-level.
For horizontal direction 0 degrees is up ( north ) with 360 being the max, for vertical direction 0 degrees is parallel to the ground with 90 degrees being the max, and power can be some large arbitrary value, which is the base speed of the "projectile".
The only "random" thing with this change would be is the base launch coordinate and the Z-levels, but that may be subject to change.

Example of how this system would work:
Lets say that the base launch coordinate of the teleporter is 50 50 on Z 1.
If you set the horizontal direction to 45, vertical direction to 45 and power to 14. The end coordinate would be (64, 64)
Let me go over how this math works -
i'm pretty sure there is a formula for this, but I'm too lazy to figure it out
Vertical Direction will now be simply aY, and base
Using vertical direction and power, we get a velocity vector (cos(aY),sin(aY))*power which is (cos(45),sin(45))*14 which is approximately (10,10)
Since gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s^2, the "projectile" would land after approximately 2 seconds, because it would take approx 1 second to fully decelerate and the same time to land. ( acceleration is ~10 m/s^2 and velocity is ~10 m/s, so logically it takes 2 seconds for the velocity Y to become the opposite )
In those two seconds, the projectile travels 20 meters ( 2 seconds at 10 m/s ) This distance will now be simply labelled "len"
The time the "projectile" travels also could be used as teleporter delay, and then multiplied by the absolute Z-difference between station Z-level and wherever
you're launching + 1, for example.
You can calculate all of this using this:

Now to get a vector with our specified horizontal direction ( aX ) we need to do the same thing we did earlier, just different numbers.
We get a vector (cos(aX),sin(aX))*len which is (cos(45),sin(45))*20 which is (14,14).
We add that vector to the vector of the base launch coordinate and get (64,64).
Easy as pie!
what if 100% text output
Changelings should be able to transform into meatcubes.
All of my rambling ling ideas that I submit on a monthly basis.
Nuke ops gamemode but nanotrasen is aware of the syndies and sends reinforcements.
New traitor item and/or mutation: Micro Teleportation Belt.

This item or mutation would be a double edged sword. you do not walk anymore. you micro teleport at walking/running speed. it would not be noticeable to the naked eye, and would appear to be normal movement. Because you now move via micro teleportation, you are not affected my inertia. you can still be slipped, on the tile you are standing, but you will not slide. you can still be grabbed, and pulled, but not knocked a couple tiles.

because you exist now, via micro teleportation, everything that attempts to interact with you has a chance to just phase through you. Tasers, lasers, bullets, grabs, punches, handcuffs!

However, it works the other way around as well, however, it is limited to your physical person. your projectiles will not be affected. But your ability to grab things, hold things, punch things, interact physically with things will have a chance to be hampered. every physical interaction.

This idea was derived from Sword of the Stars, the Liir's FTL drive/propulsion system: Stutter Warp.
It's really hard to split a deck of cards, requiring you to take out each one individually. An option to remove a selected amount from a deck would be nice
The ability to swap out flashlight lightbulbs. Replace the boring brights with a garish green or a punch-me-purple.

Add on a kaleidoscope attachment to cycle through random colors and grind the server to a halt.

Hold something shiny up to a bright light and direct a focused beam of light at passers-by. Harmless, but really distracting.

Or modify a flashlight into a makeshift anti-eyeball gun. Weld on some lenses or glasses and aim at lookieloos. Makes it hard to see anything in that direction, and could eventually cause eye damage, but can be nullified by sunglasses or an empty hand.

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