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Goonstation Monthly Contest: July Edition!
A small hacksaw (found in maintenance) or emergency saw (found in emergency toolboxes). These should also be able to be made in a general manufacturer, just for ease of access.

We currently have a bunch of options for scalpels that can be used in ghetto surgery, but the only circular saw replacement is the chainsaw, which is harder to get than a real circular saw! Being able to saw off someone's arm in maintenance should not be as difficult as it is currently!
Pet toys for George, Jones and the various birds and bees. They could be found in certain places or bought from QM, and include things like balls, toy mice, flower on a string for the bees and so on. Obviously they would need to play with them, which could be as basic as "They'll move to where you threw it, and might even bring it back" or have the sprite flip out as they chase the string in circles.

Cats should also have a chance to ignore a toy, which gets higher the more expensive it is. Spend all round yelling at Jones to at least look at his solid gold mouse that cost the entire shipping budget!
A slot machine outer suit costume with a prize dispenser built inside.
The catch? You have to actually only have one arm.
So you can finally become the one-armed bandit.
Add floodlights - powerful light sources that can be pushed/pulled around to illuminate an area. This would be seriously useful in the underwater depths and during major station blackouts.

This idea would reduce constant eye strain given how often stations are depowered/power sinked/etc. Normal flashlights/hardhats/PDAs are often too weak to illuminate much beyond yourself.
Add crossbows to matsci.
put food onto plates by clicking on a plate with food

plates can have 2 foods on them (because they are not very big plates)

you can remove a food from a plate by clicking it in your hand
Let us use click-drag on ALL kitchenware, especially ovens, to load food items into them, so both metal friends and lazy meatbags can cook up meals. Furthermore, dragging all surrounding items would be great for speed cooking.
Make (some?) hats so that you could turn them upside down into a cup that could be placed on the floor so that people could put money into it as you're street performing/begging.
More cute clothes!

Also a dolly to move machines around with.
Ability to attach viewports to players as a AI - would be very helpful to keep track of high-risk jobs such as captains or post-brig criminals.
Last Minute entry: Make it so drink containers can be toggled from drinking/pouring, so you can drink from beakers and pour from glasses.
Make station bounced radios craftable in the robotics fabricator?
The submission period has closed! The voting thread will be up shortly.

edit: Vote here!

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