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add the "owo" mutation as a path symptom
I've never understood the association of nuzzling as a "creepy" thing

can someone explain that concern to me, earnestly?
I think its just cause it's associated with furries.
It's also likely the association between nuzzling and more-than-friendly cuddling, esp. given the context of the original copypasta most people associate with owo-speak.
do it
adding this will make the slippery slope happen

the slippery slope to pathology becoming fun
PLEASE put this in
No, just no.

Maaybe you can fix this by making people suddenly turn into cats, but while it's just owo, no.
(06-26-2019, 09:31 AM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: It's also likely the association between nuzzling and more-than-friendly cuddling, esp. given the context of the original copypasta most people associate with owo-speak.

This is exactly why I'm uncomfortable with it, plus the fact it just feels like a forced meme reference. (There's other servers for more-than-friendly-cuddling.)
Now introducing the "Schwick has owo" trait.
a 0 cost trait that gives schwick the owo mutation.
anyone can take it, and schwick will gain the mutation.
no he cannot toggle it. no he cannot cure it.
no this is not real.

I think with all the feedback recieved here it warrants removing any references to two-party emotes in the text (the nuzzles and anything else that implies the speaker is doing *some thing* to you, the listener) and adjusting it to be more strictly self-deprecating.

perhaps once it reaches a more comfortable middleground it can be opened up to path.
Something like "[usr] Nuzzles themselves, That's offensive to some!" Might work.
Dunno if that EXACTLY would be right but I could see something along the lines of "Nuzzles themselves through means no human eye could comprehend" working
Just have victims nuzzle nearby inanimate objects instead

*name* nuzzles the reinforced wall!
With flavor text at the end for calling them mean words!
Y'know in Trespasser the dinosaurs hurt you by colliding a damage strip in their face with your hitbox. Meaning they were dangerous because they'd nuzzle you to death.
with the pathology rework on the books i think this is a perfect time to bump the thread

it has to be a critically severe symptom that causes ramping brain damage, of course

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