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Remove the Armory eguns. Replace them with... stuff
Yeah, that works too.
i'm still in favor of having wedges so that if you dont get your ass out of an area quick, security will have time to prepare for once and quite possibly take you down instead of you just running away.

flashbangs are hardly ever successful when there is another officer around.

i imagine it being like, murderer in botany, wedge off all the doors, pull out your flashbang, lay out a plan on how to take the fucker down with your teammates ( who can actually be here because they can get there in time) and flash and clear, just like a real rent-a-cop!

PS: half the time you track a criminal down and are ready to take them out they just ram at you and take you down while your teammates are frantically running to your rough location and one of your teammates flashbangs himself in the panic.
I hate that idea. If you want to trap someone, bolt the doors. Wedges might make being sec more fun but it'll make everything else less fun.
Shoddy Wrote:i'm still in favor of having wedges...

Weld the door. I don't really see wedges doing anything that a welder can't already do.
Cogwerks Wrote:I actually don't see a goddamn thing wrong with Sundance saying the HoS should have at least one egun around, I fully agree and a bunch of you are being really fuckin' insufferable in this thread about some really uninteresting nerd shit. Knock off all the personal bitching or the thread gets locked. I fully encourage you to critique suggestions, but acting like it's a huge personal offense because someone made a suggestion you don't like about your precious little beret job is fucking embarrassing.

The only problem I have with the HoS having eguns is that eguns are the most boring weapon on the station. They're too good. You've got 8 chances to stun someone and if you manage it you can immediately switch to laser mode and finish them off right there. You can argue that phasers are more powerful but at least with mods and power settings they're interesting. Eguns are good in basically any situation and can switch between lethal and stunning in one click.
I do agree that eguns are pretty boring, however I also think the HoS should be a pretty dangerous adversary in their own right. I'm not sure an unlocked phaser would be the right answer, but who knows. I could try just giving the HoS player a phaser for a couple rounds sometime and see how it works out.

I think phaser bolts are a lot harder to dodge too, which might be a bad thing.
Cogwerks Wrote:Yeah, I don't really like the idea of riot shields much at all. Barricades are pretty fun though, maybe I'll put some rack parts in there or something, I dunno. I don't want to go the TG route and have a shitload of tools for every possible scenario in the armory, but some of the best fights I've seen in ages where from the bridge assault custom rounds I ran where the heads and security built a whole line of rack-trenches around the bridge and tried to hold their position that way. Maybe girders would work for that if they passed projectiles through them?

I'm setting up some tear gas reagent with a sorta complicated recipe. I'll make it cause eye blurriness, coughing, screaming and vomiting for anyone who gets touched by it without a gas mask on, and if it works well enough in a fun way, I'll put a couple pre-made tear gas grenades in the armory in a box or two. I think they'd fill a neat area-denial role, and the coughing will make people drop weapons they've got without the stun duration of a flashbang. It'll just be really tough to stay armed while inside that smoke cloud - but it'll be easily defeated by gas masks.
All of this. You so fun Cogs.
Yep, I originally wanted one egun for the HoS at the start of this thread but I decided against it as I read more and realised the potential for much more. That and eguns ARE hella lame when it comes to stun --> switch --> kill as dauntusa explained.

Two potential fun options:
Give the HoS an phaser, but deconstructed. This way he can construct it with the modules (is that what they are called?) and tweaks to his liking. If I remember correctly there's a load of modules, sniper, homing, etc, and put them in a box. Exclude any that's too strong. Having a gun to construct to suit certain situations sounds real fun and not overpowered at all.


Give the HoS 2 bruiser spacker ammo boxes. The kind that would feel like you're getting hit by the fury of 10 fire extinguishers, but causes no bleeding damage. This way, the stun spackers in the armory could be converted if really necessary, but a) they'd have to be unloaded first, b) there'd only be enough for two spackers/1 spacker with 2 reloads and c) You can't recharge it.
One of the main reasons I like that I could get a egun at round start was accessibility. Since we now have one in our lockers, it's pretty great. I just like having one in case shit hits the fan 5 minutes in. There was a round earlier where QM god bombed bad. Ordering lasers was out of the question and some bad dudes hid out in the biodome and the void. If I did not have my egun, the critters would have fucked me up. If I can't have my personal locker egun, the least we could have is a phaser that can hurt critters almost as well as the egun laser. I too, know how lame the egun is, but I normally carry it to fend off critters and mobs in at most, a couple shots.

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