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DWAINE escaping characters
How the hell do you escape characters for DWAINE? For example, piping a '^' character is near impossible -
echo #!|n^ ^ test1
echo #!|n|^ ^ test2
echo #!|n\^ ^ test3

gets you this output - not entirely what I expected:
[Image: GpURmIk.png]

Same problem applies to escaping newlines - there doesn't seem to be a way to do it:
echo #!|n||n ^ test4
echo #!|n\|n ^ test5
echo #!|n\n ^ test6
Gives me a output of [Image: YDDXfS9.png], and once again, that's not what I want.

I'm I missing something stupid? Is this intentional? help
The problem with typing carets is a known, longstanding issue. The problem is that dwaine seems to always interpret carets as intention to save whatever the rest of the command is to a file. This means things such as scripts that save files on their own don't seem to be possible, since the ^ character just can't be typed. I haven't found a way to circumvent this when fucking with dwaine, but someone wiser like Zamujasa might have figured something out. I doubt it, though.

Presumably this applies for all other characters that are interpreted as formatting, like your newline example shows. Guessing it's an unintended oversight of the way dwaine was coded.
(04-06-2019, 05:44 PM)cyberTripping Wrote: but someone wiser like Zamujasa might have figured something out

(04-05-2019, 01:02 AM)polivilas Wrote: How the hell do you escape characters for DWAINE?
you dont
By code diving i found out you CAN indeed (admittedly ghetto) escape ^ character - simply envelop your echo in ""'s
newline escaping is still a mystery

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